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Thread: Bleach Chapter 229

  1. #1
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Bleach Chapter 229

    TT First time in weeks a Bleach chapter has made me want to discuss, and there's no thread already

    BT: Bleach 229 MQ Binktopia

    Go and grab it!

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Binktopia Bleach 229 rapidshare

    M7 Bleach 229 rapidshare


    lol hentai manga. These Vizards are perverts. Looks a fight is in store for next chapter.
    Last edited by darkmetal505; Sat, 06-03-2006 at 02:02 PM.

  3. #3
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    "I'm not perverted. I'm just immensely fascinated!"

    Best line ever

  4. #4
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Kubo has really given his readers lots of interesting tidbits this chapter.

    Some revelations:
    1. Tatsuki survived soul suckage from an Espada! (I'm still hoping she receives a larger role in the future), but on the flipped side of the coin, Yoruichi was hurt fighting the 10th ranked one...

    2. I was actually a bit disappointed at Yami crushing the medic's head. It's something that was easy to see coming beforehand, so when the guy says 'Please feel free to test it,' I was thinking "ah no, wrong thing to say... now you're dead"

    3. I love how Kubo makes fun of different types of manga readers by using Rabu/Love, but...

    4. Oh-My-God he made Lisa a (lesbian?) hentai manga reader. No wonder she wears a school uniform, that girl is pure fanservice.

    5. Ichigo's stunted growth reminds me of his 3-day bankai training. While "realistic" that he wouldn't make progress so soon, I feel that he'll be suddenly jumping up in power in the same fashion as before.

    6. Seeing the Espada (or so I assume) was pretty cool. Upon a second viewing I was thinking that the sword's positioning on the figure on the left would make it difficult to draw before I noticed that Kubo had created her with large breasts. This got me thinking about the nature of shounen manga and the background messages that they send to readers - "boys, it's good to have a strong fighting spirit, but don't hurt racked girls." I'm guessing she's set up for Yoruichi or Matsumoto to handle =\

    7. Ulquiorra seems to occupy the #1 spot, or if not #1, one of the top few. Hitsugaya & co. are going to be in trouble, I don't think they can handle the raiding party this time.

    This chapter is like... reaching the top of the slow climb in a roller coaster. Good things are coming!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by LaZyKiD
    "I'm not perverted. I'm just immensely fascinated!"

    Best line ever
    I think this anime charachter is my soulmate, that's exactly what I say when asked about porn. Anyway, It appears Yumichika can converse with his Soul Slayer's avatar, but hates it. If everyone was talking to their swords in that last scene it's quite posssible that we'll see Bankai form Rangiku and/or Yumichika soon. Considering we don't even know what Rangiku's Shikai does that would be very nice.

    And Augrey, We've known Tatsuki was alive for a while now.

  6. #6
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    yay another attack on earth from hueco mundo... but with stronger enemies! lame.

  7. #7
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Yes, but the point was that Yami is an espada and not a mid-level arrancar. It's obvious Tatsuki's been alive since.

  8. #8
    Best chapter of bleach we've seen in a while. Comedy was great with the whole repressed school girl being into lesbian hentai manga. The vizards are quite a funny bunch, but I'm curious as to how strong they are since we've never seen them fight. Hell we don't even know where there alligiance lie. I also liked the brief conversation with the soul slayers it's kinda funny to have them serve as direct mirror into their own personalities. I always loved the notion of the soul slayer being a component of your ego (or is it superego feel free to correct me) and serving as a manifestation of ones own subconcious. Hope the writer fleshes it out more. Oh and the fricking scene with yami smashing the medic arrancars head was fricking awesome plus we got to see how Aizen gives birth to Arrancar. Although if yami is an espada does that mean that the other guy is one as well (forget the name of his partner) also yami wasn't that impressive to begin with Ichigo owned his ass when he was focused, so did yorichi and urahara. Even if he's the weakest one dosen't really make me feel impressed with the Arrancar as some kind of unstopable force.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Augury
    5. Ichigo's stunted growth reminds me of his 3-day bankai training. While "realistic" that he wouldn't make progress so soon, I feel that he'll be suddenly jumping up in power in the same fashion as before.
    its been a month since he started training and he has had near 0 progress so i dont know how you are comparing bankai to this... training for 3 months, hopefully he can control his hollow side because if you read the vizard's comments, hes the slowest of them all... sure he may gain more power than OTHER vizards but thats what you get for being the main character

  10. #10
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    It's just a prediction that he'll "make it in time" in a similar fashion to how he reached bankai in time. When he trained for bankai, it was noted that his progress was too slow, but he managed to pull through at the last minute anyways.

  11. #11
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    Well what I think even if Ichigo can master even a little bit of his inner-hollow, the arrancar could have a bankai seperate from thier released form. Now he is forced to fight while weaker again and the only way he will win is one final push from hollow-ichigo threatening to retakeover his body again. OR he learns one of the "that justsu" moves from the vizzards

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BakaDave
    Well what I think even if Ichigo can master even a little bit of his inner-hollow, the arrancar could have a bankai seperate from thier released form. Now he is forced to fight while weaker again and the only way he will win is one final push from hollow-ichigo threatening to retakeover his body again. OR he learns one of the "that justsu" moves from the vizzards
    Well, we haven't had the chance to gauge Ichigo's new powers. He might of not even learned anything "new" from the vizards. Maybe his fighting ability just increased in terms of power, speed, and reaction.


    oh yea, Ichigo was (maybe still is) a novice with his Bankai. Byakuya said that 10 years of training is needed to fully access the true power of one's Bankai. He might have learned some things from Zangetsu.

  13. #13
    Truly speaking, the only "new powers" Ichigo's gained from this training has been the ability to control, to a certain degree, his Hollow side and unleash it at will.

    Speaking of Zangetsu, is the man in shades still absorbed into Hollow Ichigo's being?

  14. #14
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Augury
    Some revelations:
    1. Tatsuki survived soul suckage from an Espada! (I'm still hoping she receives a larger role in the future), but on the flipped side of the coin, Yoruichi was hurt fighting the 10th ranked one...
    Where was that in the chapter? I didn't see TAtsuki or Yourichi at all.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  15. #15
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    I'm a bit disappointed, and considered not replying, but

    As mentioned earlier in the thread,
    Quote Originally Posted by Augury
    the point was that Yami is an espada and not a mid-level arrancar.
    We know that Yami's soul sucking was done many chapters ago. We know Tatsuki and Yoruichi hasn't been shown in this chapter. The only new piece of information that I've listed appears twice: the mention of an Espada and the "10th ranked one," which also refers to said Espada by context. This is a bit rude, but please improve your reading comprehension skills. Repetition is annoying.

    Sigh, I feel like a bitch when I post too much

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