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Thread: Naruto 315

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Teki
    On another note, is releasing the clone different from having the clone destroyed? Because if they are the same thing, then wouldn't the rapings of naruto's clones by enemies over the entire series go back to him and cause him severe pain or death?

    Actually, now that i think about it, i think releasing the clone is different from getting it destroyed by an enemy. I refer back to the beginning of the series where naruto tried to catch kakashi off gaurd and then punch him but kakashi used the switching technique thing and made all the narutos fight each other. And after cancelling all his clones, we see the real naruto all bruised and stuff.

    Also, countless times we see narutos clones go poof when hit and the real naruto doesnt seem to feel anything.

    I guess i might have answered my own question...
    I think the reason Naruto was hurt there was because he was fighting with the clones, so he probably got hit also.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by BlitzRonin
    Yeah...the paper and the water and leaf comparison can't be called anything else but a rip off.

    I'm glad someone else caught it...I thought I was going nuts.

    I mean these five elements aren't original at all, because EVERYONE uses them in some way for a combat system, but the method of finding out which you are is pretty much ripped off from HXH.
    I think its a bit over the top the call it a blatant rip off. All of the manga and anime incorporate aspects of Japanese culture and mythology, and are inspired by one another. That is one of the things that makes them great.

    So, yes, there are going to be many noticable similarities in the mangas. But I would not call it a rip off just because you saw it in another manga before seeing it here. Chances are it did not originate in HxH anyway.
    Last edited by Sidnne; Thu, 07-13-2006 at 09:20 PM.

  3. #43
    I think the reason Naruto was hurt there was because he was fighting with the clones, so he probably got hit also.
    I guess that could be it but i dont know if he by himself would have his face that messed up by the clones but to have the bruises of the clones add up onto him. O well... might be thinking too much into it heh.

  4. #44
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Looks like Kishimoto ripped off Multiple Man!

  5. #45
    lol, maybe. but doesnt multiple man generate more clones when hit? if only naruto could do that.

  6. #46
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlitzRonin
    Yeah...the paper and the water and leaf comparison can't be called anything else but a rip off.

    I'm glad someone else caught it...I thought I was going nuts.

    I mean these five elements aren't original at all, because EVERYONE uses them in some way for a combat system, but the method of finding out which you are is pretty much ripped off from HXH.
    [sarcasm mode ON]

    Oh noes!! Naruto ripped Ranma 1/2 since Ranma first had a Sasuke who was a ninja!!!1111

    And they also ripped Card Captor Sakura... they had a Sakura first!!!

    And Kishi ripped Orochimaru from harry potter!!111 its actually voldemort!!!

    Kidoumaru is a ripoff from Spiderman when he got six arms!! Oh noes!!!

    And they are ripping dragom ballz because of the number of episdes!! the hax0rxx!!

    They are ripping kenshinz throne of fillers!!

    [end of sarcasm]

    enough said

    PS: spelling errors are intentional.

  7. #47
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RyougaZell, didn't I tell you to finish learning English like two weeks ago? Jeez.

  8. #48
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    RyougaZell, didn't I tell you to finish learning English like two weeks ago? Jeez.
    Didn't you read the last line?

    PS: Don't care about what you think btw


    I was just remembering... wasn't there a metal element?

  9. #49
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Didn't you read the last line?

    PS: Don't care about what you think btw


    I was just remembering... wasn't there a metal element?
    I don't think anyone has had a metal element jutsu.

  10. #50
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    I don't think anyone has had a metal element jutsu.
    I can't remember where I saw that one... but if there isn't one then its just my mind playing tricks on me. (must get sleep)

  11. #51
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    One enemy in a recent filler used magnetic attacks, but that's all I can think of.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    One enemy in a recent filler used magnetic attacks, but that's all I can think of.
    Isn't that a rip off of Magneto?

  13. #53
    This is the most retarded shit i ever herd...

    Does it REALLY matters if its a rip off or not? just enjoy the show for how it is god damnit... i dont mind if they rip it off or not as long as you enjoy it its all good...

  14. #54
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    gah naruto is so dumb. first 9 pages " huh? i dont get it " but im interested in what the jitsus gunna be like but can a dumbass like naruto do it?

  15. #55
    I must agree with NineTails...kinda, at this point just about everything worth doing has been done by someone somewhere so claiming ripoff is almost like saying 'don't give us anything unless we haven't seen it before!' Unfortunately this would probably lead to shit we haven't seen b/c it's stupid before new shit that's actually good.

    I can't think of an anime that didn't either make me think of at least one other anime or made someone else think of at least one other anime and post about it (I thought NGE was alone before I heard about RahXephon for example)

    As for Naruto, sure many ideas are comming from random places, but it's the story created from the ideas that we should focus on. However Kishi seems to be relying more and more on tired plot devices and as a result the story suffers and thus we have something to complain about.

  16. #56
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mage
    Heh, someone predicted that the training would go this way two weeks ago, but everyone dismissed it because it sounded so dumb.
    This was exactly what I thought of as I read this week's manga. How ironic as I confess to thinking it was a silly idea.

    Anyway, on the chakra type, all of us should have expected Naruto to be a wind-type when he farted in Kiba's face.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  17. #57
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    I sort've expected it when he learned Rasengan.

    But this whole element type thing explains alot about the Hokage battle during the chuunin exam.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  18. #58
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    i just got back into the manga, man did i come back at a good time. I can't believe how good 315 was. I didn't know about the elemental types, neat thing to know about. I'am suprised to see naruto's was wind though, and that sasuke had 2 types, and naruto had one. I'm really interested to see the new secret training technique in action. Also, didn't anyone else notice that Kakashi could make naruto stronger than he is in less than a week, lol. Anyway great chapter and can't wait to see what happens.

  19. #59
    So exactly where do all you people read, that Sasuke has a natural affinity of the same amount (or it would be one again) to two types?

    Naruto _asks_ if Sasuke has two, and that question _isn't_answered_at_all_. It is stated that in the Uchiha clan there were exceptionally many people with fire affinity and that Kakashi is lighning, therefor chidori. Sasuke being able to learn chidori and further developing it, means he is most likely lightning - _NOT_ fire. He learned fire jutsu, because they are an Uchiha trademark. He can, until proven otherwise, not transform his chakra into fire.

  20. #60
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Sasuke had a lot of trouble learning Goukakyu in his flash back compared to Itachi. Whether that's because he isn't a fire type or Itachi is just much better than him is unknown, though. I'd say the evidence would suggest that he's a lightning type and not a fire type, but learned the Uchiha's traditional fire techniques.

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