me: ok pally im gonna store your soul.

pally: ok

me: you know how to work that right?

pally: yeah you just hit use soulstone when you die

me: ok good and if we wipe wait till the area is clear of aggro so you can rez everyone

druid: why don't you ss me?

me: cus you can only rez once per half hour save it for when the pally dies and he dosn't have a soulstone

druid: k

*big wipe everyone dies*

me: ok pally it's safe to rez now use your soulstone

pally: i already did

me:... it says your still dead

pally: yeah i got killed right when i ressed

me: ~calmly~ ok next time wait till the area is allll clear so you can rez all of us when there is a whipe

pally: oh ok sorry about that

*we all get back in i restore his soul...
*another whipe we all die

me: ok pally it's safe to rez now

pally: i don't know what happend i rezed for some reason i didn't hit the button

druid: i rezed you

me: *sigh*

Just in case any of you even have the faintest idea of what i just said lol