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Thread: Movie: TMNT

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was pretty leery about this movie at first, since I grew up on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles every Saturday morning, and the live-action movies, so seeing a CG version of TMNT made me skeptical.

    Then I started hearing good things about it. So I checked it out.

    Everything I ever loved about TMNT was back. It seems like its basis was more on the recent cartoon and not the 80's one I grew up with, but everything I liked about the franchise was back. Every one of my expectations about this movie was blown away.

    Not to mention, there is some of the best CG I've seen in a long time. Without spoiling, there is a fight that takes place in the rain, and it just looks so fluid and amazing, with rain drops streaming down perfectly.

    If you ever loved TMNT, either from the 80's or more recently, you owe it to yourself to watch this movie.

  2. #22
    I thought it was pretty nice, especially April looking quite fine in that Ninja suit.

    I haven't watched the new show but apparently that Foot chick is a common character in it. And the hints that there will be another movie make me happy, considering this one was fairly enjoyable.

  3. #23
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    I'm suprised it only did 25 million. Great movie but I didn't really like the voice actors.

  4. #24
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Just saw it tonight. It was much less kiddie than I thought it would be, I thought some of the animation was really amazing but the human faces looked very Disney, which I didn't like. I also especially loved the look and animation of the Foot Clan, they were just ultra-cool. I thought Donatello's voice was too much like Leonardo and it felt like he and Mikey were just side characters while they focused on Raph and Leo.

    Overall it was really enjoyable and it makes me want to watch the live action movies again, and it was pretty open for a sequel. I don't regret seeing it, and that rain fight looked amazing, almost like clay models with water dropping on them or something.

    Did anyone notice the Easter Egg jokes they included from the first live action movie?

    "And I thought Girl Scouts were pushy!"

    and one other, which escapes me now.
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  5. #25
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Saw this movie today and well it left me unfulfilled. It was an alright movie and good by any standards but i expected more. The climatic battle was short lived and well quite mundane. I just was expecting something more and well......... I thought it could have been done better.

    It was nice seeing the old franchise back in action, boy does it ever bring back memories and the CG was exceptional. A whole new way to being a turtle I guess.

    Well here is to an old friend and good memories, may the next movie be even better.
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    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  6. #26
    I just saw it tonight, and I thought it was good. As has been said the CG work was great, my only quip being that the mouth's sometimes didn't quite match up to the words being said. I felt the ending was a bit anticlimatic, though the almost direct reference to a sequal in the works sort of makes up for it.

    It's me and a group of my friends, and the theater is practically empty. So when Splinter says:"You know what you have to do.." I quickly whisper: "kill yourself." They all die laughing.

    Good times....

  7. #27
    I just watched the movie, and thought it was boring and dumb as hell. The whole drama and restriction of fighting crime that Spliter put on the boys was the most horrible plot-line I've ever seen, and the whole immortals business was bad. We needed a real enemy, one who is sinister and inteded to cause havoc in the city.

    But oh well, I guess the fighting scenes where entertaining enough, but the drama and plot was simply horrible.

    Shredder might be showing up if a sequel is done, which I think will be much better.

  8. #28
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Isn't the movie set after Shredder is dead? Isn't that part of the comic storyline? I could wiki it, but.... ehh.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  9. #29
    Well he seemed to be dead in the movie, but that chick said that they would meet again soon, with "an old friend", and the Turtles mentioned it might be Shredder.

  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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