7th is out by Kureneko. avi format only at the moment
Got annoyed by a new character in this episode. It was too over the top to be humerous for me.
7th is out by Kureneko. avi format only at the moment
Got annoyed by a new character in this episode. It was too over the top to be humerous for me.
An excellent episode. Beginning right with the intro itself; one more cool guy Saito scene, rivalling the scene in episode 5. Otherwise I have to say this episode was very traditional, but on the other hand this series as a whole is placing its trust on good old schemes, and it suits me just fine.
It's sad, though, that the train has now turned and is heading back home, like a Finnish saying goes; seven of thirteen episodes released.
The link Everon forgot to post:
Episode 7 - Kuroneko
The preview for the next episode had some good news for you.Originally Posted by Budweineken
Ah that's great, though I'm still waiting for Froth-Bite to release before watching this episode.
Edit: Just watched Froth-Bite's episode 7:
Wasn't too fond of the episode, but it was ok I guess. There wasn't anything on the preview of interest, but right at the end of the episode my favorite character was shown. In my opinion, this series needs a little bit of more action, the fights that have been shown so far have been quite good, they need to do them more frequently, especially with this short series.
Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 08-20-2006 at 05:20 AM.
Oh, yes. It wasn't in the preview, but at the end of the episode. That's what I really meant.
Anyway, the next episode:
Episode 8 - Kuroneko
A good episode. Although it didn't contain anything really novel, mainly some traditional elements, but it had a solid integrity nonetheless, and it developed characters nicely. Zero more than the others and with an unnatural speed... Yet with only 4 more eps to go, I can't help but feel the development of the secondary characters might be wasted, unless that side story becomes the main one in the next episode.
For those waiting for Froth-Bite's episode 8, here it is:
It's a crime not to wait for the next Zero episode as if your life depended on it:
Episode 9 - Kuroneko. It's labeled as a temporary link, but that's what they offer.
Edit: An interesting episode to say the least. And the small stories that began earlier are connected to each other nicely. I certainly didn't anticipate the love potion scheme would lead anywhere but indeed it did.
Also contained a scene equal in funniness to the three arrows What's wrong? scene in Utawarerumono...
- "The water level is abnormally high"
- "Abnormally?"
- "Look."
Well, I guess this wasn't after all just the local style of building houses half underwater...
Last edited by Kraco; Sat, 09-02-2006 at 04:53 PM.
Zero is back to her tsundere ways, so let's see what happens next:
Episode 10 - Kuroneko
Edit: A splendid episode. The plot still follows very traditional trails, but so it has done all the time, and it has hardly hindered this series. Jolly good as always.
Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 09-10-2006 at 08:13 AM.
It seemed pretty obvious to me that Ward was Foquet's ally standing in the shadows after Guiche got slapped. I suppose that connects into why he wants to marry Louise and become a powerful Noble.
All in all, a good eps, but I'm left wondering how they will quickly bring in the major conflict and resolve it in only 3 eps.
Indeed. That's something I have been wondering ever since the real story started... 2 episodes ago?
I have to agree it was probably Ward standing there, in the shadows. Of course it could yet be something else, but right now Ward looks and behaves in such a traditional disguised evil guy's manner that it's hard to imagine he could be anything else. And besides, if he was a good guy, Louise would need to really dumb him without such a strong reason.
So, the reason why Louise is Zero is that she's in fact a void mage, who just tries to meddle with the other four elements ill suited for her? Somehow void magic sounds ominous, dark side and deadly.
For those that like the Froth-Bite releases, here are episodes 9 and 10:
since people seem to watch this one I figured you'd all want the link to episode 11 asap.
edit: link removed. my bad Kraco.
...wonder if i should give this show a whirl...
Last edited by masamuneehs; Mon, 09-18-2006 at 10:50 AM.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
According to the Kuroneko website, that one is not an official final release.
I'm still waiting for the rerelease...Originally Posted by Kuroneko website
This is a very pleasant little show. Completely cliched, but the story is funny nonetheless (especially if you don't mind tsundere comedy). What makes this show better than many bulk tsundere shows is that the main male character has a pretty wicked sense of humour, made evident every now and then.
DDL of zero 11
Kuroneko also got their final version of #11 out:
Episode 11 - Kuroneko
Quite an episode. But this anime is really far too fast paced. While this was still a good episode, it should have been two or three episodes, not one. The speed is damaging the series. But with only a couple of episodes left, there's not much room for loitering anymore. Unfortunately. I wish this was 26 episodes, or a second season would be coming.
I just started this 2 days ago; yes, it's cliched, but it's very well done. I agree with the episode count though, is super-fast paced short animes the fad now? Like FSN and Melancholy/Haruhi, just to name a couple...
Last edited by Church; Wed, 09-27-2006 at 06:00 PM.
Zero no Tsukaima - 12 by Froth-Bite the penultimate episode! How they hell are they going to cram a sensible plot into two more eps?!?! Find out here!
Kuroneko also got their version out:
Episode 12 - Kuroneko
It's hard to believe the next episode will be the last one. If this and the previous episodes were rushed I don't even dare to imagine how rushed the last one will be. Not only need they to stop a whole war in one ep but also sort out Saito and Zero's fate, plus hopefully explain a few things like what the void magic actually is. That's plenty for one ep...
The next episode will either be very very rushed or left open on purpose for sequels. I'm really suprised at this, I didn't think I would like this series this much.
Btw, Chapter 1 is translated.
Something else to read besides Melancholy/Suzumiya
Grief... The last episode of here. And so one more great series ends:
Episode 13 Final - Kuroneko
Edit: It's always a bit sad to leave good series behind. But to quote a nameless critic: a story is only good if it knows when to end. This story did know that, despite the fact it was hard to believe just one episode ago. So much to finish in one episode. Episode 13 did succeed in that, although the inevitable consequence was that all the scenes were really short and harshly cut to the point. Yet somehow they still managed to squeeze enough seconds for a little bit of romanticism and a last scene that paid homage to the series's innermost spirit.
A great series. Somewhat hurried towards the end, but can't be helped.
Last edited by Kraco; Fri, 09-29-2006 at 02:41 PM.
For those that wait for F-B's releases, here's episode 13: http://www.froth-bite.com/torrent/%5...5D.mp4.torrent
*Downloading now*