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Thread: Avatar: The Last Airbender

  1. #41
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Ohh, they're more people interested in Avatar than I thought. I agree, this ep owned.
    Can't wait for the finale.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  2. #42
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Congrats Avatar, you have officially gone into the "shit has hit the fan" phase of the show.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #43
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    omg the finale was AMAZING

    whoever the script writers are are genius

    This finale has made me like this show more than non-filler naruto and bleach

  4. #44
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Snap! What happened!? Wait, I don't want spoilers....Gotta wait till its uploaded. =S
    Well, least from comments above I can expect some kickazz finale.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    omg the finale was AMAZING

    whoever the script writers are are genius

    This finale has made me like this show more than non-filler naruto and bleach
    Thats quite a big fucken statement. If its comming out to be as great as I hear, I can't wait until its uploaded.

  6. #46
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Last edited by Zati; Fri, 12-01-2006 at 11:52 PM.

  7. #47
    Man that was amazing. But it is extremely similar to Empire strikes back.

    Guru - Yoda
    Ang - Luke
    Zuko - Darth Vader~
    Kitara - Princess Laya
    Uncle - Han Solo

    Ang runs from Guru after seeing a vision, doesn't complete his training, and can ~never~ complete it. Zuko turns to the dark side, but still has some good left in him, Kitara is an annoying character......and is to be saved by Ang. Uncle is just lets just say he's Han Solo. Uncle is trapped and the good guys have to run away w/o him.

    But none the less the episode was good, with uncle breathing fire and all. But I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see avatar turn into an earth spirit, just like how he did with the water spirit last book.

    I do wonder though, since ba singsei has been captured, who's going to invade the fire nation?

  8. #48
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Rofl at the Empire Strikes back pun. Dling at the moment.

    Edit: Damn, that was pretty badass. =D
    Last edited by Lucifus; Sat, 12-02-2006 at 01:03 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  9. #49
    Nice double episode, with many twists. Kitara is a powerfull bender and not to mention can bring people from dead. Toph can now bend metal. Awesome ending of season.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  10. #50
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Just a couple of things i dont understand though.

    1. If the earth king and the generals never knew about the war, whos been sending out earth kingdom troops to defend against the fire nation for so long?

    2. If the earth kingdom didn't need ba sing se to fight back fire nation, why did the king say the Earth Kingdom, not Ba Sing Se has fallen?

    3. Was Ba Sing Se really a powerful city? I mean the king is an idiot, the soldiers (Dai Li) are loyal to someone who is against the king

    4. Was the former leader of the Dai Li (i forget his name) with the fire nation? If not, who was he for? Did he like not understand if he doesn't back up the earth kingdom then the fire nation will come and destroy his city?

    5. In simple terms, wtf just happened? in like a matter of days, a fire nation girl with no army at all simply came in and said I am queen, and all of the sudden some of the most powerful earth kingdom soldiers accept her and Ba Sing Se turns fire nation??? what the hell?

    But still, it was quite easy to ignore that because this finale kicked ass anyway.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    Just a couple of things i dont understand though.

    1. If the earth king and the generals never knew about the war, whos been sending out earth kingdom troops to defend against the fire nation for so long?

    2. If the earth kingdom didn't need ba sing se to fight back fire nation, why did the king say the Earth Kingdom, not Ba Sing Se has fallen?

    3. Was Ba Sing Se really a powerful city? I mean the king is an idiot, the soldiers (Dai Li) are loyal to someone who is against the king

    4. Was the former leader of the Dai Li (i forget his name) with the fire nation? If not, who was he for? Did he like not understand if he doesn't back up the earth kingdom then the fire nation will come and destroy his city?

    5. In simple terms, wtf just happened? in like a matter of days, a fire nation girl with no army at all simply came in and said I am queen, and all of the sudden some of the most powerful earth kingdom soldiers accept her and Ba Sing Se turns fire nation??? what the hell?

    But still, it was quite easy to ignore that because this finale kicked ass anyway.
    You fail at comprehension.

    1. The leader of the Dai Li.

    2. Uh, yes he does need Ba Sing Se. Ba Sing Se is the capital of the Earth Nation and at the end you see the Earth King leave with Aang on Oppa. Cause I'm sure he's escaping with teh whole Earth Kingdom army.

    3. There're many times in history when the person on the throne is nothing but just a figurehead and hold little power. Like the emperors in Japan, Queen of England, and in this case the Earth Kingdom.

    4. He was for himself. He was planning to take the throne for himself. But, his followers, the Dai Li saw how powerful a leader Princess Azula was, and were torn between which to choose. Princess Azula is also an extremely powerful bender, and like she said she had the divine right unlike him, he started out with nothing.

    5. It's called a Coup d'etat. She infiltrated the Earth Kingdom by posing as Kyoshi Warriors. In the previous episode, near the end Aang gave the thumbs up to the Earth King that the Kyoshi warriors were friends/allies. The Leader of the Dai Li, who was incarcerated and lost all power saw this as an opportunity to regain power by throwing a coup.

  12. #52
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    But why doesn't the king inform the real army (who im assuming isn't with the Dai Li) to take down the Dai Li and stop the uprising? Ba Sing Se is only one city, there is still an entire Earth Kingdom that is loyal to the king.

  13. #53
    [QUOTE=Mizuchi]Just a couple of things i dont understand though.

    1. If the earth king and the generals never knew about the war, whos been sending out earth kingdom troops to defend against the fire nation for so long?

    Well the earth king didnt know but im not so sure about the 5 generals. When the fire nation was invading with the drill the person leading the army was one of the 5 generals not the dai li so couldnt they have told the earth king at that point even if they didnt know about the war earlier?

  14. #54
    I'm pretty sure all the other Earth Kingdom cities have already fallen or are close to it due to constant attacks. Ba Sing Se was known as impenetrable, and now it has fallen. It's also their capital. Not only is it a strategic loss, but it's also a huge loss morally. I may not know the details, but when the enemy usually overtakes your castle and your capital in a kingdom, it usually signifies a loss.

  15. #55
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Ohh I see... Well, I wonder how the avatar will work his way out of this one, I mean its basically him against millions of people at once. Air nomads are dead, water tribe isnt much of anything, fire nation is huge, and the earth kingdom has fallen. =/ but all the more excitement of the show!

  16. #56;title;0

    M. Night Shyamalan will direct a live-action adaptation of this show. I really like his movies, so hopefully this will turn out to be awesome. Hopefully it'll be a trillogy of sorts, I don't think one movie will do it justice, especially with the epic nature of the cartoons. And after reading the article once again, it seems like that'll be the case.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by anime nomad
    Has anyone been following this seris? i think its really one of the very best new anime's out there right now (naruto and bleach have gone to shits ), i just wanted to open a thread to see if anyone else wanted to talk about the seris....
    This is a good show. The animation is really nice because well it's a US series I think and they have the money to make all the nice animation.

    Story is pretty good and the whole bending stuff is a cool idea.

  18. #58
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Divinity
    This is a good show. The animation is really nice because well it's a US series I think and they have the money to make all the nice animation.
    Have you seen any of the other Original Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network series? Half of them are drawn like an 8 year old. It's about time a company here put some money into a series. Maybe they realized a lot of the popular shows were licensed Japanese ones, who knows? What matters is they really put some effort into animating, writing, and casting this one. If I had any kids, I'd be more than happy to watch Avatar with them.

    M. Night Shyamalan has kids of his own, I believe he mentioned how important making sure Lady in the Water was fairy tale like, and he mentioned his own children occasionally during interviews about it. (I still haven't seen it, so I can't make any real comments about it). If he went about making the live action trilogy right, they could be really good movies.

  19. #59
    This is a good show. The animation is really nice because well it's a US series I think and they have the money to make all the nice animation.
    The irony in that statement should not go unnoticed.

  20. #60
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    By pure coincidence I've grown very interested in this show. I was reading up on Family Guy on wikipedia and someone was having fun and replaced an entire Family Guy episode with images & information from Avatar. I was like "what the fuck is this?" and followed a few links, saw a few screenshots and now I'm getting season 1 & 2. I don't know why, but something just clicks. And seeing as so many seem to like it...

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