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Thread: Naruto 195

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Naruto 195

    From Dattebayo:

    Episode 195 - DB

    Actually not a bad episode at all. In fact, I didn't find anything to complain about! There are a few factors contributing to this conclusion: No pseudo-epic or stupid plot in vicinity at all (in fact, I still don't know what the plot is), and no moronity in the characters. The art was good enough, the action easily good enough in filler standards. Of course, this hasn't so far been any really memorable arc, and it's hard to say how it will end, but if it continues like this, it won't be bad at all.

    Sakura also looked pretty cute in this episode, even if she has learnt a wicked smile:

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I also really liked this one. Everyone was just character. New flashbacks of Lee's past that were believable as actual things that woulda happened. The badguy, not sure what he is, but he seems cool. We haven't seen decent taijutsu in AGES so that was another big plus.

    I also liked the callbacks to previous fillers with Lee's Dojo and Naruto having the green jumpsuit. Makes the fillers seem less disposable.

    Couple little things that were really funny too. Mostly Tsunade's stuff. Her fake arms to look like she's working. And the pictures of the Genin she apparently uses as their profiles. Naruto behind bars for some reason. How did he end up with that pic as an improvment over his kabuki makeup pic I just don't know!

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I guess it was alright and I noticed something I didnt notice before. Those lamps you saw hanging around when Gai was talking to Lee. Those had the Sharingan on em O.o;

  4. #4
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    This made me somewhat glad for some reason, I thought that there would be no Naruto this week (imagine that, I've grown accustomed even to the fillers). But I assume the week with no Naruto will be the next one then. *downloads*


    Watched it and... great episode! One of the best, if not the best, filler episode so far.
    Good action, not bad animation, characters staying somewhat in-character, Yagura does not suck horribly at a badguy (although he remains a bit generic). Hilarious stuff in this one too, I can't remember last time I laughed so hard as when Neji was in the Gai suit and went "I am guts!" LMAO

    I don't know why but Neji is so hilarious when he does those comedy things (it was the same when he ate that curry in the Raiga arc and he got those great expressions). Oh yeah, good stuff.

    And look at Tenten, she always blushes when Neji talks. She so has the hots for him.

    Two weird things though...

    -Lee does a gazillion of those thumbs-only standing push-ups (I don't know what the fuck they are called but you know what I mean), yet collapses after 500 regular push-ups?

    -Tsunade forbidding the usage of Ura Renge in training. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a move which he only uses when he must-must-must use it? Why would he get depressed from being forbidden to practice with it?
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Thu, 07-27-2006 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #5
    As it's already been stated, this was a good filler episode.

    Naruto Movie 3 out in Japan next week though, huh? I hope it'll be as decent as the other two.

  6. #6
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I wasn't as impressed as everyone else so far, but it was a pretty good episode after all. Good comedic bits like Naruto and Tenten's "really something" conversation, and Neji and Tenten in green tights, and Tsunade's fake arms. What a riot!

    I agree with DarthEnder about the callbacks too, great way to add continuity and tie the story together. I figured Lee's dojo was just something they added for that one episode and they'd never refer to it again. It's cool like in "The Tick", when they showed the etching in the moon every episode after the one when it happened (I can't remember what was etched though).

    Terra, maybe he was at the end of his training session so the 500 pushups was beyond his max. Or maybe he was pumped up trying to prove himself when he was doing the thumb-push-ups, since Gai had just abandoned him and that Yagura punked him, or maybe he knew Sakura was watching and wanting to impress her .

    I thought the animation was a bit crappy at times, but watchable.

  7. #7
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    It's cool like in "The Tick", when they showed the etching in the moon every episode after the one when it happened (I can't remember what was etched though).
    It was The letters C, H, and most of A. Chairface was trying to write his name on the moon, but Tick stopped him halfway through.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  8. #8
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genma
    As it's already been stated, this was a good filler episode.

    Naruto Movie 3 out in Japan next week though, huh? I hope it'll be as decent as the other two.
    And Movie 2 will be aired on tv instead of Episode 196

  9. #9
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
    It was The letters C, H, and most of A. Chairface was trying to write his name on the moon, but Tick stopped him halfway through.
    Sweet I figured someone would know what was written on the moon and tell me

    Are they showing movie 2 or 3 next week? Or is it like a real movie that you have to see in theatres, so they're showing movie 2 on tv?

  10. #10
    Nice episode, but a bit weird with the "I-steal-techniques-just-like-sasuke-and-I-have-his-attitude" badguy... Kinda like they wish they could use sasuke for that role...

    Tsunades tongue freaked me out, very oro...
    Last edited by Uberbaka; Thu, 07-27-2006 at 06:11 PM.

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    -Tsunade forbidding the usage of Ura Renge in training. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a move which he only uses when he must-must-must use it? Why would he get depressed from being forbidden to practice with it?
    Well obviously he still has to practice it though. I mean, if the only time you EVER used the Lotus was when you really need would you have ever learned it in the first place? She obviously just doesn't want him opening any of his chakra gates. And even Initial Lotus requires him to open one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    It's cool like in "The Tick", when they showed the etching in the moon every episode after the one when it happened (I can't remember what was etched though).
    And then in a later episode when Omnipotus takes a bite out of it, and for the rest of the series, it has both the letters CHA and a bite taken out of it.

  12. #12
    Genin zibo's Avatar
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    I think it was an ok episode, not bad for fillers ( this is 1st filler i saw in a while, Istoped watching them at ep 176 or something)

  13. #13
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Close, but not exactly right.

    In the episode with Omnipitus, Tick gets sent back to the moon to fix it. He uses exlosives to blast away the letter C. This sent him roketing into space where he met Omnipitus (parody of Galactus). He brought Tick back home as an excuse to eat the tasty-sounding earth, but Tick convinced him not to. On his way back out into space Omnipitus Takes a big bite out of the moon.

    So now the moon says "HA" with a bite taken out of it. The letter C is gone. This is done as a joke to make it look like all of space is laughing at the Earth.

    Yeah, I'm a nerd.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  14. #14
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Well obviously he still has to practice it though. I mean, if the only time you EVER used the Lotus was when you really need would you have ever learned it in the first place? She obviously just doesn't want him opening any of his chakra gates. And even Initial Lotus requires him to open one.
    Still doesn't strike me as a reason to sulk when he still can practice the rest of his techniques. Also, she should have said "renge" and not "ura renge", since even the regular one hurts the body.

  15. #15
    This was the first plot that's intrigued me for a while ... last time may have been Anko's past or the return of Mizuki (since I like revisiting old characters).

    Also, the animation seemed to be more detailed and attractive this time.

    This also seemed like one of the wackiest non-goof episodes. E.g., when Gai fights the posts. Plus, the dialogue seemed strangely unique throughout.

  16. #16
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Gai owns. Ergo, this arc must own.

    The fight scenes were pretty good and everyone did indeed act as they should. I particularly enjoyed Tenten's enamored gaze and Neji's cold as ice attitude. Sexy.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  17. #17
    Well, Neji is undeniably sexy.

  18. #18
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diptera
    Well, Neji is undeniably sexy.
    And with that comment, Diptera has acquired a big chance to win newbie of the year!

  19. #19
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Also, she should have said "renge" and not "ura renge", since even the regular one hurts the body.
    it's Omote Renge, btw.

  20. #20
    so can anyone fill me in here how many more lame fillers are there gonna be ? it has nothing to do with the storyline

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