Yo no sabia que Nests tambien era hispano......=/
Happy Birthday WD. Good to see you back.
Yo no sabia que Nests tambien era hispano......=/
Happy Birthday WD. Good to see you back.
Last edited by Deblas; Wed, 05-31-2006 at 12:08 AM.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
happy birthday meng, sorry about for being so late. But they do say better late than never. This time i hope you stick around so i can actually get to know who you are. Don't get lost again, also i think you have memory loss. So don't drink to much
Enjoy, your 21st year,may it be the best one of all the rest the preceded it.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Yay, WD is back!! You kinda disappeared after your Japan trip. Nice to see that you still remember all us gotwooters. Here's to an awesome and happy birthday for ya!