Two new gameplay videos up on gametrailers.
Gameplay 1
Gameplay 2
Two new gameplay videos up on gametrailers.
Gameplay 1
Gameplay 2
/ No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.
There's a japanese torrent circulating, apparently. I wonder if it's worth hunting down?
I really really wanna play it but then again I wouldn't mind understanding the story...
I think I saw Frigid Damsel being used in one of the battles![]()
Awesome videos btw. Yeah, that was definitely Frigid Damsel.
Original Soundtrack Vol.1 ~ Alicia Side out and can be found here bundled with another great soundtrack.
Go get it!
/ No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.
This game is awesome. Does anybody else have it?![]()
I have it, after 3hrs into it I'm not enjoying it that much. Okami has spoiled me so any game I play while playing it may not be as enjoyable. Plus I'm only in the beginning so I know it'll get better. I'm putting this one on the back burner for more Okami time.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Just finished this game one hour ago.
Great game
Meh... someday I'll replay it and wont release any Eihanjer...
Awesome twist at the end btw...
Yay, another awesome game which will never hit the EU. Fuck you, whoever decides these things.
EU? Europe?
Maybe its the -translate the game into every single language used in europe- thing.
Why don't you import the game Terra?
Over 40 characters of which you can have at least 30 x_X