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Thread: Movie: Clerks II

  1. #1
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Movie: Clerks II

    Kevin Smith's triumphant return to the place that his movie career started, Clerks II, opened this weekend.

    My roommate's a Kevin Smith fanboy, so of course HAD to go see it (and is going back pretty in the next day or two with the commentary podcast, apparently). So I tagged along.

    I thought the movie was pretty good. It was standard Kevin Smith fare, which basically means preaching the recurring theme "find happiness where you are." The cinematography was very high quality, the story was if nothing else charming, and really on the whole it was a very good, very solid movie (not to mention, Rosario Dawson is pretty freaking hot).

    While I don't subscribe to Smith's philosophy, I definitely enjoyed this movie. It's worth checking out, especially for fans of any of his prior work (clerks, dogma, chasing amy). It was definitely worth my 8 bucks to go see it.

    Anyone else hit it yet?

  2. #2
    Last edited by Thi3f; Wed, 01-09-2019 at 05:04 PM.

  3. #3
    I saw it Friday, thought it was pretty funny, like his other movies have been (I've seen Dogma, Mallrats, and J&SB SB. I couldn't watch the original b/c it was in black and white and I generally hate B&W movies b/c I can't see any details well.)

    Anyway the movie made me laugh quite a bit, I even laughed at the racial slur part, which amazed me, as I'd usually be extremely irritated that the old n-horse was being beaten some more. The sci-fi jokes were also good, but Silent Bob's obligatory few lines weren't as insightful as I was hoping for. All in all it was fun, which is al I ever look for in a movie these days.

  4. #4
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I definitely enjoyed the breaking of "Silent Bob speaks" pattern. Not only was it some needed comedy in a fairly heavy scene (just by virtue of breaking the expected pattern), but it also made a good point. Sometimes, even if you know the "answer" you've got to let people arrive at it for themselves. If you want to put Silent Bob in a position of wisdom (per usual when he breaks the silence), then he probably knew that. If he just gave Dante and Randall the answers, it would be pretty hollow -- a Deus Ex Machina sort of ending.

    But yeah, the racial slur bit was pretty good, too. I had never even HEARD half of those before. Very well-executed, with standard Kevin Smith frankness.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    The part that makes me cringe the most was the Buffalo Bill refrence, and the inter species erotica. But the scifi fantasy battle was funny as hell.

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