Oh yeah, oopsie..Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I guess I would just have to stick to finding holes in the ground and do "Hot-tub-no-jutsu"... Unless I teamed up with someone who could make a wooden tub come out of the ground.
Oh yeah, oopsie..Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I guess I would just have to stick to finding holes in the ground and do "Hot-tub-no-jutsu"... Unless I teamed up with someone who could make a wooden tub come out of the ground.
Lightning + Wind = possible TIMESTOP???
Basing this off of the assumption that these are the two "quickest" elements, I hope to achieve the power that rules the world (complete with photo-negative inducing field).
I'm assuming the combination of two chakra elements does not guarantee the same new element. Like w/ Yamato, wood is the result of his mixing water and earth. But wood is due to his particular chakra manipulation of the respective elements making for wood. The possibility exists that the combination of water and earth chakras could make for a new plant "element" or jutsu (probably the more appropriate word). The plant jutsu being the result of a different (dual) chakra manipulation from however Yamato manipulates the water and earth elemental chakras..
lightning and wind or lightning and water
Think of the damage one could cause if they could controll a storm.
Samson's stupid question of the day:
If a ninja like Kidomaru (not him in particular, just an example) with multiple hands trained long and hard enough, could he then use more than two elements?
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
interesting scenario, Samsonlonghair. Yes i think at some point he would be able to, however, keep in mind he would need some kind of double chakra in seperate sets of hands.
element affinity has more to do than just how many hands you have
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I don't doubt that; I'm just talking about possibilities. If it's possible to have a double elemental affinity, then it might be possible (albeit much rarer) to have a triple or quadruple elemental affinity.
Not that it's terribly important; It's all academic anyway. It's still an interesting notion.
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
Heh then you could just use ur feet XD
Originally Posted by Winged Dancer
I agree...Aspartame is DEADLY SHIT!
That's crazy elemental power. No ninja can stand up to aspartame.
The story of aspartame:
Someone said to themselves, "Hey, lets make something that's actually worse for the human body than High Fructose Corn Syrup, and then have the balls to call it 'diet' to imply that it's healthy."
Then someone else replied, "What? Giving people diabetes isn't bad enough?"
The first person said, "Nope, I want to actually put the chemical components of formaldehyde into living people."
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
Did I hear Earth, Wind and Fire? :P
I guess wind and fire, or at least wind and something else.
Wind and Water. Ice has always been an interesting power to me, and has the added effect of being powerful.
Koyuiki, did you say what I thought you said?
Anyway, I've decided on Lightning and water.
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
on a slightly diffrent subject, what chakra do you think the 4th had?
probably wind as the primary, but what else?
I'm thinking either electricity or water.
the golden flicker move could be either of them. he might have moved in super speed by reducing the amount of water in the air infront of him to lesser "water ressistence" in the air and then the wind to push him faster, and thus gainning double speed boost.
the other possibility is that he uses the electricity to charge him up with faster movement and the wind to support him, which could explain his super movement and bluryy after image (think Enel from ONe Piece).
what do you think?
the third used alot of earth and fire attacks...
kakashi is water and lightning...
asuma is wind and possibly something else
yeah, since naruto is so closely similar to the fourth, i dont doubt the fourth is a wind type... just his look makes him a wind and fire-y kind of guy in my head...
i think an interesting one would be earth and lightning i wouldnt mind seeing brain impulses going through rocks to make earth golems...![]()
earth and fire. combine and you get ... explosive clay! art is a bang!
my artwork : http://rasendori.deviantart.com/
Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! With your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Wheeler was a badass although Wheeler is a pretty gay name.
wow dude, nice comic but where the hell did you find that?lol
i wasnt aware there was any water resistance in the air 0.o.Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
and the electricity thing wouldnt make snese either, cuz if youre talking about like charges repelling each other, you have to get the same charge as the eartth which is neutral. i just kinda figured the yellow flash was a combination was strong muscles and possibly chakra at the soles of your feet. chakra can make you stick to trees or 'repel' yourself in order to walk on water. plus i think we've seen someone using chakra to move faster but i can't remember who and where. maybe it was in a filler or something.