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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #601
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    2,000 light years away

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    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I'll get Mazui's

  3. #603
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Wait for the BDs, Doki will be doing them using afk's subs

  4. #604
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I totally don't remember the previous scenes where Kyon helps Nagato get a library card, nor the one where Nagato left a note in the bookshelf. I'm guessing the latter was when Kyon and Haruhi were stuck in her closed space (the finale of season 1), but I only remember Kyon talking to Nagato on the computer there - the bookmark doesn't ring any bells.

    I'm also undecided as to whether the Nagato who stopped the third knife stab was the "powerless" one, or another one who left her timeline to help.

    On my initial viewing, the two Asahinas threw me off. I forgot the one in green was the adult one, so it utterly confused me when I thought Chibi-Asahina showed up. It made me wonder whether I had forgotten yet another scene from the series.

    The singer for the ED sounded great, singing unaccompanied.

    Animation-wise, I could only have hoped that some scenes weren't so obviously computer generated. It's not that it feels cheap or anything.. just contrasting. Like a reminder every so often that this is, in fact, a movie.

    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 12-29-2010 at 12:07 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #605
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It happens that we have a season one running here in France. And I've seen the ep where Kyon does subscribe Nagato to the library and gives her the card. It's like a 2-3 second frame in a 20 seconds monologue. A minor detail they put the magnifying glass on in the movie, because in that alternate timeline that minor event became more prominent.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #606
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    It happens that we have a season one running here in France. And I've seen the ep where Kyon does subscribe Nagato to the library and gives her the card. It's like a 2-3 second frame in a 20 seconds monologue. A minor detail they put the magnifying glass on in the movie, because in that alternate timeline that minor event became more prominent.
    I have some recollection, now that you mention it.

    It also happens that I marathoned Ika Musume earlier this week. The similarity in design between Chizuru there and Asakura Ryouko here, combined with their outwardly nice attitude, caused me to be uneasy whenever she was around.

    Cross-over effect.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #607
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I totally don't remember the previous scenes where Kyon helps Nagato get a library card, nor the one where Nagato left a note in the bookshelf. I'm guessing the latter was when Kyon and Haruhi were stuck in her closed space (the finale of season 1), but I only remember Kyon talking to Nagato on the computer there - the bookmark doesn't ring any bells.
    If I don't remember wrong now the bookmark was in the first book Nagato gave Kyon in which she asked him to met her at the park, which he did several days after he'd been given the book. It's that night that she tells him about herself and Haruhi.

    The library card happened on their first SOS Brigade trip when Asahina told Kyon about herself and her version of Haruhi when they were walking around town supposedly looking for aliens, time travelers and espers, in the second part he was teamed up with Nagato and spent the time in a library sleeping while she was reading. And then to get her out of the library he had to get her a library card so she could borrow the book she was reading.
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  8. #608
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the bookmark doesn't ring any bells.
    Nagato gave Kyon a book right after their first meeting and said "make sure you read it"
    Kyon then started reading it when the bookmark fell out of it with a message on it which said something like "meet me at the park tomorrow"

    thats why he thought that there is a message in the very same book again.

    edit: woops to late

    the last scene where Kyon got stabbed confused me too though,
    I'm pretty sure its the Alien-Nagato and not the newly created one, simply because Kyon said that at one point he has to travel to the past with Nagato and Asahina again
    what I don't get at all is why the "older" kyon didn't help before his past self got stabbed..

    what's the point?
    he obviously wanted to turn Nagato back to normal again too, so why didn't he interrupt her? he even said he COULD have done that and it made him "feel bad" not to help himself (god that time-paradox makes it difficult to explain, I hope you guys get what I mean)

    I don't understand why Kyon didn't have a wound, I guess thats Nagato's work but if that's the case I'm about to say that Nagato really has godlike powers similiar to Haruhi, with the difference that Nagato (unlike Haruhi) is actually able to control her powers

    Isn't she able to change everything? So why is the Data-Entity (which is most likely even more powerful than Nagato) so interested in Haruhi.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 12-29-2010 at 10:44 AM.

  9. #609
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    the last scene where Kyon got stabbed confused me too though,
    I'm pretty sure its the Alien-Nagato and not the newly created one, simply because Kyon said that at one point he has to travel to the past with Nagato and Asahina again
    what I don't get at all is why the "older" kyon didn't help before his past self got stabbed..

    what's the point?
    he obviously wanted to turn Nagato back to normal again too, so why didn't he interrupt her? he even said he COULD have done that and it made him "feel bad" not to help himself (god that time-paradox makes it difficult to explain, I hope you guys get what I mean)
    Just my speculation but when Kyon went back to the past and met up with Asahina (Adult) he didn't show himself to his past self even though he could have and there was talk about inevitable or something. So I'm guessing the reason he didn't save himself from being stabbed was because if it didn't happen he wouldn't have a need to go back in time thus messing up the timeline. So he does what he have to in order to keep things accordingly to what he remembers as it's predetermined fact or something. Same thing with Asahina (Adult) since she already experienced everything she should have already known that Kyon would get stabbed and survive but she didn't do anything to prevent this even though she could have.

    If we ever get to rest of the story I hope they expand and explain more on the whole thing seeing as they probably have to revisit this story.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    I don't understand why Kyon didn't have a wound, I guess thats Nagato's work but if that's the case I'm about to say that Nagato really has godlike powers similiar to Haruhi, with the difference that Nagato (unlike Haruhi) is actually able to control her powers

    Isn't she able to change everything? So why is the Data-Entity (which is most likely even more powerful than Nagato) so interested in Haruhi.
    As for the wound that got healed it might have been healed at the same time that they "fixed" the world. Since Nagato was using Haruhis power to change the world so logically someone (I'm guessing Nagato) have to use the same power to change the world back. So fixing his wound seems pretty minor in comparison.

    It also explains why the Data-Entity is interested in Haruhi since she can rewrite reality while we've seen Nagato make all kinds of things she couldn't do what she did in the movie without Haruhis powers so it's hard to say what the Data-Entity can do. From what I've seen it looks more like Nagato is able to manipulate different vectors to change things though we haven't seen to what extent she's capable of doing it. So if we assume they can't rewrite the whole world/universe the same way Haruhi can then Kyons threat about recreating the world without them and their interest makes sense.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  10. #610
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Good explanation. I agree with all of it.

    Nagato's boss only seems all powerful from a human perspective. In the end, it is still limited by numerous things (like laws of physics), as is Nagato. Haruhi can create data from nothing (and it is also implied that she can erase all data that exists). That very fact makes her superior in every aspect, with the exception that she isn't aware of her powers. Both of them are not omniscient, so that's a tie, though I'm sure Haruhi is capable of becoming so if she willed it. Of course, I am excluding the Espers' idea that Haruhi created Nagato's boss in the first place, since that is a theory from a different faction..

    To put it simply, the Data Integration Thought Entity is god-like. Haruhi is God.
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  11. #611
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Data Integration Thought Entity has superior knowledge and technology compared to humans is my take on it.

    I don't quite get the "stealing" part of using Haruhi's power, but I would say at the time that Nagato performed the change, they (Data Integration Thought Entity) had learned enough of the "technology" from God (Haruhi) to perform it.

    The "reversal program" gun wasn't quite explained to me. What was it supposed to do when injected into the powerless Nagato? Override her body's command and reverse the change?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #612
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think that is what happened.

    About the stealing power thing, I think Yuki managed to use Haruhi's powers directly, like tapping into it and using it to transform the world. I don't think it is possible to do without using Haruhi as a "fuel" source. If Haruhi's powers could be replicated so easily, they wouldn't give in to Kyon's threats at all.
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  13. #613
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    And how about Kyon really is the key character? After all he's the only recurring character we don't know the full name. Even his sister was addressed as "imouto".
    Everything really evolves around him and Haruhi is one of the many interests he has, she also is a distraction from the very fact he is God in that universe.

    Regarding his sister, I get the feeling she could be Mikuru.

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  14. #614
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That theory is the most obvious twist, and honestly, I don't want it to turn out that way since it is a bit cliche. The victim turning out to be the murderer has been done to death.
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  15. #615
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That theory is the most obvious twist, and honestly, I don't want it to turn out that way since it is a bit cliche. The victim turning out to be the murderer has been done to death.
    You're right, that would be very cheap. Or maybe because it's so obvious, they have yet another twist for us.

    Yuki? Well, she's quite powerful and twists events a lot so that everything turns right in the end. In the movie, she even showed emotions and clearly has been further than her "mechanical" role.

    Haruhi? Why not, we are told she is. Be truth be told, except for the closed space incident where she was all alone with Kyon (or so we think), we only have coincidences.

    Mikuru? She does time travel a lot. If the asumption she is Kyon's little sister is correct, it could be she came back multiple times from the future to save him. I had already felt it the first time, but rewatching season 1 really has me thinking he's a bit depressed or at least fed up with the world around him. Mikuru really is too clumsy to be true, even more when compared to her grown up version. She could be the ideal culprit.

    Well, he after all gives lots of important data to Kyon regarding how that universe evolves around Haruhi. It's just I do not feel it too well. Maybe because he's too formal and distant at times.

    Asakura and Tsuruya? Well, they really are side characters, even if Asakura has a little deeper one with her Kyon Killer side. At least there aren't lots of details/proofs to work with. Tsuruya pulling the strings and controling Mikuru? Well, doesn't seem right.

    I think there's another remote guy (not the computer science club prez), but can't pinpoint him anymore. Or maybe I'm mixing it with another show.

    That's all folks

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #616
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think that is what happened.
    In that case, that would mean that the "normalised, shy Yuki" still had the power to change everything back - just that she made herself lose that bit of memory. Just to make my intentions clear, I was asking that question because I wanted to see if shy-Yuki really was powerless, or whether she only did a memory wipe on herself.

    About the stealing power thing, I think Yuki managed to use Haruhi's powers directly, like tapping into it and using it to transform the world. I don't think it is possible to do without using Haruhi as a "fuel" source. If Haruhi's powers could be replicated so easily, they wouldn't give in to Kyon's threats at all.
    I'm not sure where I read this, but I saw some interpretation that all Yuki rewrote data from the past, while Haruhi could completely ditch this universe and start a new one. In other words, Yuki changes the past (and the resulting present), while Haruhi can create data in realtime and make things happen now.

    That works for me. In that case, "stolen" refers not to "taking Haruhi's powers from herself and putting it in Yuki", but "Yuki using the same methods of data changing to change the past, rewriting Haruhi's past in such a way that she no longer has those powers in the current world."

    I've never thought of the main character being anyone other than Haruhi, or that Mikuru is Kyon's sister. I think my head will burst if I try. So.. I won't.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #617
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    or that Mikuru is Kyon's sister. I think my head will burst if I try. So.. I won't.
    now that I think about it......

    Oh fuck! that might be the reason why they shouldn't... oh my god

    I've never thought of the main character being anyone other than Haruhi
    I've never thought of the main character to be anyone other than Kyon to be honest

  18. #618
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    now that I think about it......

    Oh fuck! that might be the reason why they shouldn't... oh my god

    I've never thought of the main character to be anyone other than Kyon to be honest
    We just need to confirm the breast mole.

    Kyon, you can do it. PS: if Haruhi gave Kyon his nickname, then what did everyone else call him before, and why did everyone pick it up? That part bugged me ever since they brought it to my memory/attention in the movie.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #619
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Everyone picked it up because Haruhi gave it.

    His real name remains a mystery.
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  20. #620
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Everyone picked it up because Haruhi gave it.

    His real name remains a mystery.
    Yup, even the high school setting isn't helping us getting his name, when it should be easy:
    Seat position list
    Teacher calling Kyon

    Too bad we won't have new material for a long time, now that the movie just got out.

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