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Thread: Where's Fate Stay Night 1-4?

  1. #1

    Where's Fate Stay Night 1-4?

    I can't find the torrents in the FSN torrent page. Or did AonE sub the first 4 episodes at all? Please help!! I want to watch this anime.

  2. #2
    They can be found in a different tracker:

    You'll need to do a bit of searching and browsing, but they are there.

  3. #3
    Sry... i still can't seems to find them...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    You'll need to do a bit of searching and browsing, but they are there.

    did you search and browse?

  5. #5

    YES. I did.

    I went there. Then click bittorrent tracker. Then a list of random torrents come up. I saw Fate Stay Night 20. There's this search engine under the list. Beside it there's this 2 words "clear filters". I don't know what's that about. So i just type fate stay night 1 in the search. I even tried typing [AonE] in front first. And the only results are torrents 5-20. Not 1-4. Am i doing the right thing? Or can i contact AonE directly?

  6. #6
    Well here I'll hold your hand through this one, visit this page: It lists all of the fate stay night episodes done by Aone, all on one page so as not to get you confused with going to page two. All you have to do is scroll down, click what you want and be amazed at the power of searching and browsing!

  7. #7
    Okok. I see the problem. Didn't type underscore. Tried "Fate Stay Night" and "[AonE] Fate Stay Night", there's no results. "[AonE]_Fate_Stay_Night_1" only those 12-19. I have to type in this "_" and this "0" in front of numbers 1-4. Ya. Thanks a lot. I'll smarten up and learn the ways of searching and browsing.

  8. #8
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Yeah, all the episodes are definitely there, but you'll still have a hard time searching for episodes 1-4 cos they're all dead. Looks like many others are heading the same way too.

  9. #9
    I've found a site where i can direct download it. Though the subber is Eclipse instead of Aone.

  10. #10
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Aone's FSN 1-24 pack has been out for a little while now. It's smaller than Eclipse's and I got it at a faster rate than Eclipse's too. Haven't watched them yet, but should be good.

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