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Thread: GWS: Event #3

  1. #1
    If I could change my name
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    GWS: Event #3

    GWS Event #3

    Another Week another round of booting this week the following are kicked


    Well guys this time around we are going to merge our remaining members into 3 teams of 4 members each. So the following is the breakdown

    Team #1

    Team #2

    Team #3
    Carnage (God#2)

    Feel free to contact the new members of your team and sort on who your Team captain will be. Now the event will be revealed toward the end of the day however I can give one detail about it. The team that gets the least votes during voting phase will have the whole team be kicked. That’s right your entire Team loses. Get ready guys.

    GWS Event #3: Photo Scavenger Hunt

    After much thinking (yea it took two weeks… I’m slow alright) I decided to make a revision of the event to making it more enjoyable. Here we go.

    This event is a photo scavenger hunt.

    You will need a computer, possibly some Photoshop skills and Anime to be able to participate. If you do not own one of these, arrange to borrow one from a friend or family member. These are common enough that you should not have trouble finding one. No concessions will be made for any individual claiming that they had all of those items

    Each day, for 5 days, two objects will be posted in this thread. Each team has the day to find these objects, and Screenshot all of them. Now I'm very leant here, as you could just get all the pictures on the second last day and make something out of it however this makes for some "planing". You will find them in any anime as long as it’s from an episode of the series. That means no fan images or other art as the screenshot has to come from a running ep on your computer.

    Now there is a reason for it on the Friday I will ask you to make a story using your images in a sort of order that will be different for each team and only revealed on that day so yes you will have only 2 days to sort the images and make something out of it in the order I give you. What I mean by Order is order of appearing in your story.

    How you display this story is up to you. As long as it has all the images I ask for in the order I ask for and that you can have it either posted or placed somewhere anyone can access and read. Then the team captain must send in the submission by PM to Deadfire.

    Please ensure that each of the items required in your picture is clearly visible. If an object is not readily identifiable, you could be deducted completeness points. Please do not change the image other then making it bigger or smaller. I repeat nothing else you make should be in the images

    Confused yet? Well we'll walk you though it

    You see on Sunday I will post the first of the two images you need to screen shot it could be anything from an object to an emotion and such. Basically prepare for anything. After that on Friday I will give you a list here on the order your team needs to make your Story with using the images you took. By Sunday I should have all the submissions so that on Monday I can post the vote, which will be done by everyone.

    All questions will be asked in the general thread

    EDIT: To the above the "making a Story part" will be a week long as requested by the Teams, as well as myself because of my RL dealings
    Last edited by Deadfire; Sat, 07-08-2006 at 10:25 PM.
    image fail!

  2. #2
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Day #1

    Alright for the first day you have these two items

    "big breasts"

    and a

    "Cute girl with a annoyingly high voice"
    image fail!

  3. #3
    If I could change my name
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    Day #2

    On the Second day your items are

    A really odd looking Tree


    A anime character with their name starting with "K"
    image fail!

  4. #4
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Day #3

    Day 3of 5's items

    A silent and smart person with shades


    a perverted older man
    image fail!

  5. #5
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Day #4

    This is 4/5

    A moment of extreme tension


    A plot device (be it a item or a scene. This is vague for a reason)
    image fail!

  6. #6
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Day 5 of 5

    Finally guys here is the last of them

    A Werid Super Power (or power in general but it has to be very odd)

    and a

    Duck (just a normal one, yes just a plain old Duck)
    image fail!

  7. #7
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Orders for the teams(Sorry yes I'm late on this I blame work, anyways due 48 hours from now which on my watch is July 9th at 10pm (Being that I posted this at 10PM which is GMT -6))

    Team #1
    A Weird Super Power (or power in general but it has to be very odd)
    A Cute girl with an annoyingly high voice
    A Duck (just a normal one, yes just a plain old Duck)
    Big breasts
    A moment of extreme tension
    An anime character with their name starting with "K"
    A plot device (be it a item or a scene. This is vague for a reason)
    A really odd looking Tree
    A silent and smart person with shades
    A perverted older man

    Team #2
    An anime character with their name starting with "K"
    A Cute girl with a annoyingly high voice
    A Duck (just a normal one, yes just a plain old Duck)
    A moment of extreme tension
    A perverted older man
    A plot device (be it a item or a scene. This is vague for a reason)
    A really odd looking Tree
    A silent and smart person with shades
    A Weird Super Power (or power in general but it has to be very odd)
    Big breasts

    Team #3
    Big breasts
    A Weird Super Power (or power in general but it has to be very odd)
    A silent and smart person with shades
    A really odd looking Tree
    A plot device (be it a item or a scene. This is vague for a reason)
    A perverted older man
    A moment of extreme tension
    A Duck (just a normal one, yes just a plain old Duck)
    A Cute girl with a annoyingly high voice
    An anime character with their name starting with "K"
    image fail!

  8. #8
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Team #1

    Team #1's submission is found here

    The curse of Fantasia
    image fail!

  9. #9
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Team #2

    Team #2's submission

    Kreig wobbles through the door of the restaurant, falls face first to the floor and grabs on to Illya’s leg.

    Kreig: Help me, help me please.

    Illya screams, in that ever so charming voice of her’s.

    Illya: Let go of me you pervert!!

    Illya starts kicking wildly at Keig with her free leg while screaming her head off. Striking Kreig all over and increase his pain.

    A duck that was contemplating the length of his life looks on.

    Duck: I wonder how much longer they will let me live…… this looks interesting.

    Kreig was stunned when he was sudden kicked in the balls and was reminded that he was still alive.

    Kreig: I… don’t think I can last much longer…. Please help… me.

    Master Roshi’s nose started flowing like a busted pipe when he saw Illya’s panty’s, as it was revealed when her skirt flew up a little too high.

    A pill (Viagra) rolls out of Kreig’s pocket and out through the door finally stopping at the base of the freakiest looking tree you ever saw.

    A passerby picks it up and smiles….

    Ban: hah, she is really something else.

    Krieg falls partially unconscious.

    Kreig: Boy was she beautiful, who knew that she wanted me dead. I guess I was hypnotized by her aroma. Damn her, damn that bitch, any man who sleeps with her had signed his dead warrant. No wonder she didn’t mind me being rough, she was actually smiling.

    Kreig: But man what a way to go. At least she was a good lay and I had one more night of fun.

    Mina: Sir, are you alright” Are you ok? ...............I think he is dead.

    Krieg looks up.

    Kreig: Damn those are some big knockers.

    He drifts off to the afer life.

    The End.
    image fail!

  10. #10
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Sep 2005

    Team #3

    Team #3's submission is found here.

    Unknown Title
    image fail!

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