237 Raw
Edit: There is a lot of random stuff in the .rar, but the raw is there (HQ I think).
Soooooooooooo sad. T_T
237 Raw
Edit: There is a lot of random stuff in the .rar, but the raw is there (HQ I think).
Soooooooooooo sad. T_T
Last edited by xDarkMaster; Fri, 07-28-2006 at 02:48 PM.
What the fuck is going on with Inoue? She's saying goodbye to one person, and then leaving?
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Wow this place is dead.
I guess Urahara realizes what happened. It's sad, really. But I don't think the arrankar can force her to do that. It's just that she feels that if she doesn't, the others will be hurt.
wow wtf...............................?!??! that was lame she can only tell one person and that one person is asleep at the time.......
haha thatz wut i thought too!
ya it does suk to tell the person goodbye... but hang on.. Yuzu and karin are in the room!! uh oh! i smell sumthing bad coming up
she can only be seen by arrancar anyway cause of the bracelet she's wearing... so no matter who she says bye to, they wouldn't know..
shouldnt rukia be right there in the closet n the bracelet wouldnt hide sound or noise like footsteps or her talking
I can't believe Orihime almost went in for the kiss! That means it's gonna happen sooner or later![]()
Sad, but that was acutally put together nicely ... I was hoping for the kiss though..
Ichigo is gonna go a lil berserk when he finds out that shes gone ... whenever he does find out o.o.
Woot, I'm feeling a 'save Orihime' arc coming that will act much like the 'save Rukia' arc to sky rocket Ichigo's power to more insane heights. This chap was very touching though, but with Orihime's personality she will likely nag and annoy Aizen to the point that he either lets her go or just has her killed.
I hope we get to see some power boosts in the other charachters besides Ichigo as well, I'd love to know what Ash Cat can actually do.
Ash Cat?
Hope Aizen wants something important from her that the others dont know about, so the hole save orihime arc isnt just cause he finds her weak power interesting.
About Ichigo's power i wanna see him learn other moves than Tetsuya, there must be others.
ash cat is matsumoto's zanpakutou.
it definitely has to do with orihime's barrier abilities, as foreshadowed by her passing through hutch's barrier. giving her a bracelet that lets her pass through matter is a lil ironic though
Heh it is but they coulndt let her get detected.
I have read chap 182-237 in just two days and i must say Bleach suprised me alot.
I use to only watch the anime and wasnt impressed by much by it but what has happened after since Aizen left SS made me think very highly of Bleach.
Unlike Kishimoto this writer knows how to write story and do fights.
lol Inoune wants to roxor Ichigo's boxors lol!
Stupid inane commend aside, can't help but feel a Hueco Mundo arc coming up with Ichigo and co venturing over there to try and save her. But seriously? Why the hell does Aizen even bother, Orhime's fairy powers have always been one of the most stupid things within the bleach universe. I remember I tried to get a friend of mine into it and once he saw the fairies he said that was enough and he was done with it and refused to watch anymore.
Show your friend Kenpachi and Ichigo fight and if he still doesnt like it then he is hopeless
I think like the others Aizen is only interested in her ability to slip through barriers to get to royal king.
Just like he did in this chapter send the arankars to human world to fight shingamies and then slip through the barrier to the royal king with Inoue.
Hmm...but Inoue is 100% completely useless, why the hell makes Aizen think she can bypass such a strong barrier?
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Aizen is a man of science, just like Mayuri (was that the name of the 12th division captain?), he sees something intersting and wants to check what's it about.
also, it was said that inoue's fairies are similiar to a shinigami sword, so it might be possible to use a similiar object to fortify the menos's swords and give them more abilities.
and last, but not least, we're forgetting that aizen is a man, and now that Hinamori is out of his reach... well, there's no need to elborate about what he intends to do with orihime.
Best theory ever Death