Better video of that...screaming isnt as bad and you can see more of the screen. I think theres a bit of a lag though.
Better video of that...screaming isnt as bad and you can see more of the screen. I think theres a bit of a lag though.
i think its great for an american-dominant show. it has a great, strong storyline, the characters are amazing, and it always seems to throw you around on what to expect. its a show that i find myself losing sleep over, waiting for the next new episode. overall, i give it a personal 9/10
well damn i thought that it might've had another season to go but i guess not... Its definitely exciting. Looking forward to it.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I've been watching this series since oh i think the first episode aired on nick, it was a accident really flippin through the channels and it caught my eye. what i really loved about this show was the dynamic character developement, plot developement, preperation into designing each bending styles fighting form, literally watching really styles of martial arts in order to incorporate them into the series.
im currently at season 3, episode 13, waiting for episode 14 which for some reason is on some kind of strange hiatus.
I was enjoying the clip until the screaming fangirls took over... couldn't watch any more. Seriously, how can someone there not start knocking out these bitches?Originally Posted by vejita613
Anyways, the clip was great... looks like the next couple of episodes will have a ton of action.
lol. here's one without the fangirls.
hmmm man i really hope it doesn't do the zuko <3 katara thing...and thanks for that, so basically they did what they did on season two, took a break inbetween, at least i think they did.
waugh episode 14 just leaked! apparently some blockbuster employees got the dvd early, so they ripped it. i haven't seen it yet, but it's been confirmed as real by people
megaupload link:
episode 15 is supposed to be up later today.
double postage, i know, but i just wanted to bump and post the link for ep 15 up, for those interested. it came out late last night. megaupload: torrent:
man, suki is so cool. her running up walls and stuff was so neat. and zomg for mai and tylee double-crossing azula!
Thanks for the links and update saman! Great stuff.
I unfortunately read your spoiler warning before hand though.Still just as enjoyable if unexpected though.
Suki and May are just too kool.
i think its mai.
anyways im glad i got to see these finally, but now watch, its gonna be like another 6 months till 2 more episodes swing our way or something..
great episode, supposedly there is only like 5 (*i think, if i recall there was a list of all the episodes were the final episode is called "fire lord zuko) more episodes till the series finally ends... next episode is the southern raiders, and then the ember island of prayers... hmm looks like they changed it after the next two episodes it goes in to the 4 part sozins comet
refrence point, hmm we prolly won't see any new episodes till late june...
I wonder what the new guys gonna do besides being fodder. He's kinda just there...
probably just help out in the final battle as an ally. fodder, like you said.
lucifus: sorry for spoiling it for you! :S maybe i should've made the font smaller
a part of the ember island players was actually shown at the comicon too. it's kicking around on a few streaming websites, but i can dig up a link if anyone's interested. i've only seen about half the episode, but it's hilarious so far
Well, from the trailer that had been posted before it had me me think that there were only a couple of episode left, but as far as we're concerned there'll be 6 more episodes after the Boiling Rock arc.
Expect the series to continue in mid July. July 19 should be quite special.
52. 3-12 312 14 Jul 08 The Western Air Temple
53. 3-13 313 15 Jul 08 The Firebending Masters
54. 3-14 314 16 Jul 08 The Boiling Rock (1)
55. 3-15 315 16 Jul 08 The Boiling Rock (2)
56. 3-16 316 17 Jul 08 The Southern Raiders
57. 3-17 317 18 Jul 08 The Ember Island Players
58. 3-18 318 19 Jul 08 Sozin's Comet Part 1: The Phoenix King
59. 3-19 319 19 Jul 08 Sozin's Comet Part 2: The Old Masters
60. 3-20 320 19 Jul 08 Sozin's Comet Part 3: Into the Inferno
61. 3-21 321 19 Jul 08 Sozin's Comet Part 4: Avatar Aang
i am so ridiculously excited about this, though i've already seen the first four eps in that list, and part of the ember island players. i'm rewatching the series right now to prepare myself. that two hour special on the 19th is going to be epic!
Most of us have, hence why it'll be 6 new episodes for us... but hey, they're all airing in a row next week. We won't have to wait long for them.Originally Posted by saman
Well, here's the first episode since Boiling Rock part 2... episode 16, The Southern Raiders:
Just cought up and it was some good stuff. I checked out my dvr and there it was, a nice surprise. I still dont understand why they wouldn't milk this a bit by making it last for a couple months. It will all be over in two weeks and we had to take a long ass break to get here. I guess I shouldn't complain sinc it will all wrap up very soon. Saturday should be good times, cant wait to see what happens.
Sig made by Lucifus
Episode 17, The Ember Island Prayers:
i nearly died laughing at this episode. the "sonic wave from my mouth" line had me doubled over. and the zuko hair part haha. ohh classic avatar.
i'm having conflicted feelings about tomorrow's special. on the one had, it's going to be epic, but on the other, no more avatar![]()