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Thread: Bleach 84-85 discussion

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  1. #1
    If I could change my name
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    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Bleach 84-85 discussion

    Bleach 84-85 From DB

    It seems to be a double, I don't know if thats good or bad... oh well It can't get worse can it?

    Starting download now as well as discussion..
    image fail!

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Well, at least it was all story and didn't contain any weird extra material.

    It was somewhat decent (especially with Rukia in her shinigami form, even if she was possessed), but I'm really starting to hate two things: How all the characters (except the bad guys) have lost half of their intelligence, and how they refuse to attack their enemies just because "they are also human". Well, and lets add some extra for making Ichigo so miserable. Considering how badass a character he used to be, the fall is all the more sorrowful.

    How many people would just let the enemy walk away when you finally have the upper hand, after he has almost beaten you to death? I just can't imagine what manner of mushrooms the script writers have been eating, but I'd bet Deadfire's left hand those mushrooms were not only poisonous but rotten as well.

  3. #3
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    Absolutely painful. This was 2 episodes of essentially nothing where all the bad guys lose and yet none are finished off. I much like Kraco can't even Fathom what the writers are thinking when they make these episodes in the first place Everything that happened in the Orihime/Rukia battle could have taken place 20 minutes before that and I would have been fine. Plus the first episode was 50% flashbacks to the last nonepisode about Cain.

    Just kill some of the bound already the fact that they are living on after showing off their abilities just means we will have more episodes of this crap.

    Also as Kraco stated the only positive thing about this episode is it moved the story forward without another 20 minute long flashback like last week.

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah it was pretty lame. You would have thought that their would be atleast one Bounto death by now ( excluding that woman )

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    *shrug* I didn't dislike it.

  6. #6
    These fillers are getting more and more painful every week. On top of that, nothing really was accomplished other than the Bounto showing off their abilities and the story progressing a little bit. Both of the Bounto that were defeated weren't even killed either.. God, how long do they plan on pushing this filler arc? At least spice it up by sending Zaraki and Hitsugaya or something..
    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    *shrug* I didn't dislike it.
    I agree...
    It's actually got a semi-decent storyline.. and ofcourse rukia can't do her full uberness things if she's controlled by something else...
    For me, the episode made sense... and it would be too lame if all bound get slaughtered one by one just like that..

    After all.. we're still back on earth.. where the bound have powers.. and the shingami don't have as much as they have in soul society...

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