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Thread: Zero no Tsukaima: The Familiar of Zero

  1. #41
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    just finished it now, better than i first thought...
    though, when i first saw the name i thought it would be a bit less childish style (whenever i see the word Zero i'm thinking of megaman zero and how great the games are...), but still, i was nice, not too many wasted episodes, and even funny at times.

    though, i wonder why they bother keeping an army around. twenty dudes got wasted by a silly golem, without even directing thier sword towards it...

    anyway, is there a list of the episodes names somewhere? i mean the english names translated by FB..

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I doubt this has been any news for anybody for a good long time, but lets post it here, nevertheless, should some new viewer visit this thread at some point:

    Quote Originally Posted by ANN
    The official website for Zero no Tsukaima, confirms production of a second season. No further details are available.
    I, surprise surprise, welcomed this news with great gladness when I first time heard the rumours. The first season was concluded, though, which leads me to believe the creators didn't plan to make a second season in the first place, but let's hope they can somehow continue it without any dubious solutions.

  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The books go on for quite some time, I believe the first season covers material in the first 4 or so books. Or it might jump around, skipping stuff here and there. There shouldn't be any dubious solutions. They still shouldn't have rushed the ending of the first season, but I also think the creators had no plans for a second season.

  4. #44
    Finally finished the series, I had stopped at episode 9, it was an entertaining one. I had my doubts at first, but it has some nice characters and some memorable scenes. I thought the ending was good, hopefully a second season won't ruin that (it's rare to have a good ending).

    You said this series covered the first 4 book, how many are there total?

  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    There are some things to look forward in the second season. For example this poster suggests, at least with a superficial analysis, that Zero's family, or parts of, could be introduced. Something I somehow wasn't expecting at all, but the prospect makes me certainly wait even more for the second season!

  6. #46
    Just finished watching the series, it was quite good. My favorite scene has to be the part where Zero wins the Tip Race, and tries on the black waitress outfit for Saito and asks for his opinion. He then goes "Tres bien!" with his silly >_< face. I cracked up so hard, and couldn't stop laughing for awhile.

  7. #47
    Series got licensed by Geneon... I haven't heard anything about the second season.

    Anime Boston: Geneon Announces The Familiar of Zero
    At its Anime Boston panel, Geneon Entertainment has announced the acquisition of The Familiar of Zero (Zero no Tsukaima), J.C. Staff's 13-episode TV series about a young female magician living in an alternate world who summons an ordinary Japanese boy to be her familiar during a magic aptitude test. Release of this series is currently planned for later in 2007.

  8. #48
    Second season coming sooner than expected:

    The Familiar of Zero Second Series to Air in July
    Moon Phase reports that Chiba TV and other Japanese stations will broadcast the previously announced second television series of The Familiar of Zero magical fantasy anime in July. Geneon Entertainment announced it had licensed the first series at Anime Boston 2007.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Heh. A few weeks ago some thought (and reported) it would start this month already, but it quickly was revealed it was just a rerun on the first season in Japan and the new season would start in July. Still, July isn't really that far away. It could be much worse, like with Shana that apparently will continue no sooner than in October.

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The show's very near now, and things like previews have appeared:

    Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Preview - SLF

    Didn't reveal that much, as usual, but Saito seems to still be attracted by women... The subs of the preview looked like they were written by some Japanese guy in Engrish, but it's not like you'd need special subs for a seconds long preview flick anyway...

  11. #51
    I wanted to post about how nice the second series looks, but man what horrible subs... I couldn't stop laughing. "I not forgive!!"

  12. #52
    Zero no Tsukaima: Knight of the Two Moons - 01 - [Your-Mom]

    Plenty of laughs again as Saito and Louise resume their dance of skirt chasing, jealousy, and misery. As well as new characters (who, of course, hate Saito) and some plot developments already.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 07-10-2007 at 12:16 PM.

  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Damn, this series is just as great as I remembered. Though they really did make a point out of Saito's skirt chasing ways. A strong start, for sure.

    However, wasn't the ring supposed to be returned to the spirit in the lake? Or does my memory totally fail me and I'm mixing some story element here...

  14. #54
    Pretty good first episode, though it feels like what was in the first season (being that Saito was the object of many girl's attention) seems to be nonexistant, and now only focused on Saito and Louise and his perversion.

  15. #55
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The novels (of which I read the first that only barely gets through Fouquet), Saito is much more perverse than he was in the first season, so this first episode of season 2 is actually more in line with his personality. Apparently Louise is really into S&M (and apparently Saito doesn't really seem to mind too much himself). I had a good laugh the scene where the Firearms Commander walks in on Louise mounting Saito covered in scars, only to immediately walk out.

    The glasses are a "family treasure" that Louise had to intently negotiate for? Seems to me that her tendencies run in the family, just like Kirche's sluttiness runs in hers.

    As for the ring, the water spirit told Saito that it knew that Gandalvs always fulfill their promises eventually, so it said it would wait. And what's a human's lifetime to something eternal?

  16. #56
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ho... Yesy also picked up this series. I've been an admirer of their subbing efforts ever since Utawarerumono, so it's quite likely I'll archive their subs. Although that does depend on whether they will release HQ h264 versions (assuming raws will be available). Times have changed and even I'm finally changing with them, now considering h264 the codec of choice, rather than xvid.

    Episode 1 - Yesy

    Episode 1 h264 HQ - Yesy

    I think the game is settled for me, although I still, probably, for objectiveness sake, need to actually watch their sub to check it out with my own eyes...

    Edit2: HQ link updated to version 2.
    Last edited by Kraco; Wed, 07-11-2007 at 12:51 PM.

  17. #57
    Zero no Tsukaima - 01 MQ - [KuroNeko]

    Those of you who remember the first series should remember them, they do good work and also do Widescreen Releases, but they seem to be slow as molasses with them. Still waiting on the HQ's of 11-13 but I'll give them the benefit for a while on S2.

  18. #58
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Those of you who remember the first series should remember them, they do good work...
    I used to think so, and archived them, but then not many months ago I rewatched the series, and I realised the Kuroneko subs were horrible. Basically no QC. I have no idea why I didn't see it the first time through. I guess the series was so great I didn't pay attention. Needless to say, I redownloaded the first season from elsewhere (SS-Ayu if memory serves), burned the redownload and changed my Access table to point to the new disk.

  19. #59
    Episode 2 XviD - YourMom
    Episode 2 h264 - YourMom

    I really hate the whole cliche where someone just can't believe something when the evidence is smacking you so hard in the face you'd get whiplash. I find it annoying to absolutely no end how some of these characters can just be so unrealistic when it comes to common sense and logic.

  20. #60
    Well Henrietta is kind of an idiot and doesn't deserve to be a Queen since she can't control her passions, but at least she sticks to her convictions.

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