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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #141
    Felt like a filler, but it was still great.

  2. #142
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You couldn't be more wrong about the filler comment. After the performance, there was a huge depth added to Haruhi's character.

    Recall the conversation with Kyon under the tree, there was a lot of development there. She usually doesn't care how anything she does goes, but she showed a lot of guilt about her performance (despite how it went), saying that in one more day, she could have made it perfect for the girls who couldn't make it. For a moment she even questioned if she was wasting her life. Before that, I was surprised that she didn't want to go up to the band members without Kyon's insistance. She was completely embarrassed about the performance, less-than-perfect in her eyes. It's odd to see that she doesn't want to let anyone down that may actually depend on her for fulfilling their dreams.

    It shows a really interesting side to her that we haven't seen yet. It's almost a 'normal' side to her, and certainly one that shows her more sympathetic towards the feelings of other people that she so quickly disregards in the first of the Melancholy eps (eps 2 by release).

  3. #143
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Great ep. Wasn't that funny but really enjoyable. How did it feel like a filler? Every episode is filler like, xD, but still always very enjoyable/funny.

    Nagato ruled on the guitar
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  4. #144
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Enjoy all of Haruhi's Insert Songs and even the Love Legend Mikuru theme song.

    Geki Chuu Kashuu Single [Hirano Aya & Yuko Goto]

  5. #145
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Man, I was just about to go search for that. Nice post
    Have to wait an hour to get hoem and download em though T-T
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  6. #146
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Actually, that was my favorite episode of this series. True it doesnt have as much comedy as the other stories, but it also developed haruhi more than all the other episodes combined. And I loved the band scene. That is probably one of the best band performances depicted in an anime Ive ever seen (even better than beck).

    So many sides of haruhi was shown in this episode. Just when I was starting to veer towards Nagato as my favorite character in the series, haruhi just did a sayonara homerun.

    I also loved their choice of songs for Haruhi. Instead of something cute or girly, a more solid artist and song were used to show another side of haruhi (the jack of all trades serious side) that even Kyon started dancing (yes that was Kyon dancing) after seeing.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #147
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Filler? What filler? This was a fantastic episode. Yes, much of the comedy was lacking, but the songs and Haruhi's character at the end MORE than made up for it.

    I can't believe there's only 2 more episodes left We need more Haruhi Suzumiya!!

  8. #148
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree. I think this might be my favorite ep yet. I didn't mean ever episode was a filler, just filler like in a sense, I f*cking love this anime. =P

    Wasn't episode 14 already aired? Or is my memory mistaken? Damn, first Shakugan no Shana, then F/SN, now this T_T.

    Guess Black Lagoon, Tokko, and Utaweruno will have to keep me. =P
    Oh well. Gotta enjoy the last 2 eps. I'ma rewatch the entire series in correct number order.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  9. #149
    Good episode, Yuki gets more badass ever time I see her, and Haruhi's introspection was nice as well, though she's probobly just trying to ignore how bad the movie was by refocusing on music.

  10. #150
    rawr! don't kill me all at once :-P

    Count the fact that I watched part of the OP and ED it was like watching a music vid of Hirano Aya lol.

  11. #151
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. It was a fine episode with all of Haruhi's character development. She probably developed in this episode as much as in the other episodes combined... In a certain sense this series isn't focusing on character development at all, as much of its strength is derived from the basic types of the characters.

  12. #152
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    @Lucifus: The "Eps 14" that aired was in the middle of the series as a whole. Slightly over the halfway point. I've tried to explain this many times. If the series finishes with the end of the the Melancholy arc as I believe it will, it would be in chronological order eps 6. It's a lot more typical of usual anime endings than "Eps 14" was.

    I didn't think Aya Hirano could sing rock, but I was highly impressed.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    @Lucifus: The "Eps 14" that aired was in the middle of the series as a whole. Slightly over the halfway point. I've tried to explain this many times. If the series finishes with the end of the the Melancholy arc as I believe it will, it would be in chronological order eps 6. It's a lot more typical of usual anime endings than "Eps 14" was.

    I didn't think Aya Hirano could sing rock, but I was highly impressed.
    Just to state... I think that although the anime prsents events in an unchronological order, the real order of episodes is the one we are following. there is continuity in terms of importance.

  14. #154
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The days of Melancholy continue for a little while longer:

    Episode 13 - a.f.k.

  15. #155
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Lets enjoy them while they last. =P

    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  16. #156
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Not the strongest of episodes in my opinion. It felt a bit redundant. The beginning was really nice, though, with Kyon and Haruhi walking together, and with the perverted old man, but the end didn't achieve much. Just some weird theories (and I'm bloody sure I have heard those theories before somewhere), action that isn't really needed in this series, and explanations and evidence that might have been interesting for the Kyon character, but not really for the audience.

    To sum it up, scenes and interaction just between Kyon and the esper dude isn't exactly what forms the best parts of this series... Well, I'm not saying it was a bad episode - the beginning alone made it worth it - but I wish something else had made up the latter portion of the episode, especially considering how we are already running out of eps.

  17. #157
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    In terms of entertainment....worse ep of Haruhi I've seen so far. Seeing the esper crew was pretty kool though. Got a bit of info, but, hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the last ep of Melancholy when the time comes. =P
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  18. #158
    I thought this was an okay episode, it's just that we've figureed out a lot of what Koizumi was talking about from all the eps we've seen that take place after this one.

    Anyone know how many eps is this show supposed to be? Were only missing #6 and #11 now (based on the numbers Haruhi gives at the begining of the previews) and the first ep/movie would fit well as the episode before #12, the only one where release order and Haruhi titles match, as they are pre-screening the movie in the first ep and showing it at the festival in the #12. If the first ep was #11 story wise then the next ep, #6 would give us a full 1-14. However the ep Haruhi titled #14 didn't really feel much like an ending to me, so i'm not sure.

  19. #159
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The next eps will be the finale of the series. Will they make a second season? Who knows. Haruhi's eps titles jump around because they are related to the content of the series in novel form. There are missing numbers because they skip a fair amount of content. The so-called eps 14 is not the "end" of the series. It's a little bit over halfway. The novels go on considerably farther. I cannot stress this enough and so far only like 4 people seem to understand this.

    As for this eps, yes the problem is that everything that Koizumi said is easily figured out through the context of the other eps. It's a lot more interesting if you hear it first, before all the other things we've seen.

  20. #160
    It was a good episode that filled in a few timelapses. You're probably right Ryllharu that this episode was less exciting, but I think that choice of showing this series out of order would eventually lead to some overlap in information.

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