Why didn't anyone make this topic sooner?
Why didn't anyone make this topic sooner?
Well, I would guess the fact the forums were down for a while could have something to do with that. Kind of hard to make a new thread if you can't access the forums, don't you think?Originally Posted by Necromas
Well, the arc goes on, and the story is still not nearly finished. Quite a nice episode, on a par with the previous ones. Not a bad Hinata fight, although I didn't quite catch all the mumbo jumbo that her last attack was based on, and that defeated the iron guy. But she sure looked pleased when Naruto rescued her, and praised her... Poor Hinata.
The last of the henchman villains seems to have a wicked power - whatever it is. I wonder how long Naruto can still avoid using the rasengan.
Another kickass episode. This arc is really just serving to make me even angrier at the rest of the fillers because apparently they CAN write good stuff if they wanted too.
As for Hinata, it's alot of technobabble, but I guess the gist is, he uses his chakra circulatory system to create electromagnetic fields. By using the Jyuken to disrupt his flow of chakra, it messed up his magnetism. While I'm not sure how that would make his body into a giant magnet, watching Hinata kill somebody was so awsome I can forgive it not making sense! Would have made more sense if his powers simply stopped and she just beat him up.
great episode, Hinata was awsome
ps. yay! no more hella lag on gotwoot.!
edit: nvm mind.. still having lot of lag, but less than the last week
I agree, I liked this one a lot. Hinata actually killing someone is awesome. Looks like the next episode might be pretty good too, that new ninja has some pretty weird powers.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Cool episode and stuff. It's surprising how nice this arc is coming along, despite some things that don't make a whole lot of sense. Oh well... it totally beats the Star Village arc by a longshot.
The last guy controls magic white stuff. It makes sense; water, magnets/sand, and magic white shiny stuff.
Hinata was kickbutt. I don't know why her first series of attacks didn't work. One hit in the gut changed his body's polarity, but the first couple just bounced of the blubber.
So, wait, there's a good filler arc?
What episode did this start at? I may have to download it.
Best filler arc so far, IMO.
Started at ep 187 if I'm not mistaken.
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
yes, it started at 187![]()
because 186 was laughing shino.![]()
Wow! And I mean Wow, this ep was nice! It felt like prefiller Naruto again. And the animation was really good, I'd say this is the best animated filler yet. I honestly wouldn't have a problem with filler if it was all this good.
I'm impressed. Hinata actually did something outside of her jailbait role.
... Granted, I would have preferred if she had slapped the shit out of Naruto after he went "ORLY!? NO WAI!!11!!1" instead of blushing like a complete and utter retard. He insulted you, bitch! Get it!?
On a side note, I rather like the airwave or whatever guy. He's somewhat good looking and employ interesting techniques.
/ No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.
This episode really sucked. Only someone that has been brainwashed by the fillers would think this is good.
One of the best animations done in the fillers.
I guess they needed to spend money on one episode once in a while.
I noticed this too.Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Early on, they'd do intense fight episodes without shading or anything (ie: when Sasuke fought Oro for the first time). Now they're actually putting effort into the animation.
filler is filler. but at least one of the bad guys were killed off. its been a while afaik. but i havent been watching much of the filler.
rasengan needs to do what chidori did to haku. fillers might be somewhat bareable then.
the thing i hate most about fillers is that they portray naruto as some kind of special ed moron. i dont think he was dumb at all pre-filler. at least in this ep he wasnt like that, but i guess he didnt have much chance to.
his level of skill/power however seems to be all over the place in fillers. i suppose its better than introducing some kind of naruto cryptonite.
I actually quite like this one. The Hinata fight was well animated towards the end when she sent that Jyuuken move into Rui. And he actually died! At last a Jounin bad guy dies (I do hope they don't suddenly say he was captured alive). I suppose he wasn't that good of a Jounin if he was beaten by Hinata but I guess she is a pretty quick thinker.
Other part I liked was when Haruna was yelling at Naruto. Pretty dramatic, even if it wasn't a tear-jerker. And Naruto just stood there taking it like a man. The writers could have done the obvious and have Naruto yell back at her saying she wasn't the only one who suffered lonliness, but they didn't. Which begs the question, are they using different writers?
The next episode looks....OK. The animation in the preview didn't look like the quality in this one, but I've been proven wrong before. The guys jutsu looks like he can manipulate air particles into lenses and forcefields. Which explains why he was able to hit Chouji so easily. Should be very interesting if Naruto can defeat him without using Rasengan.
We shall see....
It's too bad that this arc is suffering from the same old filler cliches, (I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU etc) because otherwise it would be top-notch material. I guess I have to ignore them though because this is about as good as it gets. Nothing much to complain about, but damn, the princess needs to star in a hentai doujin soon where she gets what she deserves (and she does look good enough for me to download it other than to just watch her receive great pain).
Oh and that wasn't Hinata in this episode. It was Shinata. Hinata could never EVER hope to make me go "wow, that was nice".
Filler Hinata > Real Hinata
So, let's see what Renga-sama can do. Probably not very much in any case, since the last episode is the arc finisher.
one of the best filler episodes i've ever seen. Animation was impressive in spots and Hinata's fight was pretty wicked to watch.
Naruto getting trapped under those rocks was sorta BS, along with some other parts where it looked like they cut corners with the animation (at least to me), but i guess it wouldn't be a filler if it didn't have something in it that sucked.
And the 3rd villain's power... wtf? That thing looks like one of the sickest jutsus ever! Almost improbable for such an unknown ninja to have such a great ability but I'm looking forward to seeing more of it.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".