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Thread: Naruto OVA 3: Jounin VS Genin

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You are quite welcome. I'm happy it allowed you to get the full pleasure out of this extraordinary and brilliant ova...

    It was an interesting experience to translate it. The technical part, that is. Although I have to say there were a lot more lines than I initially thought, 271. Had I known that beforehand, I might have been too discouraged to start the project.

    Actually all the people wolfing down fansubs should try something like this once. I have to say if I had to do that every week, or even more than once a week... I don't simply know if I could handle that for months. The people meticulously fansubbing our favorite series every week are just awesome. They really are.

  2. #42

    Naruto Ova 3 Subbed

    Hey just wanted to let everyone know that the third Naruto Ova has been subbed in english.

    Post merged with existing topic regarding the OVA. - Terry
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Thu, 05-25-2006 at 07:08 PM.

  3. #43
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    This may have been really crappy, but you know what, I could have watched an entire season of filler based on this plot.

    A thinly veiled excuse to have every ninja in Konoha thrown down against one another. It's brillient, and wasted on a one shot OVA. This should have been a filler arc. If they filled it with moments like Neji vs. Asuma, then it would have rocked!

    Plot is pointless in filler! A good excuse to have an endless string of fights is all you need!

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zombiedude
    Hey just wanted to let everyone know that the third Naruto Ova has been subbed in english.

    Post merged with existing topic regarding the OVA. - Terry
    I wonder if that's better than my translation!

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    It wasn't that bad. No point though. However, their voices sounded a bit different than usual.

  6. #46
    um, i've downloaded the OVA from that link but when i try to run it in VLC media player, after about 10sec or so i get an error msg and VLC automatically shuts down. This is a first for me actually its never happened with any other episodes. did this happen to anyone else when they were trying to watch this episode?

    [PSJ] Owns All

  7. #47
    The video is in H264, unlike just about everything. Make sure you have the latest VLC. 0.8.5 runs it fine.

  8. #48

    New fansub in divx/xvid

    To everyone that has had trouble playing this file or just dosent like H.264 like me lol a new fansub has been released in divx/xvid link is below enjoy.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I must be out of my mind, but I have actually translated a third of this... thing already. With any luck (if you can call getting a translation to an abomination luck) I'll finish it soon, and somehow make it available to anyone stupid enough to want it.

    It'll be an srt file, so with any decent player you can overlay the translation on top of the finnish hardsubs.

    And that's actually the reason why I'm doing this. I don't understand any more Japanese than any regular anime fanboy, and thus an opportunity to get to know even a little any subbing technique never presented itself. Now, however, I got one freeware program, and found it works alright. Altogether, the subbing process is fairly interesting. And no, I'm not talking about the awesome work the subber groups are doing. Me making softsubs based on finnish subtitles isn't quite the same things as they doing their 1337 stuff.

    Bottomline: I don't care if anybody even wants the str when it's finished. I just wanted to know how this stuff happens. And man this ep sucks even more when I'm watching it pausing every so often to write the translation.
    I got it but how do i use it?

  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You might want to consider downloading a real hard subbed version instead (links are given in the most recent posts of this thread). It would probably not only grant a nicer viewing experience but give a much better translation as well. Well, in all honestly this ova doesn't have any messages truly requiring excellent translation, but that's not the point.

    But if you insist on using the soft sub, you will need a player like Media Player Classic or some other player more developed than the Microsoft mediaplayer. Then you need to set it to use external subtitles (and possible load the subtitle separately). That may need some tweaking, like with MPC you need to set the picture rendering into a compatible mode. The subtitle file might need to be in the same folder as the video file.

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