I'd rather see a germany france game for the final. But we'll just have wait and see. All those yellow cards france got might come back to haunt them later on.
I'd rather see a germany france game for the final. But we'll just have wait and see. All those yellow cards france got might come back to haunt them later on.
Oh man, France vs Brazil was close. So many missed chances though. Well, if anyone could have beaten Brazil, it would've probably been France or Germany. I'm really looking forward to Germany vs Italy.
Good bye Brazil
we hardly knew you
I hope Portugal kicks France in the semi-finals.
I could win 200dlls if Portugal is world champion....
Man, did Brazil play horribly today. Not to mention incredibly agressive (but that's soccer for you). They had so many opportunities to score and they choked. I counted at least three chances that Ronaldinho arranged the ball nicely. Kak'a (I'm pretty sure it was him) even picked up the ball at one point!
Ohh well...Germany FTW!!
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
I really think Italy has the potential to beat Germany. But that depends on two things NOT happening in the semi finals.
1. Italy getting a stupid red card
2. Lippi bringing on Iaquinta, when he clearly screws up everytime he is brought on. That one goal he got was a lucky fluke!
Also it would make sense for Italy to win the cup as Germany took the crown in Italia 90' hence Italy should take it here in Germany.
Last edited by Splash!; Sat, 07-01-2006 at 09:44 PM.
Wow, I really didn't expect Brazil to lose. They had been playing horribly and whatever, but it's Brazil...
Well, I didn't like 'em that much.
Now, for the next games... Germany vs. Italy will be a good game to watch. Both are really good teams and I don't know who to root for... that would've been a good final, shame it's just the semi.
無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声
i never thought when i saw the beginning of the World Cup that either Italy or Germany would make it this far.
But for some reason at this point they are actually looking quite damn good to win the whole thing and I find that a rather amusing point in case. Guess it goes to show that you can start slow as long as you get the ball rolling heavily at some opportune point.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Yeah, I hate Iaquinta... and as much as I like him, they should also leave del Pierro on the bench also. If they need to make some sort of sub, I hope they bring Inzaghi... he always provides an offensive spark that Italy seems to always be missing.Originally Posted by splash
Germany will win the cup, I've been saying it before the World Cup (they should've won last World Cup, they will beat Italy and then France/Portugal.
I was thinking from the start that it was going to be a Germany v Brazil Final, Brazil losing was interesting. Although, they haven't been playing upto their normal standards.
oh brazil....i'm crushed.
oh well ..GO germany. i hope italy are crushed...not holding a grudge against them for that match against aussie or anything......haha only kidding
Last edited by msmush; Tue, 07-04-2006 at 03:12 AM.
Went to the Brasil vs France game last nite...very dissapointed in the outcome. I will say that the French fans came in full force and spirit. I talked to some friends and they said that on TV it looked like the Brasilians and French were equal in number and in loudness...WRONG! The French fans had lots of energy and were constantly cheering on their team. In our section, it seemed like there were only a few of us cheering on Brasil all the time! Don't get me wrong, their were alot of Brasilians fans and they were cheering loudly just not to the extent as the Frenchies. Bottom line, looked like the French played to their intesity and Brasil to their's. I will post pics eventually (when I get back).
As for Deutschland, their fans are going nuts. We've been here a week and every nite we go partyin' there are tons of their fans driving and singing in the streets. I am siding with my other half of my nationality now...Deutschland!!!
Currently watching: One Piece, Black Lagoon, Bleach, Death Note, Suzumiya Haruhi,
The 12 Kingdoms, and Soukou no Strain (kinda)
So Italy won.
Those goals were amazing especially Del Pierre’s goal. The match was a very good exhibition of football. I enjoyed it very much. The first goal shattered the hearts of the million Germans and the second goal was icing on the cake for Italians. So Italy goes through.
Damn it! I wrote a huge post and i just got logged out of the forums automatically for some reason. Screw it, i am not typing it all over again.
So Hurray for Italy! What a great day this is for me, being an Italian soccer fan. I guess the Italians showed the world what they are really made up. Seems like most people were against the Italians on this one!
Cannavaro was simply amazing. He is without a doubt, currently, the World's best defender. It was a close game and the Germans played well but they just werent able to penetrate. Del Piero's goal was the icing on the cake but the goal by Grosso was just marvellous. He placed it perfectly, and there was no way even Lehman could get to it. Grosso, in fact, had a really good overall game as he created several good wing plays as well. I didnt particularly like Grosso all that much but this game has shown me other wise.
During the last 15 minutes of the game, it was clear that the Italians did not want the game to go to penalties because of the German prowess in that department of the game. And they succeeded in accomplishing just that!
Last edited by Splash!; Tue, 07-04-2006 at 05:05 PM.
Crazy last minutes. I really didn't want to see another penalty shoot off. First goal was excellent, and the second, like Jad said, was pwnage.
LOL. so italy won huh? ahahha this cup is full of surprises. i think i want france to win now. but i think portugal. im not going to say anything about Italy cuz the last two times i have it hasnt gone my way. but go france...!
GO FRANCE! damn italy, still angry at italy for faking the penalty against australia.
lisaaa thats so last week
see what i have to put up with..?
so meaann!
Wow, Portugal must of felt bad after Zidanne made that goal. France vs Italy. This should be good.
YESSS!!!! FRANCE WON!!!!! aweeesome...now all they to do is win again this sunday....!