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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #641
    Guess it's just down to a difference in opinion since if she removes Kyon 1 she doesn't save all versions of him. Like I said I prefer the thought of Kyon 1 being somewhere else in the timestream and have a role in a story further down the road.

    Edit: Just thought about something about my own question. If the first one went through the altered world and became the "second" one there's not really any rule that says the second Kyon had to be taken back to the same day he left. Nagato could basically have programmed his actions for the day and have him fall down the stairs and with this method she wouldn't need to "erase" any Kyons at all.
    Last edited by fireheart; Fri, 01-07-2011 at 06:46 PM.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  2. #642
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Wow, just finished watching the movie. All in all, fantastic. Really loved the music and I so like how much time the movie is willing to take for building up the plot. Only complaint could be the rather un-special animation. It looked just like the tv-show, which looked nice anyway, but Iīd have hoped for some more out-going, flashy animations.

    btw: I dont think I really understood every piece of that convoluted story anyway, but how exactly can adult Asahina know of all thatīs going on? Sheīs a time traveler. If Nagato changed the world aka the past, adult Asahina wouldnīt be the same, too, would she? That one scene felt a bit plot-hole-ish. But not something to lose sleep over.

    And damn you, Kyon! Other-Nagato was so cute and you had a shot at her! Maaaan...

  3. #643
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    That one scene felt a bit plot-hole-ish
    it's not, its a time paradox, a typical logical paradox imho
    and lets not forget that the young Asahina is also there, together with a normal Nagato and a second Kyon from the future.

    but lets say Nagato changed the time/space and made timetraveling impossible for Asahina, that would mean she wouldn't be there, however Kyon stopped Nagato and that would make Asahina a time traveler again, and as a time traveler she would try to help Kyon and thus travel back in time to the moment where he "saved" the world

    Its like traveling back in time to kill your father/grandfather

    you travel back to kill him and succeed -> he dies and you are never born -> because you are never born, you can not travel back in time and kill him -> you will be born
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 03-01-2011 at 11:24 AM.

  4. #644
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Baby's first time paradox.

    Also Mfauli, what drugs were you on while watching this and can i have some? Did they visually impair you? The movie's animation looked consistently great, it's not KyoAni's fault there weren't any flashy robot battles for them to dazzle but the movement of all characters was consistently fluid, hardly any shitty frames and it just looked generally good.

  5. #645
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    The characterīs animation was "fine", but it all felt too static. Usually, anime-movies make a difference to TV-anime by including moving perspective, but here all we got were these typical static backgrounds. Oh, and I really dont like these photo-realistic backgrounds. Whatīs the point? They look too out-of-place when compared to the characters, and they could just take photos instead of putting in such effort into that.

  6. #646
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    care to explain where you saw that in the movie?
    the characters did fit quite well with the backgrounds
    the backgrounds didn't really look *that* photo-realistic in the first place.
    its no 5cm per second and even there the characters did blend in really really well.

    you make it sound like a generic cgi mecha anime like Macross Zero

  7. #647
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    All Iīm saying is that the animation wasnīt really different to the two TV-seasons. I mean, lol, look at the opening of some of the Pokemon-movies, thatīs the kind of full screen-animation that I expect from an anime-movie, at least occasionally. The movie looked good, but it could have been split into several parts and been a new season, too.

  8. #648
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    All Iīm saying is that the animation wasnīt really different to the two TV-seasons. I mean, lol, look at the opening of some of the Pokemon-movies, thatīs the kind of full screen-animation that I expect from an anime-movie, at least occasionally. The movie looked good, but it could have been split into several parts and been a new season, too.
    I thought the animation looked great. The distracting thing for me was the use of CGI disrupting my immersion. (Might have commented on there in a previous post..).

    This may be just a BD vs TV-raw comparison thing, but colour was much better in this movie than the 2009 run of Haruhi.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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