After separating from her sister, Ceres speeded towards the beast in front of her. It had tried to pierce her with its tongue, but Ceres had been faster and planted an upwards kick to its chin, making the beast bite its own tongue and thus slice it. Ceres took hold of the ripped tongue and used it, as a whip, to capture another Youma's neck and twist it. Ceres pulled the body towards her and then proceeded to kick both bodies, the one with the ripped tongue included, towards the other Youmas. Tacking advantage of the situation she positioned her right hand's index and middle finger to her forehead, while gathering her power.
- "LIGHT PLASMA!" - Ceres yelled after pointing her hand towards the Youmas. Streams of light emerged from Ceres' fingers, which she moved from side to side, sending stream after stream, which ended slicing the beasts in front of her.