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Thread: Naruto 316

  1. #41
    good chapter. I liked it.
    Byakugan users do use a hand seal to avtivate it. if u watch neji vs hinata u'll see that hinata did used a hand seal before the veins showed up, acutally come to think of it she uses that seal everytime she wants to use byakugan. neji on the other hand uses that seal only out side of a fight not when he is in one. not too sure about sharingan though, don't know how that works.

  2. #42
    After reading a few different translations on this chapter and thinking it over I cant say who he is refering with the king piece (no one is actually talking about this but is bothering me ).

    He is talking about pieces like if they where people (nothing so abstract as feelings or ideals), he said that taking the game from the point of view of konoha. This clearly leaves the daymio out of the game cause he is not part of konoha (and even if it was involved I cant see how the daymio is more important to a hidden village than their kage).

    With this reasoning we have discarded: daymio, feeling or ideal, hokage. Now this makes the naruto being the king more reasonable but still I cant understand how Naruto is so important. Even if he was the 4th son the kage title isnt inherited, and is the kyubii so important to konoha? Yes is a trump card that they can use but it can easily turn against them. Is like a weapon, something that is good to have but the most important thing of konoha??

    I cant see it, if naruto is really what he is talking about I think that asuma is way more stupid than what I thought. So after all this senseless text im going to say that the king are the children of konoha, it would match with 3rd hokages feelings and make a bit more sense than a stupid kid with a monster inside that could destroy all your country be the most important thing to konoha.

    Im sure that in the next chapter when akatsuki aim for asuma we will know what this king thing is.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4
    After reading a few different translations on this chapter and thinking it over I cant say who he is refering with the king piece (no one is actually talking about this but is bothering me ).

    He is talking about pieces like if they where people (nothing so abstract as feelings or ideals), he said that taking the game from the point of view of konoha. This clearly leaves the daymio out of the game cause he is not part of konoha (and even if it was involved I cant see how the daymio is more important to a hidden village than their kage).

    With this reasoning we have discarded: daymio, feeling or ideal, hokage. Now this makes the naruto being the king more reasonable but still I cant understand how Naruto is so important. Even if he was the 4th son the kage title isnt inherited, and is the kyubii so important to konoha? Yes is a trump card that they can use but it can easily turn against them. Is like a weapon, something that is good to have but the most important thing of konoha??

    I cant see it, if naruto is really what he is talking about I think that asuma is way more stupid than what I thought. So after all this senseless text im going to say that the king are the children of konoha, it would match with 3rd hokages feelings and make a bit more sense than a stupid kid with a monster inside that could destroy all your country be the most important thing to konoha.

    Im sure that in the next chapter when akatsuki aim for asuma we will know what this king thing is.
    ha, I thought you think so highly of yourself but the true is "NO" It is true that the children is the future of Konoha, but do you ever pause and think what happen if Naruto was taken away? Let's me guess, are they going to make the new Jinchurikan? are they going to set the Kuuybi free (not likely because it yield the least profit)? are they going to combine it with other Tailed monster and release a bigger monster? Then what? going around and dancing with that power? NOT LIKELY!!! With that power that they obtain, they are going to try to consquer and own everything just like what the leader said back when Kishi first introduce the Akatsuki. War will be unavoidable. House will be burn. People will die. Total destruction is inevitable. Remember what happen to Konoha with just one monster (the Kuuybi) attack, half of the Konoha was destroy. What happen if all 9 of the tailed monsters attack at once? Or What happen if a new monster that born by combine all 9 tailed monsters attack? Or what happen if all super power up Atkasuki members attack (remember each one of them elite that can be compare to Orochimaru or stronger than Orochimaru even with out the monster inside them)? The answer is simple, NOTHING LEFT STANDING FOR KONOHA (even the children will be kill). What is the future for them if they all death and Konoha is no more? All that stop in the Akatsuki's plan and all the destruction from happening is Naruto and last tailed monster (kuuybi) tell me if Naruto is not the king, then who is?
    Last edited by dragon608608; Fri, 07-21-2006 at 01:05 PM.

  4. #44
    I do not consider kyuubi to be the most important thing to konoha in terms of it being an asset to the village as a weapon. (It is afterall in Naruto's and only Naruto's power in how far he maximizes Kyuubi's potential for the village's gain.) Rather Kyuubi is the most important thing to Konoha in terms of the consequences of losing it...losing it to Akatsuki. If Akatsuki are able to extract all the bijous from their respective jinchuurikis and complete their jutsu, the game (more specifically, Konoha and the Naruto world as we know it) is over. Kyuubi being the most powerful bijou makes Naruto, as its container, the King.

  5. #45
    I know that naruto is important, he is the main character for godsake! He is the king of the series and there will be tons of plot devices to make him the most important thing in the universe (if kishimotos sasuke-love-obsesion let him). We all know that.

    But thinking objetively if akatsuki is such a treat to all ninja nations, the sanins and especial jounins could combine to kill them, and I think that if sakura and an old woman can kill an akatsuki member (an strong one) akatsuki can be defeated. After all thus far they are only very strong ninjas. So naruto isnt the only weapon against akatsuki (or without any plot device it shouldnt be), he is important to akatsuki, and for konoha is important that they dont get their hands at him. Its not the same thing (for the US its important that alquaeda dont get a nuke, makes this the most important thing in the world for them nuclear bombs?).

    If naruto wasnt the main character you only have to kill him, hide him, imprison him or whatever. So yes you'r right if kishimoto wants naruto to be the king he is going to be the king but smart and rationally thinking he is the king of nothing.

  6. #46
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    good chapter. I liked it.
    Byakugan users do use a hand seal to avtivate it. if u watch neji vs hinata u'll see that hinata did used a hand seal before the veins showed up, acutally come to think of it she uses that seal everytime she wants to use byakugan. neji on the other hand uses that seal only out side of a fight not when he is in one. not too sure about sharingan though, don't know how that works.
    No, Byakugan is just pulsing your chakra into your eyes, the same as sharingan. What you saw Hinita doing was molding her chakra, something Naruto used to take forever to do as well (see back at Zabuza/Haku bridge fight). Neji, being more advanced did not require that sort of thing to mold his chakra to his eyes. That "hand seal" Hinata did, was the one everybody uses to mold chakra.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  7. #47
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Interesting somewhat off-topic note, Deidara is only 14 years old. Go fucking figure.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4
    I know that naruto is important, he is the main character for godsake! He is the king of the series and there will be tons of plot devices to make him the most important thing in the universe (if kishimotos sasuke-love-obsesion let him). We all know that.

    But thinking objetively if akatsuki is such a treat to all ninja nations, the sanins and especial jounins could combine to kill them, and I think that if sakura and an old woman can kill an akatsuki member (an strong one) akatsuki can be defeated. After all thus far they are only very strong ninjas. So naruto isnt the only weapon against akatsuki (or without any plot device it shouldnt be), he is important to akatsuki, and for konoha is important that they dont get their hands at him. Its not the same thing (for the US its important that alquaeda dont get a nuke, makes this the most important thing in the world for them nuclear bombs?).

    If naruto wasnt the main character you only have to kill him, hide him, imprison him or whatever. So yes you'r right if kishimoto wants naruto to be the king he is going to be the king but smart and rationally thinking he is the king of nothing.
    First of all, Sakura and an old woman (chiyo) didn't kill Sasori at least by their own strength. Sasori choose not to dodge the attack (Chiyo said it herself). the old woman that you called is the elite ninja of the sand village that every ninja (at least most of the sand ninja) recognize that superior. When she comment the sand jounin, you can see their reaction. From this we can see that Chiyo is one of the strongest ninja of the sand. Yet both Chiyo and Sakura combine power can't killed Sasori, and almost got killed by Sasori if he doesn't chose not to dodge the attack by Chiyo.

    Second, do you remember what Sasuke said about Itachi when he encounter Naruto just few chapter ago? He can't kill Itachi, and neither Orochimaru. How strong Orochimaru really is if we compare him with other Sanins? I would said he is the strongest among the 3 Sanins or at the very least equal. Yet Orochimaru can't compare to the real strength of Itachi. And how strong Itachi really is if we compare him with other Akatsuki members? What is his rank in term of strenght? I don't know but i think it is safe to assume Itachi isn't the strongest ninja in the Akatsuki organization because if he is he would be the leader not the follower. Akatsuki has at least 8 members (if we didn't count the possible new member Tobi) and how many ninja in Konoha that can fight with Akatsuki one on one(without Naruto)? Let's count. Tsunate is one. Ero sanin is two. Kakashi (barelly if he can hold on to the Mag. Sharingan. If he fight with Itachi i doubt that he able to walk away) is three. Sakura? i doubt it. Sakura can fight with Akatsuki only if there is two on one or three on one. If she fight one on one with Akatsuki member, death is 99.9%. All she has is the genjutsu (lowe level technique only) and super punch and kick. But can she land it on Akatsuki ninja with her speed? Gai? Possible if he release all inner gate. Remember Gai release his 6th Gate just to fight with 30% of Kasame power. However if Gai release all 8 of his Gates he will die after the attack. but we cound him anyway. So there are only 4 ninjas in Konoha that can match with Akatsuki ninja. 4 VS. 8. Yeah, that is one hell of advantage for Konoha. If Sound and Konoha fight in the same side we can count on Orochimaru and Sasuke (that is still 6 VS 8), but i doubt that they will fight together side by side.

    Third, you are right that the strength of Jinchirukan depend on the the relationship between the ninja who bare the tailed monster and the monster. However, without the monster Akashuki ninja already super strong (enough to rival anyone), even if the monster only heal them (100% happen because if the Jinchurikan die so will the monster, they will not allow it carrier die) or raise their power by 10%, is that still make them stronger than they already is?

    Fourth, what you said about the weapon case only apply if both side has it. What happen if only one side has the weapon and the other is not? Well you can look at the history between 1945 and 1950. Back then only USA has the weapon, it become the number one country of the world without any rival. Same thing, Akatshuki already has 8 out of 9 tailed monster. all that left is Naruto, the last Jinchurikan, the last weapon of the good side (sorry of being rude for called him the weapon, but that is still an avoidble fact even if you don't want to) If he too fall into Akatshuki hand, i doubt that there is any change for Konoha to survive when Akatshuki has all the weapon. Would you stand much of the change in the duel between you who has only your fish and person who has gun or a tank in their deploy?

    Fifth, the hide Naruto or jail him is just super stupid. Let's me guess. You has a gun to use in the gun duel. Instead of using it in the duel, you chose not to. You hide that gun and come empty hand to a duel where your oppornent has a gun on his hand that can kill you anytime. SUPER SMART, SUPER INTELLIGENT. Or would you choose to do the super idiot thing to improve the gun and practice your sharp shooting skill?

    From this five points we can see how important Naruto really is to Konoha. We can said that if Naruto is lost so is Konoha and everyone in it. In the chess game, if you lose the king you lose everything. isn't that the same in Naruto case? if you don't call Naruto is the King piece, then what is he?

  9. #49
    There is no way you can defend Sasori cause the fact he lost to an 80 year old and a teenage girl with limited skill compared to others like Sasuke,Neji,Naruto.

    The higher echelon of Akatsuki must be uberstrong Itachi class and higher cause if they are at the same class as Sasori and Diedare then its not even funny...

  10. #50
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Interesting somewhat off-topic note, Deidara is only 14 years old. Go fucking figure.
    Where did you get that info. from?

    R.I.P Captain America.

  11. #51
    they dont have 8 of the tailed demons it has never said that. if im not mistaken i remember them saying three or something along them lines.

  12. #52
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    Where did you get that info. from?
    I googled it and some people wrote that they had read that in a Naruto databook.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Interesting somewhat off-topic note, Deidara is only 14 years old. Go fucking figure.
    14, eh? Just makes the Sasori/Deidara pair up that much more complementary.

  14. #54

    Not completely out of left field ...

    Long time reader, first post.

    I was watching the anime again last night, specifically #72. In it, Orochimaru mentions why he wants to live forever (or really long time anyway). He says:

    "I want to master all techniques, and understand the truth of this world. The one who mixed blue and yellow for the first time called the new color green. I want to do something similar to that. If blue represents chakra, yellow represents seals, and green represents the technique. As there are many different colors, there are tens of thousands of techniques in this world."

    This seems to tie very heavily back into different natured chakra now. Granted he said blue represents chakra and yellow represents seals, not different elements.

    Also wouldn't that mean that he would need to posses a body with a blodline limit that was capable of handling each combination? With Sharingan it seems he could copy the technique, but until he was in a body with that particular bloodline "capacity" I don't think he could truly do the technique.

    Just wanted to throw this thought out there because I had read some stuff about this being completely out of the blue and I agreed at first. After watching these old episodes though it seems like Kishi really did have a plan the whole time.

    Last edited by wready99; Sat, 07-22-2006 at 07:44 PM.

  15. #55
    I, amazingly, actually liked this chapter. *nods in approval*

    I can't wait to see what he has to do after he cuts the leaf in two.

  16. #56
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    From post #39:
    Quote Originally Posted by toonice714
    But as they were playing Asuma refered to himself as a pawn, shikamaru as a knight and then pointed to a different piece.
    When I read this chapter, I interpreted Asuma's "silver piece" as a lieutenant-general piece - something akin to a queen in chess - rather than a pawn. Shikamaru is surprised and annoyed at Asuma's play because it's a different, highly offensive type of strategy right from the start. When Asuma says that he is only a "lowly silver," he's saying that even as a powerful piece, he has less worth because he will be required to sacrifice for the sake of the King.

    If the shougi discussion can be used as foreshadowing, placing Shikamaru as a knight is quite interesting. Knights often survive in games and play key roles. If massive fighting breaks out for an extended period of time, Shikamaru could be the "main side character" that makes it out in the end.

  17. #57
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    Sorry to bust all your balls and hate for kishi, he deserves it for being a sasuke lover, but the elemental thing is not new at all. In fact it was one of the first things we learned about chakra. Look it up Naruto episode 10 "The forest of chakra" 12:11-13 sakura will talk about chakra and kakashi will then elaborate and say something to this extent "and based on what jutsu you used, the type and amount of chakra release will be different" during this scence five colored scrolls representing the 5 elements along with thier names on in the background. Proof enough?

    Anyways on another topic so this is whats going to happen. Next chapter will be useless, naruto training interlayed with the chess match again and as the "slow syle" chess game progresses and asuma eleborates about the dire condition that konoha is in and in naruto's training will become more difficult. this will go on for some time probably a million chapters. Then kishi will end the training as the chess match comes to dramatic end with the capturing of a king and at the extact time hidan makes his move. and of course naruto be done with his training.

    So what move will it be? ... Have we seen him training in this pose before? hmm palm open and out.... WHY MUST HE TRAIN USING HIS F*CK*NGS HANDS. Sigh I rather have learn how to fly then learn another one hit wonder. And what ever happened to Sai? And what is Tsunade going to do? as of yet Nothing.

    Wirlwind rasengan will destroy you all

  18. #58
    Blood line limit means you can combine two or more elements? I hope that is a mistranslation. Bloodline limits are special techniques inherited through blood. You can't explain Sharingan, Byukagan or Bone bloodline limits as a combination of elements. It doesn't make any sense.

    There should really be a sixth element, Shadow.

  19. #59
    CapsuleCorpJX: learn to read.

    To combine/mix two elements to bring forth a new element puts a lot of stress on your body, therefor, you need some special strength to accomplish this. This special strength can either be inherited through a genetic trait in your clan, known as bloodline limit (Haku), or a rather spontanious genetic mutation (Shodaime/Yamato).

    That is the requirement for creating a new element, not for having a bloodline limit. A bloodline limit may enable you to mix elements and bring forth a new one (Ice), but being able to do this is not necessarily a bloodline limit (Mokuton) and having a bloodline limit does not necessarily mean you can mix elements (Byakugan, Sharingan). Therefor, as kakashi said, creating new elements is a bloodline limit-like ability in that it is a special ability that, for example, can't be copied via Sharingan.

    [Edit] grammar nits.
    Last edited by Elessar; Sun, 07-23-2006 at 06:17 AM.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    It did allow Kakashi to explain two natures=bloodline, though
    Two natures does not equal bloodline, but you CAN have a bloodline that makes it extremely easy to manipulate two natures into one. Bloodlines can do plenty of other things too though, like evolve an advanced eye that allows for the use of special dojutsu. And I'm pretty sure you dont need a bloodline just to manipulate more then one nature, I mean, look at the Hokage, he combined earth and fire jutsu (combined a fire spitting dragon and a mudslide to get a dragon that spat balls of magma, or something like that) and I'm pretty sure he didnt have a unique bloodline limit, not sure but I also think they said the hokage was a master of all the elemental types, not just one or two.

    P.S. If you didn't catch it, Naruto is porbably the King, because being a jinchiriyuki (no clue how to spell that) makes him the most important to protect,

    P.P.S. Also, on the colors of chakra = elements thing, I'm pretty sure that all the chakra we've seen in the entire series is blue except for the kyuubi chakra, so unless everyone is the same element as Naruto, which we already know isnt the case, the color doesnt matter to the element.
    Last edited by Necromas; Sun, 07-23-2006 at 11:57 AM.

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