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Thread: Super Brawny Wacky Beast

  1. #1

    Super Brawny Wacky Beast

    Hello artists, I was wondering if any of you would be interested in helping me out with a little project I'm doing right now. Basically what I'm doing is I'm trying to create quasi-animated television series to be aired on my schools TV station. The whole idea was inspired by the innate laziness of most college students.

    My schools television station mostly consists of movies, there is no student created programming what-so-ever. Many have tried to create something to air, but all have failed. The reason being is because most of these shows are largely dependent on college students to come in and act, but more college students are too lazy and busy to get something like that done.

    So I've decided to eliminate the middle man, Super Brawny Wacky Beast is a sketch comedy show in similar vein as Robot Chicken. None of the sketches have any relation, there just funny vignettes that come from the twisted minds of me and my good buddy/co-creator Scott.

    Basically each skit is composed of still frames of artwork accompanied by sound and voice over. Yes it's going to look like shit, but I'm hoping that once every component comes together the whole will be greater then the individual parts. The end result should be quite funny. I plan to not only air these episodes at my schools TV station, but post them on the web as well. Who knows this might become the beginning of something big, which brings me to the reason why I started this thread in the first place.

    Neither me nor Scot have an modicum of artistic talent. Right now most of the artwork is being done by my talented little brother, but if this is going to become a full fledged series I need more artists working on different sketches. Are there any of you aspiring artists who are interested in contributing to Super Brawny Wacky Beast? I don't really care what your medium of choice is, whether it be pen, pencil, or Photoshop I just need people who are capable enough of bringing what ever I can imagine to life.

    Here are the frames from the opening title sequence.

    The opening title theme song is not written yet but what were shooting for is to create a sort of parody of all the really bad American opening theme songs you see in anime (one piece, naruto) so it'll be some sort of incomprehensible rock rap. As you can see here we have Japan quiet and peaceful until.


    Enter the Super Brawny Wacky Beast in all it's magnificent technicolor glory. It's kinda cute but really really mean. A nice spoof on all of the obnoxiously marketable creations.

    People look in awe and terror upon the might of the super brawny wacky beast.

    My god the horror! It's picked up a school bus filled with disabled special ED children.


    Of course here we have the generic fire ball which is used to introduce...

    The title. Logo isn't final I still feel this part could be done better so if any of you want to take a crack at making a revision feel free to do so.

    Ahh what does that remind me of?


    Here's one of the skits I think you guys will get a kick out of it.

    Narrator: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is whiteburg, a beautiful and gentle and gentile, suburban neighborhood. Everything is as it should be here. The neighbors all get along, and everyone fits in, but a grave problem has recently developed in whiteburg. The 3:15 from honkeyville to whitesburg has recently been replaced with an all freight express train. This can lead to only one thing, Hobos!!!

    Narrator: As you can see from this handy diagram, freight trains innately attract hobos because it allows them to expand on their territory. Hobos are nomadic creatures constantly on the search for new habitats from where they serve as parasitic leaches draining off all economic stability. However this can be easily countered, please do not give money, food, and especially booze to any hobo you see. The average hobo can live on booze alone for 7-14 days. However a potentially more dangerous problem arises from the nature of the hobo.

    Narrator: Scientists have proved after exhaustive research. The hobo is by nature a devolution of human progression and has more in common with a chimpanzee then with you or me. That means you shouldn’t feel guilty kicking them when they beg for food, because their not human.

    Jimmy: Hey, Mr. Narrator are hobos really all that bad?

    Narrator:Yes Jimmy. There devolved nature means that they develop a wide range of psychological disorders and play host to a number of infectious diseases. Including VD!!!

    Jimmy: Gee, golly Mr. Narrator what does all of that mean?

    Narrator: It means that they are all psychotic killers that have no useful purpose within mans civilization. They often contribute to horrifying outbreaks of the plaque, but even worse they spread VD!!!

    Jimmy: Gee mr. Narrator, my mom says that hobos are regular ordinary people who just so happened to have a little bit of bad luck and it’s our duty as more fortunate people to help them.

    Narrator: Silly Jimmy, your mother is a women and is naturally controlled by her emotions. This means that she is incapabale of rational thought or intellectual contribution. That’s there’s never been a female president.

    Jimmy: That’s not very nice mr. narrator. I’m going to go do what my mom told me to and go help those hobos.

    Narrator: No jimmy, No!! There vicious and brutal. You’ve got the whole world open to you don’t end it all like this!

    This image isn't completed, still needs hobos sitting around a barrel.

    Jimmy: Hey everyone, I’m here to show you how to get to the local soup kitchen and get a free meal.

    Hobo 1: mmmm…meatballs...mmmm…I eat meatballs. Brains aliens today. Meatballs in my brains.
    Hobo 2: cooter cooter cooter cooter cooter cooter. Tasty cooter tasty tasty cooter.
    Hobo 3: Jesus is my penny. Give me my penny boy!! Jesus wants my penny!!!

    Last frame isn't finished yet. Basically it consists of little Jimmy being torn to shreds by the rabid hobos.

    Hope you guys got a kick out of that and please let me know if any of are interested in contributing to this.
    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Thu, 07-27-2006 at 08:17 PM.

  2. #2
    XD, thats really cool and excelent artwork, this line really made me lol:
    Narrator: Silly Jimmy, your mother is a women and is naturally controlled by her emotions. This means that she is incapabale of rational thought or intellectual contribution. That’s there’s never been a female president.

  3. #3
    Banned mage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Out of the system
    This is pretty cool. Throw some anime characters in

    That artist should have done the art for Maddox's book, it would fit well.

  4. #4
    Glad to hear you guys are enjoying what I've posted so far, I just wish this thread was generating more posts. Then again this area of gotwoot dosen't receive that much traffic. So, Mage, Foxfire either of you interested in potentially doing some artwork for super brawny wacky beast? It'll be simple just post your email addresses and I'll give you a step by step description of what I want drawn then you can either email it to once your done or send it via mail. Same offer goes to anyone else whose interested. Here's another skit as well I hope you enjoy it it's one of my personal favorites.

    News Reporter: We have recently discovered a man who we believe to be Adolf Hitler. In light of recent evidence that suggests the man who committed suicide with Eve Brawn in the bunker in Berlin was in fact a body double. We believe we may have tracked down the real Adolf Hitler in this Midwestern nursing home. We have been permitted an interview with Hitler, unfortunately it has been explained to us that he is very senile and may not have any ideas as to what he has done.

    News Reporter: Sir, I’m told that your in fact Adolf Hitler, that you evaded capture and fled to the states and some how or another wound up here.

    Hitler: Who are you? I have never seen you here before? Are you here to bring me more Juju beans?

    Reporter: I’m here to ask you about the third Reich and the extermination of the Jews in Germany and how you managed to escape capture?

    Hitler: Idon’t remember any of those things, Nurse! Where is the nurse? You’re not the nurse! Where is da nurse?

    Reporter: Sir, you’re saying you don’t remember anything about the Jews or the holocaust?

    Hitler: (mumbling) You know this word Jew sounds a lot like the word for thee jujube. Unt I love the jujube unt there so tasty.

    Reporter: I see you have a lot of Jujubes on your table and there very neatly ordered.

    Hitler: I love the jujube there a wonderful confection unt the nurses bring them to me all the time. There a wonderful confection. Unt there are some that are more tasty and delicious then the others.

    Reporter: Is that why you’ve separated them into piles and some of them are closer together then others. Which ones do you like sir?

    Hiter: You see I find unt orange, unt black, unt red ones are most delicious. However thee green unt yellow ones are the least delicious. Unt sometimes I wish they were not apart of the jujube package. But I find to be the most delicious and most tasty are thee rare blue jujube. Unt I find them most extraordinary.

    Reporter: Sir there aren’t any blue Jujubes there at all.

    Hitler: unt whose fault is that? Obviously zee yellow unt zee green jujube are taking up space that is not supposed to be for them. Zee are not good enough to be there. There taking up space that should be for the blue Jujube unt therefore the jujubes are impure unt if we could somehow eliminate zee green unt yellow jujubes we could create space for the blue jujubes by combining the other colors to create the blue jujubes unt have a pure better tasting jujube for everyone.

    Reporter: Sir this sounds a lot like what you were saying during your rule during the third Reich. Are you sure you don’t remember anything?

    Hitler I remember perfectly well what we should do with the blue jujubes we should be setting up production factories for the blue jujubes unt destroying the other colors of the jujube especially zee yellow unt green juju beans. Zee are responsible with all the things wrong with the confectionary industry. We could fix it all if we only had the blue Jujube Zieg Hail!!

    Hope you enjoyed that and for the people who are viewing but not posting please do because I'm curious to hear more feedback.

  5. #5
    Well i'm not that good at drawing but if you want a sample of my work you can goto my DA account at and if you still want me to help out PM me and i'll see what I can do.

  6. #6
    Fox fire, your work is more then good enough. I'm not striving for quality as much as I'm really looking for Quantit. Your work is more then good enough, so if your interested just post your email and I'll give you a skit to work on or I could send it to you as a private gotwoot message. Once you've completed it you can either email it or preferably snail mail it to me I'll give you my real life address. Same goes for anyone else interested.

  7. #7
    Just PM me, I rarely use my email.

  8. #8

    Some more good news, a good friend of mine's agreed to help out by designing a Super Brawny Wacky Beast Website so once I start making these I'll have a place to post them online (probably put them on youtube as well).

    And for those of you who are wondering about the origin of the name here's the back story:

    My good friend/co-creator was looking around in a dollar bin and he came across an old bey blade model (the anime with the spinning tops). Just for shits and giggles he bought it to see if he could assemble it and get it to work, but the instructions were so illegible filled with half-translated engrish he could't make heads or tails of it. One catch phrase that stuck with him was the line "insert super brawny wacky beast". Despite his best efforts he couldn't do anything with it. So he wound up asking his father whose a professional artist and model builder to see if he could make heads or tails of it. In the end he couldn't figure the stupid thing out either. The one thing that stuck with us though was the wonderful yet catchy engrish name "Super Brawny Wacky Beast" and the rest of the idea came from that.

    Hope you enjoyed that little anecdote.

    For anyone else whose just viewing but interested in helping to contribute to this growing project please email me my address is

    BGLAD (it's gay activist group for those of you who aren't familiar with them)

    Frame 1: A bunch of stick figures standing around one stick figure in front of all the others stands up on a soapbox then begins to speak

    Lead Stick Figure: Hello fellow members of BGLAD our official meeting has begun. As I'm sure you're all well aware of we exist to help the spread tolerance and acceptance of just being gay. Were here to ensure that everybody embraces the homosexual race and that they can roam free and prosper throughout the meadows, dance clubs, and discos without fear of being persecuted by bigoted narrow-minded Republicans.

    Frame 2: Stick figure from group raises hand.

    Lead Stick Figure: You have a question?

    Stick figure: umm we're at a liberal arts college, aren't most people who come here are already open-minded towards a wide variety of life-styles backgrounds and races. Isn't it kind of pointless to preach tolerance to a mostly tolerant community?

    Frame 3: Stick figures looking angrily at the lone voice of descent.

    Stick Figure Leader: How can you be so intolerant and ignorant? Without us to safeguard the gay race who will be there be to ensure they will be around so future generations can enjoy there their lighting fast non-sequitur laden repertoire, fashion advice, and of course witty banter concerning popular culture. It's up to us to roam the campus to root out any intolerant bastards who seek stamp out the gay race by denying them the right to marriage. Obviously you must be one of “them” well I'm sorry but your going to have to leave, and no you are not invited to the drag ball, our weekly screening of Will and Grave, and of course you will be banned from our trip to the Barbara Streisand concert.

    Frame 4: Stick figure walks away as Leader continues to talk away.

    Stick Figure Leader: Well now that we've rooted out that bigot from our midst I think it's time for us to discuss new business. Have any of you found any newly de-closeted homosexuals in your midst?

    Unanimous reply from all stick figures: No.

    Stick Figure Leader: Well then lets proceed to the breeding pens.

    Frame 5: Stick figures gather around an enclosed pen with two gay stick figures wearing florescent colored clothes and other trendy designs. There clothing is colored in. There is a food bowl and water dish as well as boombox in the corner with a bunch of CD’s in the corner. They don't look happy.

    Gay Stick Figure #1: Hey are you going to let out us out, we've been here for two weeks. Please could you let us go?

    Lead Stick Figure: Why don't you want to go out of here? We've given you everything you need to survive, you have food, water, and a complete anthology of Abba. Now mate!

    Frame 6: Gay stick figure #1 and Gay stick figure #2 look at each other awkwardly.

    Gay Stick Figure #2: We don't really like each other that much. You can't force people to fall in love. Can you just let us go?

    Lead Stick Figure: I SAID MATE!!!!!!!

    Hope you enjoyed that, just remember the more artist who join team wacky beast the more quickly skits will be drawn up. So for those of you who are intersted in helping out please post or PM me. Oh one last thing I've gotten some shirts made at cafe press as soon as they arrive I'll post pictures of them as well.
    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Wed, 08-09-2006 at 07:06 PM.

  9. #9
    Great work you have done there! It is really entertaining! Please continue what you were doing.

  10. #10
    Wow who knew that one vaguely burried link at Penny Arcade would lead to such an increase in viewership. Speaks volumes about how devoted following they possess. I'm quite happy to say that things are moving along quite nicely with Super Brawny Wacky Beast. More artists are coming along interested in contributing their artwork. More people who are willing the illistrate the faster content will be produced, the faster content is produced the more quickly we'll be able to actually get the episode put together, the faster we get episodes put together the more quickly we'll be able to actually get an official website online.

    I know by now I probably sound like a broken record but like I've stated before if you like what your seeing and have any tiny bit of artistic talent feel free to email me (at and you too can become a part of team wacky beast. Also tide over the increased viewership here's a newly completed skit entitled:

    Baby Hammer 5000

    General: As I’m sure you’re all well aware of we are losing the war on terror, horribly. We need to find a new way to properly utilize our current assets and resources to neutralize the situation in Iraq. That is why R&D has been working hard a new weapon that will simultaneously demoralize as well as intimidate the enemy. We have worked long and hard on this so thus, I present to you The Baby HAMMER 5000

    Stick figures: oooohhhhh ahhhhhhh ohhhhhhh

    General: As you can see here the baby hammer 5000 is equipped with a thermonuclear generator designed to propel any type of desired ammunition at sub atomic speeds that can easily break the sound barrier.

    Stick figure: So what exact kind of ammunition do you plan on using for this device?

    General: we plan on deploying this weapon in Iraq to settle down the last contingents of insurgent resistance. So we’ll be using the most ample ammunition resource currently available in easily accessible large quantities.

    General: orphaned children. No matter what we do there appears to be a limitless supply of them. Especially within the Middle Eastern region. There usually serve as a liability, walking in the middle in front of clearly visible bullets, mortars, and air strikes. They do nothing but generate negative publicity, this way were turning these once useless orphans into a productive tool in the reconstruction of Iraq.

    Stick Figure: Do we have some sort of contingency plan should the public find out about this. (crickets)

    General: errr…we’ll tell’em that the insurgents made it, because they… they don’t like…freedom.

    General: as you can see here the baby hammer 5000 fires at such a high velocity that they explode into a gooey mist and causing a great deal of collateral damage to the entire surrounding area. Not only does this neutralize any opposition but if any should survive the psychological damage should be so severe that they’ll spend the rest of there life cradled into a fetal position sucking their thumbs as well as using there feces to draw incoherent symbols in a futile attempt to communicate.

    General: So what do you think? (crickets)

    The final frame isnt finished yet but it basically involves all of the stick figures bursting into applause after a few seconds of silence.

    Here's a little teaser for one our more ambitious skits. Basically were trying to make learning fun for the youth of today. So what better way to teach children about Karl Marx and communism then to recast him as a super hero fighting the good fight against the evils of capitalism. Pictured here we see Mr. Marx looking off to the sunset with trade mark Hammer and Sickle weapon attached to his back with his bear companion Lenin at his side as he heads off into a barren corporate waste land to fight capitalism. Later he meets and combats Donald Trump who is armed with giant golden Mace with Diamond for it's head and equiped with a shield with the dollar bill on it. He rides atop a giant bull named Rockafeller who wears a top hat and has a monicle. Look forward to it.

    Again for all of the new viwers who are seeing this for the first time thank you for taking the time to take a look at my work in progress. For any of you interested in helping out don't fret if I don't answer your emails immediately it's because my family is going on a vaction so I'll be gone for a week. If you like what your seeing please show it to your friends, family, etc anything and everything to get the word out. Hope you've enjoyed things so far and here's hoping that I'll hear from each and everyone of you who expresses interest and excitement.

    DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! ARGGG!!!!! Stupid Photo bucket. Of course my fricking bandwith gets exceded once I'm away on vacation. I'm sorry for all of you who were interested in viewing but got to see nothing. Damn this is frustrating. Hopefully I'll soon be able to get the link to my uploaded pictures up and running again.

    If any of you know of any other better photo uploading sites that I can use that don't try to pull off this kind of bullshit then please let me know.

    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Mon, 08-21-2006 at 06:49 PM.

  11. #11
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Phantom Zone
    .......imageshack maybe?...........( why to people even bother with photobucket)

  12. #12
    Yeah it's back it's been refreshed. Although like hell I'm using photo bucket again.

    Good news for all who are interested in everything Super Brawny Wacky Beast related. My radio show will be back on the online airwaves soon. Once the time and dates are set I'll post info and links so if anybody here is interested can listen or even call in and speak with me directly. I'll post info as soon as everything's cleared.

    For all two of you who've been following Super Brawny Wacky Beast some exciting news is coming.

    This week marks the launch of Team Wacky Beast radio. My show will be airing at 10 PM this thursday. click this link to listen when the time comes. Hell if your up for it you can even call in the phone number is 1-410-337-6520. I'd love to hear back from someone. The show itself will basically consist of me and the Super Brawny Wacky Beast's co-creator Scott brainstorming new skits.

    If your interested please tune in or if you can call in as well. See you there (assuming you bother to check it out).

    Also for your enjoyment the Super Brawny Wacky Beast them song. Each of the numbers corresponds to one of the frames seen on the first page, enjoy!

    Super Brawny Wacky Beast: Opening theme song.

    (1) In far-away times gone by, pugilist of murkiness and sparkle in clash in colossal wrangle where only strapping come out. This is the scuffle of the divergence of occupation! Commencement is instigate now, go through Super Brawny Wacky Beast.

    make the most of propensity, depart at this instant!!!

    (2) Super Brawny Wacky Beast, Super Brawny Wacky Beast, Super Brawny Wacky Beast

    (3) Here’s how the story goes, we find out about a super powered beast of disaster, coming right at ya. Because it’s about a

    Supa Brawny Wacky Beast, ancient terra from da east, battlin’ the murk and burstin from his chains he’s gone insane with the POWAAAA YEAEAAAAAHH!!!


    (4) All ya fools better be stepin’ back cause da masta of distasta be coming right at ya. .

    (5) It’s gonna rip out your eyes and small intestines because it’s da best beast with the most destructive intention, bitch yo life is spent. Watch out it’s coming fo ya, it’ll eat you and yo buddies to because it’s the

    (6) Supa Brawny Wacky Beast .

    (7) Action power, go now!!!

    (8) explosion sound effect with Fake Guitar solo for 15 seconds.

    (9) End of fake guitar solo. (I.E. Screeching cats).

    (10) The mammoth candidate of dreariness come into sight to brazen out full of life super brawny wacky beast. He manipulate the pyrami-disphicator of spongy badness noteworthy incomparability take a look at the exchange of repayment draw closer to you at this juncture for currently initiate in our day!!!

    (11) deafening snatcher cross the threshold the scrimmage of flattening to face up to the upper hand of the eventual excelsior of glow. finishing clash start in on yesteryear in the present day at the present!!!

    (12) boding evil profile of wide smile come forward to bowdlerize the fuzziness of the weighing up of chap. trepidation scoundrel of yawning patina dusk for you shall be flush out by the neat as a new pin teed off vehemence of foul-mouthed living thing.

    (13) blubber for the long-lasting bewail of the nowhere to be found thespian for his exchange blows is fragmentary. dirge for the lamentation device of the never-ending pink come into bud hierarchy. A blare of wretched give you an idea about goes all the way through the epoch as the interminable stumble upon of super brawny wacky beast walk off on.
    Last edited by LobsterMagnet; Mon, 09-18-2006 at 10:37 AM.

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