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Thread: Naruto 317

  1. #101
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Different sealing methods. A sacrifice was made just the same, however, being Gaara's mom. Don't forget the shukaku was already sealed within the ashes of a priest, so for Chiyo, it only required a transferrence of the possession.
    *slaps himself*
    I had forgotten about that...

    So Akatsuki has 5 of the beasts now
    Ichibi, Nibi, Sanbi and 2 unknown.

  2. #102
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    It'd be cool if a free-roaming demon appeared before the Akatsuki got around to killing it and maybe interacted with the existing Jinchuuriki. For the moment I'm assuming the Eight-Tail hasn't been taken, since it's second in power after the Kyuubi, but that one wouldn't want to help Naruto in any way since it's got a grudge against Kyuubi.

    Also, the Eight-Tails is supposed to be a giant snake, so it could be more related to Orochimaru or *groan* Sasuke. As long as Sasuke doesn't find a way to seal the Eight-Tails within himself and yet again become mysteriously powerful...

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  3. #103
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Yamato no Orochi...
    I hope Orochimaru and Manda does not know about their whereabouts...

  4. #104
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    macomb twp
    man, it's getting down to the wire here on both akatsuki members, and demon's being captured.

  5. #105
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    I just read 5 chapters in one go - it seems to have been one hell of a ride.

    Man, I've missed out on so much discussion... ;_;
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  6. #106
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    It's never too late to join the discussion. Besides, it's mostly been random predictions and exclamations of "FINALLY KISHI IS DOING SOMETHING RIGHT AGAIN" anyway. :S

  7. #107
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    macomb twp
    yeah welcome back man, you didn't miss much.

  8. #108
    Just started catching up again myself. NARUTO IS BEING POWERLVLED LOLOLOLOL.

  9. #109
    ANBU Captain
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    its a secret
    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    He's a good boy.
    lol..a roots joke.

  10. #110
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    They let Tobi in because every group of power-hungry assasin ninjas needs some comic relief.

    I was using the word bargain figuratively. I was obviously not suggesting that there's a literal bargain in place.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  11. #111
    Quick question, the three tailed bichu seen roaming around in this chapter is that just a regular tailed demon or is it a Jinjuurukin(I am never going to be able to spell that right) that's realeased it's bichu?

  12. #112
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    Quick question, the three tailed bichu seen roaming around in this chapter is that just a regular tailed demon or is it a Jinjuurukin(I am never going to be able to spell that right) that's realeased it's bichu?
    That's what we've been discussing.

  13. #113
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Shouldn't akatsuki go after the ones that reside in ninjas before they go after the actual beast? The ones limited inside the human, are obviously weaker than the real demon. The 9 tails could've destroyed all of konoha if not for the 4th hokage. Naruto....on the other an idiot.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
    Shouldn't akatsuki go after the ones that reside in ninjas before they go after the actual beast? The ones limited inside the human, are obviously weaker than the real demon. The 9 tails could've destroyed all of konoha if not for the 4th hokage. Naruto....on the other an idiot.

    well we can't really say that. We have seen the destructive power of 4tail naruto, what we havent seen is a naruto controling the full power with all nine tails like the 2-tailed chick could.

    Not to mention his own abilities and maybe in the future he will be able to control more of the chakra of the kyubbi. I would think if naruto developes into a good ninja and can control the chakra really well then he could be more powerful then anything.

    I would also think the akatsuki would have some sort of way to stop the demons when they are on there own with some sort of sealing method. Other wise if that was a free roaming demon how will they capture it.

  15. #115
    First of all lets remember that the 4th didnt own kyubii, he just sealed him, with his most powerful technique wich cost him his life whilst Kyubii was fighting against all the ninjas of konoha at the same time.

    So I would say that no human being is strong enough to own the kyubii (I may be wrong if kishimoto wants it but that would be bullshit). I cant tell about the other bijuus but even if they where the 2 tailed and 3 tailed I would like that they where beaten by some short of sealing technique. I cant imagine even the weakest bijuu being owned by 2 ninja, one of them unscratched (just like the fight againt the 2 tailed and just after that fight they go and beat one of the damyos guardian just like if it was nothing). And when I talk about defeating a bijuu I talk about overpowering them in a fight.

    I understand that they can beat "easily" those jinchuriki that are weak or dont control their powers but to beat a bijuu roaming free with all his powers is more than any ninja should be able without using sealing or similar techniques.

    And I think that they go hunting the ones they locate without any order. Even if their last 3 where 1-2-3 tailed ones, they suposedly captured 2 other before them.
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  16. #116
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Something is seriously flawed in the Konoha ninja system... shouldn't learnning one's element be the first action in trainning? just like how Kakashi introduced the three ninja skill (nin, tai and gen) in the first chapters? the test isn't that difficult, it's merely touching some paper, and you get a spesific direction to focus your trainning on in return...

    on the same note, why didn't Kakashi tell Naruto about the Kage bunshin stuff earlier on? it would have helped Naruto alot during those three years with Jiraya, or during anytime naruto would have had to learn lots of topics in a small time. Sure, i'm being picky here.

    next on, Obito - tobi subject. While it'll be really stupid to think that they're the same person, with one being dead and all... but heck, Kishi did stupider things. and if Obito managed to survive a boulder crushing him and cutting out his own eye, I don't think it's impossible for him to be dedicated enough to actually become a strong enough ninja to to join the akatsuki.

    speaking of which, where did the 'Tobi's a good boy' pharse come from?

    last, but not least, do you guys also feel ripped off that Kakashi didn't explain all the diffrent Jutsu's and thier elements? it was like Kishi saying "Shut up, don't disturb my dramtic plot twist with your mambo jumbo logic!".

    oh, and just for the record, all this elemnt thing was twenty times cooler in HxH.

  17. #117
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Considering they were one of the strongest nations, I'd say they have a pretty successful training program. Besides, most of them end up with multiple elements by jounin level anyway.

    Also note: When sasuke first uses a flame element jutsu in the survival training, kakashi points out that a genin should not have the chakra capacity for an elemental jutsu.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #118
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    Something is seriously flawed in the Konoha ninja system... shouldn't learnning one's element be the first action in trainning? just like how Kakashi introduced the three ninja skill (nin, tai and gen) in the first chapters? the test isn't that difficult, it's merely touching some paper, and you get a spesific direction to focus your trainning on in return...
    As Assernt already said a genin novice shouldn`t have enough chakra for elemental techniques AND what i beleive is that the paper thingie may be a "new" techonology/discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    on the same note, why didn't Kakashi tell Naruto about the Kage bunshin stuff earlier on? it would have helped Naruto alot during those three years with Jiraya, or during anytime naruto would have had to learn lots of topics in a small time. Sure, i'm being picky here.
    Maybe he haven`t think about it before? we didn`t knew that once a bunshin dies the information goes back to the original, maybe kakashi didnt knew either? he`s not really a full kage-bunshin user...

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    next on, Obito - tobi subject. While it'll be really stupid to think that they're the same person, with one being dead and all... but heck, Kishi did stupider things. and if Obito managed to survive a boulder crushing him and cutting out his own eye, I don't think it's impossible for him to be dedicated enough to actually become a strong enough ninja to to join the akatsuki.
    Am i the only one that like the obito = tobi theory?

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    speaking of which, where did the 'Tobi's a good boy' pharse come from?
    When tobi asked to join akatsuki after sasori`s death tobi asked to for permition to get in, the members asked why would they let him join and he replied that he is a good boy, someone already posted that images some pages back

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    last, but not least, do you guys also feel ripped off that Kakashi didn't explain all the diffrent Jutsu's and thier elements? it was like Kishi saying "Shut up, don't disturb my dramtic plot twist with your mambo jumbo logic!".
    You mean like shikamaru kagemane? yeah... maybe youre right but hopefully they will explain it later on once kishi make something good enough...

    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    oh, and just for the record, all this elemnt thing was twenty times cooler in HxH.
    I never saw HxH ^ ^

    Off topic: I got my Ahou Bird Jr. avatar back = D

  19. #119
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster
    When tobi asked to join akatsuki after sasori`s death tobi asked to for permition to get in, the members asked why would they let him join and he replied that he is a good boy, someone already posted that images some pages back
    Zetsu says that.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #120
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Tanks make me bleed.

    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster
    As Assernt already said a genin novice shouldn`t have enough chakra for elemental techniques AND what i beleive is that the paper thingie may be a "new" techonology/discovery

    It's paper made from a tree, I'm no botanist but I suspect that trees need at least a couple of years to grow in order to make paper out of them, especially if you need to nurture them with chackra since the time they were seeds. So this lexcus (is this the word?) paper can't be new.

    Maybe he haven`t think about it before? we didn`t knew that once a bunshin dies the information goes back to the original, maybe kakashi didnt knew either? he`s not really a full kage-bunshin user...

    A bit unreasonable. seeing as he said that Kage bunshin was ideal for spy missions, I don't think that this knowledge should be anything new. other than that, what good is having 50 narutos trainning at the same time? seeing as each is Naruto and that they're doing the same thing, it's not likely that only one will suceed while the rest fail.

    Am i the only one that like the obito = tobi theory?

    It's not that we don't like, it's simply stupid. the guy was shown to be killed and is appearntly out of an eye, you don't recover from those things without a good reason, and one good enough to reverse it's polarity and turn you bad. Obi-being Tobi is no more reasonable than Aoba being Ebisu's brother

    When tobi asked to join akatsuki after sasori`s death tobi asked to for permition to get in, the members asked why would they let him join and he replied that he is a good boy, someone already posted that images some pages back

    You sure? I could've sworn that i've seen "Tobi's a good boy" somewhere else.. too bad i'm too lazy to check where..

    You mean like shikamaru kagemane? yeah... maybe youre right but hopefully they will explain it later on once kishi make something good enough...

    Honestly, I almost saw Piccolo and Krillin saying that the author is too lazy to explain (i'm refering to DBZ's Gotenks appearnce in the manga) or Adachi showing up and saying that there's a perfect explaniation, but now isn't the time...

    I never saw HxH ^ ^

    That's a miss, HxH's nen system was much more appealing than the Naruto element system.
    well, Last post for a while, I need to catch a bus to the north in 4 hours...

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