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Thread: TV: Entourage

  1. #81
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    now that i have HBO i think i will be watching every week... too bad they only have about 10 eps to watch in the on-demand section.

    this weeks ep was ok - LOL @ drama in the limo w\ a little liquer bottle in each hand.

  2. #82
    Drama's melt downs are always great....that guy on the vie was a douche though. drama should've clobbered him.

    Next ep should be good with the head of warner bros making an appearence....i wonder how ari/E will pull this off.

  3. #83

    oh wow...great episode. is anyone else still following this show?

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I saw the first 5-6 eps of season 1 and then i started watching w\ season 5 LOL.....

    so, this past episode i was confused at the end. Why was Vince not happy about what Ari told him? and what did he mean by saying he wanted to finish what they'd started?

    That left me very confused.

  5. #85
    watch the other 3 seasons and you'll know

  6. #86
    i watched em and all i could come up with is the obvious, they want to make vince into a movie star. and do it with ari as his agent.

    that was one of my favorite episodes of entourage for sure. I dont think hes gonna take it just cause of vinny.

  7. #87
    well, thats exactly what it is.

    I dont think he'll get it either, but not cuz of vinny. i think something will happen and it'll just get fucked up. But i would like to see it happen, even if only for a short period, just to see what it'd be like.

  8. #88
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Ari is such a trick bastard. Looks like everything is set for the boys!

    except sorry Turtle

  9. #89
    ya, loved how ari made everything fall into he's back and dana gordon's incharge of WB, so we should be getting moviestar vince back. Turtles situation was funny and kinda sucked....drama just made it worse by being a jackass all day. But it looks like he's gonna pursue it. It would by nice to see turtle score big for once. can't wait to see how it all works out.

  10. #90
    new episode was miles ahead from last weeks, I saw the line changing comin from the director from equal distance tho.

    but one question... what the fuck was E wearing when he got outta bed?

  11. #91
    lol i just went back and was his robe, but if you dont pay attention, all you see is the back side when he walks away and it looks like he's wearing a dress

  12. #92
    lmfao. Whoever writes this shit really knows how to make seth green like like a mondo douche to the point where we just wanna see him get decked.

    love this show, sloan is fuckin steaming, love this show.

  13. #93
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    "dana gordan owes me, she'd probably let us double penetrate her if I asked her to"

    hahah Ari is the best. German director is a bitch.

  14. #94
    Vince is down and out once again....but things seem to be looking up for turtle. I wonder what''ll happen with the movie and vince's career now.

    I wanna see more of dana gordon.

  15. #95
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    Jeromy Piven actually won an Emmy at the last Emmy awards for "Best Supporting Actor" in the comedy genre.

  16. #96
    He deserves it. He sells the product so well in Entourage.

  17. #97
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Anybody watching this season?

    I'm not really feeling it that much.. I've found the episodes so far to be less funny than previous seasons. I think I heard this is the last season but I could be wrong.

  18. #98
    Thats probably because the seasons just starting up. They do seem to be doing some more character development, but im liking it still.

  19. #99
    loving it so far, except for E's new biddy Ashley. Looks like she should be in middle school still... and she's just annoying. I think theyre tryin to make us appreciate sloan more haha

    last nights ep was one of the best ina while, marky mark is beyond funny I wish he was a cast regular. YOU SANDBAGGIN SONOFABITCH hahahaa

  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    This season is a little different from the others. They're spending most of the time w\ entourage and not just on Vince. E working for a big agency, drama working, turtle going to college and in love, Vince hangin out banging girls ^^

    The timeslot is a little weird since true blood ended. The show Curb Your Enthusiasm @ 8, then... that other new show where hung was, and then they re-play Curb @ 9, and then Entourage comes on @ 9:30.

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