Announcement trailer is out.
Nothing much, but seeing the Autobot logo is enough to get me excited.![]()
Announcement trailer is out.
Nothing much, but seeing the Autobot logo is enough to get me excited.![]()
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
I cant wait. I always loved Transformers as a kid, almost every series. I hope they dont make a shitty movie.
Damn. The storyline for this seems like it was made by a Naruto filler writer... on crack.
Beagle 2 somehow survives and gets attacked by a Transformer on Mars. So they send two more, which last several years (and are still up there) without being attacked. I bet they're gonna pull bs that the two Mars rovers are up there looking for Transformers, not studying the geology of the red planet.
Not a very good announcement trailer at all.
Originally Posted by Genma
As long as they have Prime and Megatron duke it out. Thats always fun to watch.
yeah but from what I heard, you only see megatron in the begining and end. And he's supposed to be an....alien jet. What the fuck is that?
Regardless the movie will own.
R.I.P Captain America.
I'm going to have to disagree, I have a sinking feeling that they'll ruin everything we liked about Transformers somehow. I've seen some quotes talking about how they wanted to make the best Transformers move theycould, and that's why it took so long to make but....they're making a Transformers movie about! Who cares about Spike and his cock loving girlfriend, I watch Transformers for the Transformers...trying to humanize it would just be dumb, but I feel like that's exactly what they'll try to do. Here's to hoping I'm totally wrong though
hum the mars rover beagle 2... i bet some idiot will start thinking that what realy happen to it lol
and the movie is coming out in 2007... at july 4 or in april 7?
anyway, i hope they wont ruin everything...
Leaked on the net: Optimus Prime.....?
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
I don't believe that picture because it was posted on AICN and then shortly taken down without explanation.Originally Posted by Psyke
Most people would tell you it's because the studio didn't want it exposed.
But if you know the history of AICN, they most likely took it down because it's 100% fake and they got called on their BS again. But they don't say why they took it down, so people start assuming it's because they studio told them to take it down.
Optimus Owns....
Seriously thats really cool, but if they are going to use the First version of them then Megaton will be a .....
Last edited by Deadfire; Tue, 07-18-2006 at 08:22 AM.
image fail!
I have a feeling this movie is going to be totally gay. Not like me. I'm not gay.
No way they'll make Megatron a gun! They'll probably be going fo a PG-13 rating and a charachter that's becomes a gun would be pushing it.
Megatron is a tank. I dont think its that bad to have a tank in a PG-13. Ive seen worse in PG-13, like the orcs in the LOTR movies.Originally Posted by Yukimura
Loved Transformers when I was a little kid, so I just hope they don't the movie crappy.
Optimus Prime vs Megatron, one of the best rival teams everPLEASE don't mess it up, whoever's making the movie.
The original voice of Optimus Prime will be playing him in the movie! Woot
Crappily animated 80's Transformers > *
For me, this will always be the only true Optimus Prime:
I really can't wait for this movie to come out. If any of the vets remember, I'm a pretty abid Transformers fanboy. I've been praying over my Original Transformsers DVD's that the movie will be as godly as I hope, and I have been worshiping my Optimus Prime Statue that the story will b fitting. This thread is making me wanna bring back my Prime sig....
Originally Posted by Yukimura
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
OKay I just watched the webcast from the screen writers and want to get as much down as I can before I forget it. They released the list of what Transformers would be in the movie, though they didn't say what they would all transform into. I'll post everything I wrote as I was watching.
Optimus - Of course and voiced by his original actor as well!!!!!!!!!1
Bumblebee - A Camero instead of a Beetle for aesthetic (transforming) as well as plot reasons they said.
Jazz - Stylin' as always, will be the most 'hip' autobot, the most in touch with human culture.
Rachet - Not nessecarily an ambulance but still the 'doc' of the Autobots, it was said that he would be big, and able to carry transformers out of harms way.
Ironhide - Not much said, other than about his charachter being faithful to the original, as Prime's close friend and subordinate as well as team muscle.
Megatron - Again obvious, no word on his transformation though
Starscream - Of course...they do want fans to actually see the movie. Also the dialouge between Starscream and Megatron AKA the insulting of Starscream by Megatron should be present.
Note: I'm not familiar with several of these decepticons so i'll just post what I heard/remember
Brawl - Moody and always itching for a fight. Only subservient to Megatron, b/c he knows he'd get his ass kicked.
Bone Crusher - "Closest thing to a Constructicon" parahrase from the screenwriters
Barricade - Hunter/Scout transforms into a police car to more easily infiltrate humanity
Scorpinok - From Beast Wars, the writers said they didn't want to stick to only G1 as there are many Transfomrers out there. Will still be a vehicle but it was hinted that whatever vehicle he is will be well suited to where he hangs out (probably the desert). A notable point about Scorpinok, at least the Beast Wars one, is that he is an idiot.
Frenzy - This charachter was originally Soundwave, but evolved too far from the original and was changed, he is the smallest Decepticon, and is the spy of the group, able to hide in plain sight. Lack of Soundwave really hurts in my opinion, as he was one of my most remembered Decepticons after Megs, Star, and the Constructicons.
Blackout - A first strike/support role it was hinted he has abilities in the area of creating disruption and confusion on the battlefield. I believe EMP's were mentioned
As you may notice, the Autobots are outnumbered by three, which the writers plan to use to accent their teamwork and comraderie. Also the directors said they planned to portray Megatron not as a simple 'Pure Evil' charachter, but as more of an extreme social darwinist, who sees humans something like we see animals and acts accordingly. Furthering his own agenda with no regard for them.
Several questions were asked by members of the yahoo boards and from them I was able to gather some more general information from those.
- The movie will be designed so you don't need to know anything about the Transformers Universe to enjoy it, though if you do you will appreciate it more. Additionally they said the movie was meant to appeal to everyone, young or old, fans or the curious, and even...perish the thought...women.
- Comments were made in response to a girl's question about whether she would enjoy the movie, especially given that she'd never seen the original. They included referances to 'hot sweaty men' (I chose to ignore this) as well as hints of a ''strong woman' being part of the cast somewhere as well.
- There will be threads left open for a sequal, though a sequal is only in the 'maybe' category at this point.
- The Transformers will use modern human weaponry while transformed, and only use their own Cybertronian arms when in Robot mode.
- Nothing was said about anyone flying or not flying, but the words 'ships or vehicles' was used to describe the forms of the transformations in general. (This was in passing, and thus can be read into but only so much)
- There will be some type of 'write a quote for Optimus' contests starting soon on the Transformers Movie website.
- The writers are Transformers fans and also consulted heavily with Hasbro, and thus know about the material they are adapting. As much as Hollywood screenwriters can anyway.
If more news comes my way I'll post it here.
EDIT: OMFG SO MANY SPELLING ERRORS!!!!!!!!! I think i got most of them though!
Last edited by Yukimura; Fri, 08-18-2006 at 05:58 PM.
Yuki, watch your spelling shesh.....hehehe. I don't get to do that often, since i am the one with the grammatical error. Infact i think that there will be a few in this post.
And yeah it would nice to see a transformers movie. As long as the storyline isn't as gay as the current series that they are dishing out. I would enjoy watching after all it is one of the more enjoy memories of my childhood. It might be fun. Not going to rush out and watch it opening night/day/whatever it may be. But it will be cool seeing it.
Man they are bring back the old series huh, first this then ninja turtles. It's going to be interesting to say the least.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
here are optimus' arms and head(They are real btw)
R.I.P Captain America.