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Thread: Innocent Venus

  1. #1

    Innocent Venus

    First episode by Kiss Sub is released:
    Innocent Venus ep1

    In the year 2010AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economies and militaries were wiped out. Countries were frozen under solid ice, plains sank beneath seas, the world was changed dramatically. Human civilisation enters a chaotic era. Poverty flourished outside of these ecomomic zones and slums were widespread. The ruling class called themselves Logos and maintained their position by force of arms. They call the poor Revenus, who are exiled to live outside the special economic areas. Time has passed since then. Katsuragi Jo and Tsurasawa Hitoshi, escape from Phantom, a force organised to watch Revenus and to suppress renegade elements of the Logos, taking with them a mysterious girl, Noto Saya. There are many who are interested in her, all with their own reasons. from ANN

    Watched first episode
    Nice Mechas, blood flowing from every dead body, ALOT of things happening with no connections whatsoever.... for now. I recommened this series judging by first episode as it looked like very good seires for 12 episodes

  2. #2
    I second that... first episode was great and there is enough mystery to keep you hooked... oh and the Phantom guys are great!

  3. #3
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Very cool series. As long as Sana doesn't have some kind of cliche special power like all other mysterious little girls in anime, I'll be happy.

  4. #4
    Really interesting first episode. Looks like a promising series.

  5. #5
    Episode 2 is out by KissSub

    For some reason tracker doesn't allow me to download but i am downloadinf from KissSub irc channel

    so it may for some work for others not.
    Last edited by Death13a; Mon, 08-07-2006 at 07:39 AM.

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I couldn't connect to the tracker, either. After long queueing the irc saved me.

    An interesting episode. Especially the scenes with the spec ops. Intriguing and expressive action. Not that much happened with the girl and the two dudes (and the bloody annoying brat), but the next episode certainly should change that; pirates!

    This certainly looks very promising as a series.

  7. #7
    I picked up this series today. Lenny has the exact same voice as Revy from Black Lagoon

  8. #8

    that's episode 2... seriously, this show seems interesting... can't wait for 3!

  9. #9
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    I'v just downloaded the first two episodes of this show and I enjoy it. The way way the mecha suits look doesn't really appeal to me but the show seems interesting enough.

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Pirates rule.

    Episode 3 - KissSub

    A pretty good episode. The action was somewhat one sided, and it seemed to me they tried to make the Phantom driver dudes overpowerful a bit artificially by downgrading the enemies. But it wasn't bad, still. And the next episode possibly will correct such mistakes as the strange spec ops force apparently arrives at the scene.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sometimes it's hard to pull the trigger:

    Episode 4 - Kuroneko

    A fine episode. Some real action with real machines, but the people behind those machines weren't forgotten either. Also a bit of the pirates' story was revealed.

    Too bad this is only 12 episodes. But it seems to be using well that limited time.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One who doesn't have willpower:

    Episode 5 - Kuroneko

    Quite a good episode. Action wise this was perhaps silence between storms, but it explained some things, mainly Jin's motives and much of the backgrounds of the current events. Still no idea what's the role Sana is playing in the bigger picture, though. But perhaps she's genetically engineered.

    The next episode agains seems to return to hard action, though. Too bad it won't air before 13th of September, according to the preview.

  13. #13
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A bunch of updates here:

    Episode 6 - Shinsen
    Episode 7 - Shinsen
    Episode 8 - Shinsen

    Episode 8 ended in a really interesting way, to say the least. Hard to say exactly what it was: Either a betrayal of the grandest kind or a really wicked plot. If it was the former, this series took quite a turn, if it was the latter, it would continue pretty much as it has thus far. The preview really didn't suggest one way or another. But either way, quite a surprising scene.

  14. #14

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    That was one hell of a twist.
    Yea... i'm... shocked. Hope it stays like that (although it probably won't)

  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If anybody in this show is still innocent is a subject open to debate, but little does that do to halt the story:

    Episode 9 - Shinsen

    Edit: Quite an interesting episode with lots of things changed. The submarine is gone, people have changed sides, sides have fragmented, little pieces of history thought anew. Well, at least it could be said that the settings have been reset for the showdown. Whatever that might turn out to be.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 10-07-2006 at 11:47 AM.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The end is already near, but not quite here yet.

    Episode 10 - Shinsen

    Edit: An interesting episode. I don't quite know what's exactly going on in this series anymore, but that doesn't make watching the action any less intense and nice.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 10-14-2006 at 09:16 AM.

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was a somewhat annoying episode. I don't know why so many stories must be build so that there is some oblivious, naive, self-conceited princess who tries to do this and that, mostly stupid things, with no regard to whether they could ever be possible and what could be the consequences to those trying to protect the her.

    Well, I guess this all just means that Sana herself actually isn't afraid of dying or ending up inside one of the machines as a brain floating in a jar. And Jo of course is the traditional knight whose life is defined by protecting and fighting for a princess, so I suppose he doesn't mind, either, in the end.

    There are quite a few things to wrap up in the final episode. It'll be interesting to see how they succeed in that.

  20. #20
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Final Episode of Innocent Venus!

    Episode 12 Final - Shinsen

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