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Thread: Zero no Tsukaima: The Familiar of Zero

  1. #1

    Zero no Tsukaima: The Familiar of Zero

    First episode released by Froth-Bite:

    "When Saito wakes up, a cute girl is looking into his face. Looking around, he finds himself in a strange place surounded by people looking like wizards. Then,he learns that he was summoned as a magic servant by the girl, Louise. While he is embarrassed, Louise kisses him, saying that it is a contract. Soon, strange letters appears on his hand, and he is made a servant.",3...o_tsukaim.html

  2. #2
    The series looks like a mix of Negima Sensei and Maburaho…..kinda.

    In all, for any one into magic/fantasy, it might worth checking out. It seems quite fun and easy to follow (very cliché and all, but nevertheless….)

  3. #3
    This show is quite interesting I'd really like to find out wats that mark on teh commoner's hand that apeared when he was summoned

  4. #4
    Not bad, I'm intrested, which menas the first ep did it's job. It's funny that I felt this was kinda cliched even though I've never seen a show quite like this. Guess I've been listening to too many stories around here.

  5. #5
    First episode was definately worth watching. I think the next 2-3 episodes will determine though whether the series will be any good, so here's hoping that the second episode is as interesting as the first.

    Episode 2:

  6. #6
    If you don't like mp4 (like me, but for no real reason then here's Episode 2 by KuroNeko this isn't an HQ release I'll post that when it comes out.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I liked this eps. They got through all of the servant/rebellion stuff, introduced a new character, and gave us a pretty good idea what makes Yuji- er... Saito special as Louise's familiar.

    I'll stick with this show.

  8. #8
    Series seems OK to me, I'll keep watching. I wonder why Saito only got strong when he grabbed the sword. Was it because of a new found resolution? Or was it simply the act of grabbing a weapon?

  9. #9
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    So far, the series is going just alright. Gotta watch a few more episodes to determine if this would be worth watching or not.

  10. #10
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    i like the main character already "i don't care if i have to sleep on the floor, i don't care if i have to eat bad food, i can't help that so i'll live with it, BUT i'm never going to bow down to anyone againts my will." i would've like Shakugan no Shana alot more if the main char wasn't so useless, hopefully this one will be better.

  11. #11
    Zero no Tsukaima - 03 by KuroNeko

    Lots of laughs in this one, but I wasn't falling out of my chair or anything.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    Series seems OK to me, I'll keep watching. I wonder why Saito only got strong when he grabbed the sword. Was it because of a new found resolution? Or was it simply the act of grabbing a weapon?
    I suppose the contract rune that burned onto his hand (as explained in episode 3) gave him some strength to fight back effectively with a sword

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
    i like the main character already "i don't care if i have to sleep on the floor, i don't care if i have to eat bad food, i can't help that so i'll live with it, BUT i'm never going to bow down to anyone againts my will." i would've like Shakugan no Shana alot more if the main char wasn't so useless, hopefully this one will be better.
    Yeah, but this time its gonna be the other way around - with Louise being useless and Saito saving the day. :-P

  13. #13
    ANBU Mr Squiggles's Avatar
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    Zero no tsukaima - 4 (Kuroneko):

    wondering what this one's going to be like...
    Last edited by Mr Squiggles; Thu, 07-27-2006 at 03:53 PM.

    98% of teens uses or has tried MySpace. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, copy and paste this in your signature

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One fine series. I will most certainly and most eargerly wait for new episodes. While it can't be argued this series wouldn't lack cliches, it still pulls off remarkably well. The personality of the main character matters a lot, if not most. Although he's not exactly a hero, he still has pride, a wicked sense of humour, much spirit, and yet a healthy amount of self-preservation instinct.

    But it was quite a family treasure... Totally fitting of course, considering the family, though.

  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The struggle of a summoned commoner continues:

    Episode 5 MQ - Kuroneko

    Edit: Quite a nice episode. And Saito has retained his wicked sense of humour. If he keeps that way through the series, he's going to be pretty high on the fine main character scale.

    There was a plot hole the size of a five story building, literally. However, it was so outrageous that it was actually far more hilarious than annoying. What I'm talking about is of course how nobody noticed when a gigantic golem was summoned at the backyard of the school. Weren't there supposed to be even extra guards patrolling the perimeters?
    Last edited by Kraco; Fri, 08-04-2006 at 09:14 AM.

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Didn't you see the scene of when the blue haired girl, so tempted to call her Yuki, flew around on her dragon or whatever it is?

    The golem was on the backside of the huge tower, in theory directly opposed to the exhibition. Regardless of that, you're still right. It was loud when it came out of the ground, loud when it was attempting to break the tower, and louder still when it first grabbed Yuuji off the ground. One would think people would notice.

    Still, it was a good eps. The scenes where Louise viciously beats Yuuji with the horsewhip never cease to amuse me. I particularly liked when he started dodging and taunting her in front of Henrietta after pulling a "cool guy" routine on her and Louise.

  17. #17

  18. #18

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The subbing efforts on this series are quite exemplary; three subbers and all are keeping up nicely enough. And all of them would be worth watching, although I have only checked two, but no doubt also the Static-Subs - Ayu coalition is producing high quality.

    That being said, the episode 6 (I already watched the Kuroneko release), certainly offered the biggest surprise yet; in the form of the staff of destruction. I supppose it shoudn't have been such a surprise after the family treasure the other episode, but still: I didn't expect the staff of destruction to be something even I've been trained to use...

    This is one fine series. But why does it seem to me that almost all fine series these days are half length ones? This is also only bloody 13 episodes. No grander plots for this one, it seems.

  20. #20
    It was pretty obvious who the thief was, and I hope they bring that character back in the future, she was pretty kickass. I'm saddened to think that they already took her out of the picture.

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