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Thread: Bleach 90 Discussion

  1. #1

    Bleach 90 Discussion

    Bleach - 90

    Renji's last. And plot development, oh my! Bounto created my SS, perhaps this has something to do with why Genryusai called Byakuya, who knows.

    But Ichigo...this guy beat 3 VC's with his bare hands?...this guy defeated 2 captains? Why do 'fillers' insist on nerfing charachters...just because the wheels are spinning for the show doesn't mean people should become pathetic...was Goku pathetic between arcs? Is Luffy (I don't watch OP so I really don't know the answer to this one). And if they aren't going back to the mange, why redo all the Ichigo ascension stuff again? He got the power, he should be able to use it whenever he wants...that is the Shounnen formula! How dare they mess with the formula!

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    This episode was, frankly, fucking awsome. The first half was just plain badass. Finally SOMEBODY remembers how to do Bankai. And the very end had some pretty interesting plot development!

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    But Ichigo...this guy beat 3 VC's with his bare hands?...this guy defeated 2 captains? Why do 'fillers' insist on nerfing charachters...just because the wheels are spinning for the show doesn't mean people should become pathetic...
    I think it makes sense. Because SS is, texturally, completely different from the real world. Everything is harder in the real world because there's so much less spirit energy around. Obviously Ichigo isn't going to get back to full power till the end of this arc.
    was Goku pathetic between arcs? Is Luffy (I don't watch OP so I really don't know the answer to this one).
    Goku wasn't, but boy Gohan sure was. That guy used to fall apart between arcs. Constantly dropping from strongest guy ever to total puss. And while Goku never got any weaker, man was that guy pussywhipped. He had to do the most demeaning shit for a guy that could destroy the universe...

    And no, Luffy is never pathetic. He always rocks your face off.

  3. #3
    Well, as DarthEnder said, the first half was pretty garbage, but after that it let you in a position where you just want to watch the next ep. Really nerve racking if you ask me. Well these fillers does make ichigo look extremly weak, but it may be because theres a limiter on the power in the real world for shinigami's i think it was said ealier in the series. But hey more A** kicking for ichigo!

  4. #4
    Missing Nin
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    I'm sorry but I found this entire episode to be utter garbage as nothing that happened even remotely works with the plot anime or manga wise.

    First off we have the one nonvice captain as the one who made it the farthest into the Bounto stronghold this is only mildly acceptable as we know he chooses to stay in his position and its quite possible he's vice captain or better. That aside we have out of nowhere that renji was in the 11th squad in the past. I could be totally insane on that one but I certainly don't recall this having ever been mentioned and if it was so be it.

    Next we have Renji using his Bankai at full power with full control. This right after he tried using it in a fight and lost at full power in soul society and stated that he would need years of training before being able to use it effectively in battle. Even if we ignore that he would have a limiter on his power and I simply can't believe that he would be able to use it that effectively without being able to control it at such a small percentage of his power.

    Of course then we have the Bounto he's fighting randomly lose for no discernable reason. Yes his doll was pierced but why it went insane or the walls randomly melted was completely unexplained.

    Then we watch Ichigo flat out suck in combat using no strategy and only attempting pointless brute force. On top of that we have the top Bounto who previously has not really bothered to fight on the frontlines just have everyone else stand back while he kicks him around. and to top that one off we have a shinigami standing back who would offer nothing to creating the gate while the most powerful bound has the others just start making it meaning he likely could have done it on his own.

    Finally we have Ishada getting his power back in the preview and that remains completely unexceptable to me.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The only problem with this episode for me was the fact Ichigo seems to have lost all his higher brain functions, and is only able to ask "Nani? Nani?" all the time, and do absolutely nothing. In this episode all he did was to look around with his mouth open and get his ass kicked miserably. In the end this totally ruined the episode for me. Well, I hope the script writers at least enjoyed those red and white mushrooms they ate before writing the script...

    But the next ep seems to be better, so I'm still hopeful.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    The only problem with this episode for me was the fact Ichigo seems to have lost all his higher brain functions, and is only able to ask "Nani? Nani?" all the time, and do absolutely nothing. .

    lol just like that guy in yakitate japa, kawachi

    but i do like what i see in next weeks preview

    ichigo getting bankai and stopping kariya with 2-3 parries without a flinch

  7. #7
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Pretty generic ep, although I did like the shinigami cup moment.

    The manager being gay and running off like a sissy was funny, as well as the complete lack of interest in saying "Shinigami Cup, Voom"

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #8
    Wow...that was some pretty bad german in there...I was left speechless. I mean, they could at least look it up in a dictionary or something before launching it on tv.
    Actually it was that bad, I had to register and mention it...
    Last edited by Doh; Wed, 07-26-2006 at 07:28 PM.

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doh
    Wow...that was some pretty bad german in there...I was left speechless. I mean, they could at least look it up in a dictionary or something before launching it on tv.
    Actually it was that bad, I had to register and mention it...
    Welcome to the forums!

  10. #10
    Having watched many an anime which went heavy into filler-ville, I don't think this episode was so horrible. Some of the stuff sucked, Ichigo in general was no where near as cool as he should be. But the episode was ok...I've seen worse.

  11. #11
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Go to 2 minutes 53 seconds. See that statue? It looks like orochimaru, no?

  12. #12
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    The only problem with this episode for me was the fact Ichigo seems to have lost all his higher brain functions, and is only able to ask "Nani? Nani?" all the time, and do absolutely nothing. In this episode all he did was to look around with his mouth open and get his ass kicked miserably. In the end this totally ruined the episode for me. Well, I hope the script writers at least enjoyed those red and white mushrooms they ate before writing the script...

    But the next ep seems to be better, so I'm still hopeful.
    i read this post right before watching this episode, so ichigo's "nani?"'s stuck out to me like a sore thumb. :S but i guess they're just portraying him to be weak now so that when he gets back to full strength and beats the crap out of kariya everyone can be like, "ZOMG HE'S SO POWERFUL asa;ladfg!!"

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