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Thread: Love Get Chu ~Miracle Seiyuu Hakusho~

  1. #1

    Love Get Chu ~Miracle Seiyuu Hakusho~

    First episode released by Ayu-C1Anime:

    "Five girls came to a training school to become voice actresses holding each thought in her mind. Momoko - she wanted to be a voice actress to meet her favorite voice actor. Rinka - she is an armature voice actress, but she didn’t have special purpose to become voice actress. Yurika - she likes anime very much. Tsubasa - she was a girl in love, and acted only as a boy. Amane - she found a deadlock as a actress and tried to find another way. They managed to get over the difficulty to become voice actress although they couldn’t perform as main characters yet. There is a love romance with a boy works for an anime company, and you can catch a glimpse of situations of anime industries.",3...et_chu___.html

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hmm... I wonder if this has any similarity to REC... Although this might be more technical. There were some glimpses into the business in REC as well, but it no doubt missed a lot due to the inherent restrictions like the shortness of the series and the characters not all being voice actors. This should be somewhat different considering the description. And of course they are in some school for voice acting. Hmm... in the end it should be very different.

    Well, quite a few series are ending, so who knows. I might check this out eventually.

  3. #3
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    To alleviate the increasing headache the search for an odd looking tree caused me yesterday, I downloaded the first episode, and had a look at it. And interestingly enough it slightly remineded me of REC. There were a slightly naive but bright and shining wannabe voiceactress, and a dude who wasn't a voice actor but apparenly an animator (not that different from a commercial designer). Although the dudes are probably quite different otherwise. The dude from REC was more like Kyon with some nasty edge, but the dude in this seemed like Keitaro, or something.

    Well, the episode as such was nice enough. Some good jokes and humorous scenes, though nothing extraordinary, and then some otherwise good scenes. The characters are somewhat directly from the anime instruction manual, but I suppose a series like this couldn't go without the usual cast.

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I decided to get episode 2 and 3 from a group called m.3.3.w, which was previously totally unknown to me. Ayu has been quite inactive lately, so this was the way to go.

    Episode 2 - m33w
    Episode 3 - m33w

    As far as I'm concerned, the translation was good. But then again I'm not known to be too strict with my standards for translations. Still, I doubt anybody would find problems with these.

    The series itself hardly presented anything surpring. Like the characters, the plot also seems to be straight from a text book. Well, at least it's executed decently. Still, I'm wondering what manner of surprises, if any, this series can offer. There seems to be a likely pair with a long way to go, but that's about it. Well, there's always the main character's development as a voice actress, and with all other things so unsurprising, I really hope that will get the real focus.

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