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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #441
    While I can't say that I'm not a bit bored by it I didn't feel as sore about this second ep of repetition as many people seem to have, I don't think I could handle more than one more cycle though.

    What helped me get through this third ep was looking for more subtle differences like wardrobe and character positions as well as listening for clues to what the solution to the looping will be. I feel like we've learned a few new things in each cycle and that has been enough to keep me curious and interested. In the first ep ep learned about Haruhi's zest for summer fun, with the second we learned that something was rotten in their world and that Yuki was aware of it all and possibly quite miserable. During this third ep I tried to pay more attention to Yuki's behavior as well as look toward Haruhi for signs of what she might be looking for that she's not finding.

    After ep three my intuition tells me the solution to this problem is going to be Kyon proposing something he wants to do on the final day. I'm banking on that something being a date with Haruhi so that she'll feel all doki doki about where things might go the next day and not reset time.

    On a slightly different not much more than the repetition I have found it rather frustrating that so many people across the anime scene who read the novels in the time between seasons are constantly on the verge of spoiling later plot points in their frustrated musings about whatever events these repeated eps are taking time away from. I can certainly understand why they would be more frustrated than people who don't know how this will all play out or what will come after but It's just ugh... I daresay Naruto manga readers seemed more respectful during the ~2 years of filler episodes than Haruhi novel readers after 3 weeks.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 07-07-2009 at 01:48 PM.

  2. #442
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Yukimura]What helped me get through this third ep was looking for more subtle differences like wardrobe and character positions


    After ep three my intuition tells me the solution to this problem is going to be Kyon proposing something he wants to do on the final day.
    let me tell you that i thought that after the first "time loop"-episode.-...

  3. #443
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I thought Haruhi looked quite unsatisfied as she sang in the karaoke scene from the latest episode. Who knows, maybe it was a depressing song.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #444
    Bad news, boss! (Spoilers for next episode ahead)
    Last edited by enkoujin; Thu, 07-09-2009 at 01:47 PM.

  5. #445
    Oh, man. This is really gonna continue until August, isn't it?
    I am training in the shadows.
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  6. #446
    Actually, from my sources, I think the next episode is going to be the last one of this dreadful Endless Eight arc.

  7. #447
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    so, is the next epidode exactly the same again? then i dont need to download that crap...

  8. #448
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    so, is the next epidode exactly the same again? then i dont need to download that crap...
    You would think so aye? But knowing me, I bet you I'll end up downloading and watching it all the same.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #449
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    A part of me finds this annoying... yet another one finds it fun. I try to keep myself looking for the slight differences in order to pass the episode. But hey... its Haruhi. Im always up to see her.

  10. #450
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Not when she does the same things over and over again. Haruhi is great because she is unpredictable. This senseless repetition ruins that.
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  11. #451
    And the wheel of time keeps on turning...
    Haruhi (2009) - 15 - [Mazui]

    I caught a handful of things that were different this time beyond wardrobe changes.
    To spare those who have bandwidth limitations or don't want to waste their time here's what I noticed.

    - Kyon was able to predict events even more than before
    - When the group broke up after the first day Kyon felt an urge to ask Yuki how she was doing and acted on it, she responded that she was fine and he left it at that but Kyon still felt odd.
    - This episode was cycle 15,513 so they skipped 14 iterations.
    - Some time after they figure out that they were cycling Kyon asked Yuki why she hadn't told them about it, she responded that it's her job to observe.
    - As Kyon was sitting in the café on the last day trying to think up what Haruhi wanted we see a vision of a wooden toy airplane flying above us in the sky. The next day when Kyon gave up on his homework he had drawn a crude version of the plane in his notebook.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Fri, 07-10-2009 at 01:27 AM.

  12. #452
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    - When the group broke up after the first day Kyon felt an urge to ask Yuki how she was doing and acted on it, she responded that she was fine and he left it at that but Kyon still felt odd.
    - Some time after they figure out that they were cycling Kyon asked Yuki why she hadn't told them about it, she responded that it's her job to observe.
    didn't that happen already in ep 14.

  13. #453
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Someone at randomc said that KyoAni planned this to be portrayed on 6 episodes. And that Kadokawa got pissed and fired the guy with the idea. Sadly... they did do the episodes. He also said they were going planning to skip 3 of this 6 episodes, but as we can see, they didn't.

  14. #454
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Someone at randomc said that KyoAni planned this to be portrayed on 6 episodes. And that Kadokawa got pissed and fired the guy with the idea. Sadly... they did do the episodes. He also said they were going planning to skip 3 of this 6 episodes, but as we can see, they didn't.
    Honnestly? I really do not believe this masquerade.
    They try to cover up for a major mistake... but don't really want to at the same time because for some reason these very same eps will make this show even more out of this world, even more outstanding.

    I was very virulent about it days ago, but at the same time I feel some entertainment and brain activity out of it, like I'm bored to hell watching it again, but I'm compelled to because there are actual differences! Also, I am now a Haruhi fan and deep inside I can tolerate this.

    Call it genius or not, but for some reason it can work with time and will probably be remembered years from now as something incredible, for some, and horrible for others.

    Thing is too that this idea was greenlit months ago and animating the different versions did cost lots of money. So firing people afterwards is also part of the marketing thing I think, it also a way to cover up for a mistake and eventually get the benefits if this strange idea works for the fanbase.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #455
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I think both "incredible" and "horrible" apply.

    It reminds me of some artist who sold a sealed can of his feces (supposedly) as art. Both incredible and horrible.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #456
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Like I said... 'someone' at randomc said so, but did not provide a link of proof.

    And as I said earlier... the episodes are annoying... yet at the same have something that prompts me to watch them.

    Nevertheless... those of us who watch only Yuki's version still have 2 more episodes to go, whereas those that watch Mazui got only 1 more.

  17. #457
    skipping this episode, thanks for the heads up.

  18. #458
    Why can't I not watch this? I wanted to bang my head on my desk, yet I still watched.

  19. #459
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Spoiler on next ep:

    It's still going


    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #460
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't think you need to mark that as a spoiler. It is better to warn those who don't intend to watch it because of the repetition (like me).
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