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Thread: Movie: Transformers

  1. #141
    Just back from the 12:01 showing. Holy Shit that was a beautiful looking movie! And quite funny too, Shia seemed to be mimicking another comics style with the really fast talking but he pulled it off well and managed to stay pretty funny throughout. But none of us will see this movie for Shia Lewhatever's acting skills.

    Echoing everyone else, this movie was simply amazing for the senses. The visuals were top notch and not spared at all in the scenes that were shown, but also the soundtrack was really effective as well. The heavy rock tracks, I'm going to call them rock b/c I don't know enough about music to tell the differences, were really good at indicating mood changes and sounded great. I'll be getting the soundtrack for this one with certainty.

    The plot was good, but not air tight of course. There's no way you could reverse engineer our comparatively crappy technology from something as complicated as a Transformer. It'd be like sending an iPhone back to the Romans and having them discover how to make their own rudimentary telephones. However they did a really good job of integrating the humans into the story so that it wouldn't have worked without both them and the Autobots. There are several times where you might be focused on the Transformers and what they're doing when the action shifts back to the humans and you see what they're doing in the same circumstances. Some people may not like this, but I thought it worked fairly well to keep us from forgetting about the people (and making the movie more appealing to non-Transformer fans, who could easily go in and enjoy this with absolutely no previous experience with anything Transformer related.)

    The one thing I noticed and didn't like about the way the movie was made was that they did a lot of cutting away and then having time skip forward what seemed like hours while the characters responses indicated only minutes had passed. Example: A helicopter that was detected 20 miles away from a base in broad daylight making a beeline for the base at average helicopter speed. Said helicopter doesn't land at said base until the sun is all the way down. A couple instances like that don't really mess up the movie but they are noticeable if you're paying attention to little details, which by the end you certainly won't be. Also that section 7 guy was an annoying little prick, and I'm really sad he didn't die.

    Another Note...I think the only reason this movie is PG-13 is because only robots get really roughed up on screen. Some of the stuff that happens is downright brutal and certainly would warrant an R if it was humans involved.

    As to a sequel, they left it possible but they didn't do a good job setting up a potential Unicron/Galvatron scenario with the way they handled Megatron, though I think they could still make it work if need be.

  2. #142
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Maybe it'll be Unicron that comes and saves them all from the bottom of the ocean. Seems kind of obvious to me.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  3. #143
    The thing is if Unicron was already close enough to earth to revive them he'd probably just eat earth and go about his day. The only way I see it working is if someone goes and gets them and brings them to him.

  4. #144
    If I could change my name
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    Awesome movie, my opinion echos what you have all said, everything was spot on with very minor things being annoying.

    I don't remember seeing Starscream get destroyed, and I didn't observe carefully but did he return to space at the end of the movie?

    I thought I saw him on the carrier at the end, I mean one of the parts that was sitting there looked like a Jet and even had the Air force logo on it

    Anyone else figure out how those glasses got like that? I mean not exactly hit them to make what they had on them as well, those cracks on it would be hard to do by human hand...

    just a minor plot point I didn't see make sense
    image fail!

  5. #145
    The animation, graphics, and battle scenes in this movie made my jaw drop.

    I love the scene when Megatron comes back to from his cold slumber and yells "IM MEGATRON!"

  6. #146
    @ Deadfire: Right before the credits stop being flashing names and start scrolling (after both times with Sam's parents acting goofy) you see an F-22 leaving the atmosphere (and dealing with friction for some strange reason). I don't think the F-22 is operational in the exosphere so we can only assume it was Starscream.

  7. #147

  8. #148
    Went and saw it today, absolutely loved it. My friends and I exited the movie at the end repeating our favorite lines, and perhaps the one we were quoting the most was "You have failed me once again, Starscream!"

  9. #149
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    "Till all are one."

    I've going to dig out my old G1 series and the movie to watch them again this weekend.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #150
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    This movie is overrated.. It really wasn't that great. They made it too comical, I was expecting it to be more serious.

    Action? What action? The majority of action you see are the military shooting their weapons which made this movie more of a comedy/war movie than anything else.

    The fights with Autobots and Decepticons sucked. It was dull.

  11. #151
    If I could change my name
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    Awesome Review I read about this and the set up for the next movies

    Well here it is, 20 years, thousands of toys, and seven cartoon series later Transformers returns to the big screen. The movie has sparked curiosity among longtime fans and resentment from the hardcore fan-base who for some reason think that the barely recognizable track of Orson Wells in the 1986 animated feature was close to the voice of God. Director Michael Bay even received death threats, which he brushed off without much concern.

    That said after a thorough review of the film, I can say that the entire hardcore “the movie must be X, Y and Z otherwise it is worthless” can kiss my ENTIRE ass.

    This movie, which the uninitiated regard as the most expensive toy commercial ever, is a true summer blockbuster in both typical and yet atypical ways. The film begins with this near biblical reading

    “Before time itself, there was the cube”

    This phrase spoken by Optimus Prime (reprised by veteran voice actor Peter Cullen) sets the mood for the film. The whole time you get the feeling that there is something big going on that you can only just barely grasp.

    After this opening narration we cut to Qatar and the SOCCNET base there. Heartthrob and former gay porn actor Josh Dhumal is speaking with his team in a helicopter about what they would like to do when their tours are over. Dhumal laments over the fact that he has yet to see his baby girl, to which his teammates poke fun of him, in a very real military style. While this team lands and enjoys some time alone the base picks up a bogey, and the first dramatic scene opens. A Military helicopter refusing to identify itself lands on base, and interrupt’s a sweet moment between father and newborn daughter on the internet. This helicopter has USA markings but the registry was shot down months prior, leading to confusion. I think the first real indication that something bad was happening was when the chopper changed its shape in a loud and elaborate way to become a bipedal monstrosity.

    The action in this sequence is well done; we do not see much of Blackout, the Decepticon attacking the base. Whenever we do get something like full body shots it is for a very brief time. The chaos of the fight, and the fact that NOTHING is taking this beast down is well reflected by the chaos of solider running away and these nifty Pulse bombs flying everywhere.

    After the base gets obliterated and our human heroes run like hell we are introduced to a kid giving a presentation in his high school history class. He is showing off his family heirlooms to his class as part of a genealogy project. At the same time he is trying to sell them. Sam Witwickty (played by up and comer Shia Labouf) is portrayed as a teenage outcast surrounded by good looking jocks and hot girls. He and his briefly seen friend are all too geeky and do not fit the mold. What he lacks in muscle he makes up for in intelligence and wit, and even some charm.

    The real story begins when Sam buys his first car with the help of his cheap ass father, and as it turns out the yellow 1974 Camero is a robot. Like a super advanced transforming Robot. It is probably Japanese.

    While the plotline of the movie is holey and mediocre, I walked into the film expecting not much more then that. Summer Blockbusters by their nature are not cerebral entertainment. That said it does follow the formula of any story. You have protaganists, and antagonist, in a crisis situation.

    The film even contains a surprising amount of humor. Bad customer service moments, awkward sex talk from mom (Sam’s Happy Time), and even showing how a bunch of inpatient Autobots made a situation WORSE.

    The Visuals of the movie were extremely impressive. The filmmakers lived up to their promise of transforming at 80 Miles an hour. These robots were not just big hulking boxes of plastic either. They had agility and once things got going moved with a type of mechanical grace I would expect from a Battlemech. Prime shows off the agility by literally hanging from a bridge, his hands the toes holding him to suppourts. Even big old Ironhide does something impressive, using the recoil of his cannons to propel him into a spinning arc of doom.

    For what little characterizations there were among the cybertronians they did a very good job relating to the old school counter parts. Optimus was little pushy, but that was because of the circumstances. Ironhide was trigger happy (maybe a little too so). Optimus even berates Ironhide when our gunslinger suggested blasting Mr and Mrs Witwicky to keep them from interfering. Jazz defiantly got the smooth player thing going, particularly in his first transformation when he did a little break dancing,

    There was also a ton of G1 homage’s throughout the movie. Remember the Energy Axe from “More Then Meets the Eye?” It sort of comes back, only now it is a sword built into primes fore arm, and it is more like a power blade then a light saber. And then there is the tank Devastator, who takes the combined effort of a platoon of specially equipped soldiers, Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee and an air strike from an F 22 to take down. Another great homage was Megatron, after falling off a building, flicking a human being while uttering “disgusting fleshlings” Oh yeah, and Spike (and later frenzy) crying out “ohhh s7nkpil3!”

    Ok I have sung the praises enough, so let me get to the stuff that was truly disappointing about the movie. Where were the freaking Decepticons? Seriously Megatron and Barricade were the only two that had any significant speaking role that was not cybertronian. I could have done with at least one bad guy huddle.

    Secondly as a minor aside, why did Bay object to mass shifting only to have a 1000 foot cube be reduced to the size of a bowling ball?

    Now all that said here are my official predictions for the sequel. We see Starscream in the credits leave earth. I know he is going to call for reinforcements. Soundwave and Shockwave would be nice, as would be the Combaticons (since Devastator already appeared). Barricade and Skorpinok are MIA so that allows you to develop a nice harassment for the autobots.

    As for Megatron, let us look at what happens when Megatron in the past has come into contact with some all powerful force. Unicron turned him to Galvatron (G1), absorbing another Megatron’s spark turned him into a Galvatron like figure (Beast Wars), The Key to Vector Sigma turned him into Galvatron (Robots in Disguise), and the essence of the Minicons turned him into Galvatron (Armada). So what can e say would possibly happen with Megatron’s Spark combining with the All Spark?

    As for future Autobots, sure we would all love to see the Dinobots come in, but more realistically I think that aside from our survivors, Prowl, Warpath, Silverbolt, and Wheeljack should make appearances. I choose warpath to specifically counter another Devastator like Decepticon, and Silverbolt to counter Starscream. Erstwhile Prowl and Wheeljack are two classic Autobots that many are fond of.

    All in all Transformers is a very worthwhile film to see, at least in the eye candy factor. If you go in expecting it to be some great amount of writing, go se Evening. I give Transformers a solid Four and a half out of Five Energon Cubes
    image fail!

  12. #152
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    Just coming back from watching transformers and I must say that my expectations were blown away.....

    Awesome movie.....

    Go see it.

    At the moment I can't really put it into words. For now all I have to say is that it made me remember my childhood.

    Will edit later, maybe
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  13. #153
    According to Yahoo movies, the big scoop isn't Transformers, but one of the previews the precedes it.

  14. #154
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Cloverfield, looks very interesting. ( posted those 2 links cause trailers keep getting pulled.)

  15. #155
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Just saw this movie today and I have to disagree with most here. Although it was somewhat enjoyable, I really don't think it was all that great. The story was bad, but the great action somewhat compensated for it. I understand Michael Bay's wanting to do things differently but there are things in this movie that I really did not like. That little gremlin of a decepticon is one of them (Don't know name, only watched Transformers G1 as a kid. He wasn't soundwave was he??! That would be a travesty).

    From reading this thread, I understand the animators did not want to tread anywhere near the original G1 blocky look in terms of robot design and thats fine, but could they have at least made them a little simpler. Simplicity has its own aesthetic appeal. Although this has already been discussed to great lengths, I still want to assert that the robots in the movie looked really ugly, although they did cool stuff.

    As for most of the transformation sequences, I did not like them at all. Some of them were unnecessarily prolonged, with alot of unnecessary 'intermediate transformation forms' that had nothing to do with the actual mechanics of the transformation from car to robot or vice versa(I guess they were just trying to show off the wonders of modern cinematics). The transformations that I really liked were the ones that took place rather quickly with the robots immediately getting into action (i.e most of the Megatron and Starscream ones, along with 1 particular one of optimus prime's).

    I remember watching the first Transformers cartoon movie (More Than Meets the Eye) on VHS and pause playing all the transformation sequencies which were mechanically very plausible, not to mention simple and fast(Ok, there were a few odd things here and there like optimus growing a trailer out of nowhere, Megatron, Soundwave, etc.) Good Times! The quality slowly started detoriarating eventually.

    Optimus prime's voice was definitely one of the good parts of the movie. It brought back alot of transformers childhood memories. But then again, even a phrase like "Autobots, let's roll out" sounds cheesy when its used like every 2 seconds . Optimus even used it to ask them to get out of the Witwicky courtyard!

    Also, apart from Prime, the other Autobots were really out of character. Bumblebee peeing on the guy was just ............. Also Jazz's voice was awkward (He should have been called "Hip Hop" for crying out loud, not Jazz!)

    The humor really was ok but it got quite corny at times. I am at least happy with Sam and Ron Witwicky's accurate portrayal of Spike and Sparkplug. Personally, I think the human aspect of the story was handled really well (although a little too much for my liking), just the Transformers side of it sucked.

    Mainly because of the jawdropping action scenes, I would rate this movie a 6/10. It was fun to watch but something about these Transformers was felt just PLAIN WRONG! Maybe if this movie wasn't called Transformers I would like it better.

  16. #156
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    @Splash. That is exactly what I'm saying.

    The whole time I was watching the movie, it did not feel like Transformers at all. Like you said, if the movie wasn't called Transformers I would have liked it better as well. The Autobots felt more like a supporting role than the main role.

    It felt to me like a war movie against aliens from outer space. And yes, the way they made the robots were pretty ugly and they made the transformations look too complicated and such.

    I also didn't like Sam's character. Too many jokes made this movie feel more like a comedy/war movie than Transformers.

    Another "cartoon to movie" ruined. Only Spiderman and the new Batman IMO are the only good ones, although Spiderman 3 wasn't as good as the previous 2.

  17. #157
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Saw the movie earlier today and it wasn't as great as a lot of people have made it out to be. It was pretty good, and I'm surprised that asshat Bay didn't manage to completely molest my childhood memories of the original series. The biggest disappointment was the "epic" battle between Prime and Megatron in that it was not epic at all. If I had to give it a numerical rating I'd say 7/10.

  18. #158
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Amazing action and effects... thin story line. B-

    I really wish it wasn't sold out at the cheaper movie theater... 2nd attempt to see it, ended up driving to another theater where it was almost twice the cost to see it and the transformers were really amazing and there were several parts that had me lmao but there were also several lame parts and i thought the story line was kinda weak. the one part that had me lmao was when the one decepticon was asking him about the ebay item LOL
    that was just so good.

    as for the previews, the blair witch looking movie.. eh.. the will smith being the last man on earth..... but he's not alone (isn't that a contradiction?) I just want to see will smith killing aliens or something.

    anyhow, most movies i've seen in a long time. Its a very good movie summer, next stop....
    Harry Potter ^^

  19. #159
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i enjoyed it. i'm not going to go crazy about pros or cons and a whole fanboy whatever... it's not a great movie, has some bright spots and some glaring flaws, but it's entertaining. I found myself really enjoying it, but seriously thirsting for more Decepticon interaction, hell, more interaction between the Autbots even. As said, it revolved a little too much around the humans, who were your cookie-cutter characters...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #160
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    movie was alright. not the best movie i've ever seen, but it had some pretty good parts in it. i hate the camera shaking that they use to make it seem more realistic, though, because it just makes everything harder to see, and it all becomes confusing.

    anyway, in the previews for this movie, there's a preview for one by j.j. abrams. in it, there's a farewell party for a guy who i'm assuming is the main character, and then suddenly there's an earthquake and everyone runs to the roof where they see another part of the city blow up. everyone runs outside, there's another explosion, and the head of the statue of liberty lands right in front of them. did anyone catch the name of this movie and when it comes out? because i will not lie, it almost had me hyperventilating.

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