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Thread: Avatar: The Last Airbender

  1. #81
    Personally im pretty disappointed with this first ep I liked the Zuko seens and the the fight at sea was ok hopefully itll get good tho. Maybe its just me but i think that the one to teach the avatar firebending will be Zuko b/c the whole theme of him being taught by other kids but then again Zuko rly needs him dead now
    Last edited by Kitsune; Fri, 09-21-2007 at 08:22 PM.

    Sig made by Zinobi

  2. #82
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    WTF my DVR didnt record.....arghh!

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  3. #83
    Meh, I thought this episode was alright. I liked all the Zuko drama, but the scenes with Aang were alright (albeit them being necessary for character development). Obviously the first few eps will be slow though, but I do expect the pace to pick up quite quickly since this is the last season (probably).

    P.S. It would be so bad ass if Iroh taught Aang.

  4. #84
    Yea id love if he did but its unlikely. I cant wait til the invasion though I saw the previews and the kid who lived at the air temple and his dad was the inventor was there, and hopefully well have King Bumi, Jeong Jeong, and the Northern Water Tribe

    Sig made by Zinobi

  5. #85

  6. #86
    Interesting, I didn't know Zuko and that May girl were involved until that kiss. Or maybe I just can't remember much from last season.

  7. #87
    Yea i think they just started dating or w/e this episode

    Sig made by Zinobi

  8. #88
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They had shown in both flashbacks and various scenes of her blushing that Mai had like Zuko for a long time. Now his honor restored temporarily by Azula, and later formally by the Fire Lord (played by Mark Hamill, awesome!).

    Apparently, we missed a scene that was only in "Going Home Again," a Nickelodeon produced comic in Nick Mag Presents. Short summary of that comic here. I'll see if I can find a link to it someplace.

    I see that Katara and Toph have gotten much stronger with their respective types of bending. Toph seems to have metalbending well under control.

    EDIT: I found some scans of the short comic, but the idiots who uploaded it didn't link the page right, so I'm short just one page. The full magazine was released on the 18th.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 09-23-2007 at 05:35 PM.

  9. #89

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  10. #90
    Hmm, Footloose. I liked the episode, except for the dancing scenes. I enjoyed him being in school and all, I would've hoped they would've made a small arc out of it.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 09-29-2007 at 03:14 PM.

  11. #91
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'm glad they did this episode because after the previous episode I was worried that the show had lost its humor.

    I definitely had nothing to worry about.

  12. #92
    on the contrary the dancing scenes were all very interesting, you could see alot of martial arts influences in the dance moves.
    Saka has to be one of my all time favourite comic reliefs!

  13. #93

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  14. #94
    Nice episode, she really has become a very powerful water bender.

  15. #95
    I dont know, I didnt know find much of a point to this episode other than "girl power!". Probably the worst episode so far.

    Edit@ Mizuchi: I can call any episode I want crap. Especially this one. And if you didn't notice, I wasn't dissing the entire series, I was talking shit just about the first few episodes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    Obviously the first few eps will be slow though,
    Last edited by Carnage; Mon, 10-08-2007 at 10:51 AM.

  16. #96
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    I dont know, I didnt know find much of a point to this episode other than "girl power!". Probably the worst episode so far.
    Dude, stop being a little pesimist. Seriously.

    Although this episode didn't have a huge earthbender/firebender war and an invasion of a city, find me a series that has something that large in each episode. Actually, avatar fits more quality content in one episode than any other anime series ive seen. Look at naruto and some bleach episodes. They have entire episodes dedicated to breathing heavily and maybe pulling off one attack or two.

    I wish Naruto and Bleach would do what Avatar does and take breaks between seasons so their episodes would have more quality content. It makes the show so much better if you don't fill it with filler crap.

  17. #97
    The Avatar - 304 - Sokka's Master

    Man I wish every show would balanced as this. Now Sokka is a swordsman with sword made of meteor. The old man ( forgot name) training in jail while pretending to be crazy.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  18. #98
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Good episode, and did anyone else catch the Nickelodeon splat when Toph was bending the "space earth"?

    Iroh will probably choke the guard out cold from inside his cell in a few episodes.

  19. #99
    Good episode, Iroh's not a fatty anymore and Sokka might actually be useful now.

  20. #100
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    he always was useful my friend. And he is a corner stone of the show...

    great episode... I want to know exactly want Iroh is preparing for.. he was pretty bad ass before so it might be interesting to see what he is gonna be like now....

    I know for a fact that he is doing this partly for his nephew just want to see exactly waht the man does.... With ages comes knowlegde but this old fart has wisdom... atleast that is how he is portrayed
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

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