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Thread: Coyote Ragtime Show

  1. #21

  2. #22
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Lunar released Episode 02 & Episode 03

  3. #23
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Another action-packed episode -- although I reckon most shall be.
    A little more history of Franca/Mister, and learn a little more of Franca's father.

    Scene towards the end in the church was nicely done, reckon new guy shall be quite interesting (although early on had reservations, thought may be a preacher-type character, which wouldn't be keen on).

    Looking forward till next episode, thankfully Lunar have caught up nicely too, as their subs have some lines which were missing from gg (nothing major, still, nice to have).

  4. #24

  5. #25
    Well it officialy one of my top animes after episode 4

    Well we get to see their objetive. It was funny and intresting episode of how to rob a bank.

  6. #26
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Anyone know how the quality is for AnimeYuki?

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The bank is some form of gigantic quantum Rubik's Cube? You gotta be kidding me. Still, I love 'heist' movies and series, so this eps was great.

  8. #28
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    got to episode 3 and 4. Swamp is the token priest gunslinger AND token black guy... but man his singing voice really doesn't fit the character at all.

    I've grown to like Mister some. At first his vague way of talking about things (or is that gg fansubs?) got me a little annoyed, but some of his lines are pretty good. I love the Central Bank being referred to as a 'mountain', not just a tresure but also a serious obstacle to be conquered.

    the action in this show is nice, but man is it some foowee sometimes! Two guys with pistols versus armored machine gun wielding troops backed up with helicopters... I prefer Black Lagoon or Bebop's gunfights alot more, but Ragtime does offer some nice animation.

    I fucking suck at puzzles like that Central Bank one D'bony is the Genma-looking plot device whizkid, but man tell me you can't like someone named D-to-the-Bony!

    this show is automatically cool because they referenced the best song ever, Hotel California. gg's comment on it made me lol.

    no need to go through the handprint identification code, just go through the grate in the wall... "epitome of financial security"? How would that fat bastard president ever even make it through the ball? He doesn't even have cameras in his office.

    I do like this show, but early comparison to Bebop and the number of other good shows out there now really leave this one lagging. It has potential, but it seems to fall into little pitfalls in places it should really shine... In all honesty I probably won't be watching this show very avidly.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #29
    Episode 5 is out by gg

    Episode Discussion
    well heists don't stop at last episode now they hijaking warp gate. Franca isn't useless character, she had some nice scenes in the episode. And don't forget add 12 sisters and detective to keep you hoping for more
    Last edited by Death13a; Mon, 08-07-2006 at 02:04 PM.

  10. #30
    Are the 12 sisters robots or what? In ep.3 they're worried about getting their clothes dirty and now they're eating peaches. It's still a great show, just a lil' confusing.

  11. #31
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulsteeler
    Are the 12 sisters robots or what? In ep.3 they're worried about getting their clothes dirty and now they're eating peaches. It's still a great show, just a lil' confusing.
    I'm pretty sure they're all androids as the captured one is for sure and they all seem to have abnormal strength among other things. This is probably one of the best shows to come out this year, right up there with Utawarerumeno and BlackLagoon for me.

  12. #32
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #33
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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  14. #34
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I began to like this show quite a lot during the first episodes, culminating in the bank robbery (despite the grate Masa mentioned), but the space station battle of the last episodes made me grit my teeth. I will keep watching this show, but I hope to never see anything like this again.

    There weren't basically anything wrong if you just looked at the coyotes and the guild. The fighting was quite good and action smooth, but what on earth were the space station crew doing? If there indeed are plenty of criminals left and right in that universe, then there should be appropriate security present at a major space station like that. A few military battleships and cruisers.

    Now, it's evident every other official is corrupt in that world, but still: Somebody shoots holes in the space station's walls, blows up random civilian ships, levels buildings inside... I don't think any sum of bribe is enough for that. Even if the officials were stupid enough to do nothing, their heads would roll afterwards, as no cover-up could ever keep secret what happened, and why the officials did absolutely nothing.

    The guild seems to have impressive ships and weaponry, but if you look around, no matter how nice gear the criminals have, it's nothing compared to what's available to the goverments (military). So, the space station should have been equipped with weaponry easily surpassing that of the guild ship.

    If they want to have a totally static environment, why not use an asteroid field, a dead space station, or something... Damn. Well, Franca's trick with the ejection seat fortunately totally saved the very ending of the episode.

  15. #35
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Just watched episodes 4-6.

    Laughed my ass off at the COBOL reference in Episode 4 (4m, 28-34s) - fair play to creators for putting the effort in...

    Liked these three episodes - as kraco says realism is being traded for effect/poetic license, but I don't think that it takes much away from the series.
    I was hoping for a little bit more of an 'epic' to the last couple of scenes -- things seemingly fit together for luck or whatever in this.

    In Episode 5 can see why Swamp is 'testing' Mister -- Swamp used to being under someone who planned everything maticulously (as can see from the video clip).
    Mister on the other hand seems to have rough plans, and then just improvise the rest.
    I can see why Swamp would have issues with this style when he worked so long with other chap (Blue... whatever).
    Last edited by seanos; Sun, 08-20-2006 at 07:22 AM.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Now, it's evident every other official is corrupt in that world, but still: Somebody shoots holes in the space station's walls, blows up random civilian ships, levels buildings inside... I don't think any sum of bribe is enough for that. Even if the officials were stupid enough to do nothing, their heads would roll afterwards, as no cover-up could ever keep secret what happened, and why the officials did absolutely nothing.

    The guild seems to have impressive ships and weaponry, but if you look around, no matter how nice gear the criminals have, it's nothing compared to what's available to the goverments (military). So, the space station should have been equipped with weaponry easily surpassing that of the guild ship.
    It is more than every other offical that is corrupt. In the first episode near the end Angelica says "The guild has long held control over the police and politicians". The guild basicly is the government so there is no need to cover any thing up as there is no one that has power over them.

  17. #37
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Lunar released Episode 07

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This is it. I just can't stand these space fights anymore. I had blissfully forgotten the ones in the previous eps, but this episode 7 one was so miserable I'm seriously considering dropping this whole series. It's like this show was written by two groups: one good scripting all other things, and one bunch of monkeys writing the space battles. If this wasn't the last of these abominations, the next one will witness me deleting this thing from my HD. Would be a damn shame as the rest of the story seems so good.

  19. #39
    : Opus

    Yes it's getting tiresome but look on the bright side, the series will have to be more than 12 eps.

  20. #40
    gg released episode 08

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