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Thread: Why doesn't Naruto have a family?

  1. #1

    Why doesn't Naruto have a family?

    Even though Naruto is an orphan. How come he has absolutely no relatives? Cousins? Uncles? Aunts? Even family friends? Nobody seems to know Naruto.

    And from the beginning of the series, I think most adults actually thought Naruto was the reincarnation of the nine-tail fox, not its container. Otherwise why would they hate him? They might fear him as a container, but they wouldn't hate him.

    Probably its just some plot loose ends. Originally the Naruto pilot had Naruto as the human son of the Nine-Tailed fox. Kishimoto might have changed it to a baby container, but forgot to add in the necessary human connections he should have inherited from his dead parents.

    That ... or Naruto is the Fourth Hokage regressed to a baby, after he tried to seal the Nine Tailed Fox into himself. But the personalities are so different between the Naruto and the Fourth, that seems far-fetched.

  2. #2
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    where have you been since the beginning of the series?

  3. #3
    Student sairane's Avatar
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    I've allways wondered about that myself, why he seems to have no family...

    Suppose ive just been waiting on it being brought up in the anime

    Althought i may have missed something major xD

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    i've never read the manga but i simply assumed his parents died in the effort fighting the Nine Tail Fox that the 4th sealed inside of Naruto...

    but even without the manga I'd bet a million that his father was the 4th Hokage. They look alike, are even described as having similar traits, and it would just seem to be a perfect anime answer to that question. ... as for his mom, wormfood.

    as for why he has no foster family, well, it doesn't make alot of sense to me either... Somebody had to have taken care of him when he was an infant, but whoever it was probably decided they didn't want to deal with the flak from the rest of the village, so they stopped taking care of Naruto the second they thought he could survive on his own..

    well, that' s just my opinion, and i've never read the manga so...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #5
    I dont think hes the 4ths kid. Look at the respect konahamaru(sp?) gets for being the 3rds grandkid.

  6. #6
    hehe, maybe hes one of those accidents that nobody knows about .....

    But seriously, just the fact that there are so many hints between Naruto and the Fourth kinda proves that Naruto's past will be probably be revealed later in the series.Otherwise, what would be the point of the hints? The big thing I dont understand is, who supports the orphans? does the money come out of the pockets of tax payers in the village? If everyone hates Naruto so much, who would have paid for his aparmtent, food, clothing, furntiure......We also saw Sasuke has his own room......I want to know where they're getting all this money.....<_<.....>_>.....

  7. #7
    This matter aroses lots of questions. The hints about naruto being the 4ths son or close relative are a lot (maybe he is a brother or some other familiar but it seems that they are pretty much conected).

    But if this is true what the hell is up with konohas people? The 4th sacrified himself to protect the village, he was a great hokage, he gave the life and future of his son(or whatever relationship naruto has) to quarantine the kyubii and the people of konoha after all that leave naruto alone, without any care and hate him?

    If I was naruto I would release the kyubii to destroy all of konoha, those ungrateful bastards.

    So this leaves us with a few options.

    -Naruto isnt related to the 4th and thus is just a normal kid with a monster making the village hate him.
    -Naruto is related to the 4th and konoha is just a bunch of ungrateful hypocrites.
    -Naruto is related to the 4th but for some strange reason anyone in konoha (only a few) knows this. I dont know why they would hide from Naruto and konoha who he is but knowing kishimoto everything is posible.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4
    But if this is true what the hell is up with konohas people? The 4th sacrified himself to protect the village, he was a great hokage, he gave the life and future of his son(or whatever relationship naruto has) to quarantine the kyubii and the people of konoha after all that leave naruto alone, without any care and hate him?
    This was pretty much the theme of the 2nd episode. CapsuleCorpJX had the right idea, most likely the people of Konoha feared Naruto as the Kyuubi itself, and not just a container. Hence Naruto's isolation during his early years. Thems the breaks.

    My guess is that if, in some way, Naruto is related to the 4th, then nearly nobody knows about it. Otherwise he'd have a bit more respect in the villiage.

    I also think that the 3rd Hokage had a hand in Naruto's upbringing. He was the one who made the law that nobody tell Naruto about the fox inside him, and he also tried to enforce the idea that Naruto was the villiage's hero - just as the 4th had wanted. He possibly raised Naruto while he was a baby, or had others look after him, or something. There's also a small scene of the 3rd holding baby Naruto during his "Konoha is a family" speech. So I dunno, kinda seems like he might have helped in somehow.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Well... look at it this way, it seems that the kyubi attack to konoha was a truly BIG one, so probably other villagers lost a lot of relatives in the battle and they see naruto as the carrier of the demon that killed they mom/dad/brother etc, they probably wanted him dead so that kyubi dies as well.

    Imagine it like gaara and yashamaru case, he didn`t saw gaara as the son of his sister but as ther killer of his beloved one.

  10. #10
    Well if you think about it, Naruto does resemble the 4th a lot. Their hairstyle especially. Also, Jiraiya mentions their hair and stubborness is too same. Jiraiya, having to teach both Naruto and the 4th, would know that best. I think the 4th is a relative of Naruto because there is no way Naruto is a reincarnation of the 4th. I think the 4th is still alive and the leader of Akatsuki but then Naruto is merely like a son or brother, relative, etc. Or maybe he is a homunculus created by the 4th >_>
    If anything, it should be a relative of the 4th. It's just stupid if Naruto IS the reincarnation of the 4th because that garantees his success as a Hokage, which makes the story look stupid because its too obvious.
    The part where naruto is being held as a baby could've been the 4th as well. No one can prove if the 4th died RIGHT after using Shiki Fuujin technique. Apparantly, having to perfect Shiki Fuujin, the 4th probably knew a way to escape death from the Death God. But that is a possibility that the 3rd raised Naruto up as a child. High possibility in fact.

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, when did we ever see a manga charecter from a functionning family? the avarge parent count for manga heros is less than 0.75 of an active parent each...

    besides, it's a well known fact that Naruto was born as a demon, but he ate eight of his sibilings to become the kyuubi.

  12. #12
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Who care's whos Naruto's father is.

    THe big question is.. Who's Naruto's mother? And was she hot?

  13. #13
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoopider
    Who care's whos Naruto's father is.

    THe big question is.. Who's Naruto's mother? And was she hot?
    1. nameless villager/ninja
    2. from a ninja clan in konoha (the shame of being related to what many saw as the demon fox would cause them to disown him and possibly his mother as well, never to speak of them again)
    3. missing nin
    4. nameless villager from outside konoha (unknown family runs to Konoha trying to escape Kyuubi only to be killing in the Kyuubi's attack on the village)

  14. #14
    narutos family...i would like to know that answer

  15. #15
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    I know. The evil nine tail fox put a leaf on its head and changed into a hot sexy woman and then seduced and slept with the Fourth.

    Japanese always have those stories. Where a fox would put a leaf on its head, change its shape and seduce young men lost in the forest. Hence, the Nine Tails is actually Naruto's mother!

    Then when the fourth found out, he divorced her on the spot. Which Naruto's mother went apeshit. ANd The fourth went and trap her into the spirit of her son.

  16. #16
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Samsonlonghair's crazy theory #17113:

    Maybe Konoha's society is a bit different as far as parental relationships are concerned. Maybe kids move out of their parents' homes when they enter ninja academy. For instance, we never see Sakura's parents. We know from episode three that she's not an orphan. We've seen her room, but never her parents.

    We learned early on that Ninjas are the military power for their country. It doesn't make sense for the military to live with their parents when G.I. quarters are available. The only one we know for a fact to live with his parents is Shikamaru. He may be the exception and not the rule.
    Last edited by samsonlonghair; Sat, 10-21-2006 at 02:54 PM.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  17. #17
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    I mean perhaps Kishimoto is busy creating ridiculous fights that have the odds 3000x1 against Naruto but he has to create some way for him to win?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Gen
    I dont think hes the 4ths kid. Look at the respect konahamaru(sp?) gets for being the 3rds grandkid.

    Konohamaru also doesn't have a Kuubyi trapped inside of him either does he? He also wasn't the cause for the thirds death was he? Just throwing it out. Yondaime (the fourth) might not have been able to tell everyone yet either cuz naruto look like he was just born or something. Also people blame it on Naruto for yondaime's death so I'm fairly certain even if he was the son that nobody would show much respect towards him. One other note

    HOKAGE > Kuubyi demon spawned baby

  19. #19
    Dingos ate them all. It's the truth. Really.

  20. #20
    Maybe Naruto's dad died fighting Kyuubi, and Naruto's mom died giving birth to him. MAYBE when the 4th was carrying Naruto, he was already dead. MAYBE the 4th transfered his soul into Naruto's dead baby body and made it alive........ LOL yeah right.

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