Haruhi - 09
The last episode, chronologically? Who knows...
Haruhi - 09
The last episode, chronologically? Who knows...
Has this ever been done before? showing the last ep or plot arc around the middle of the show?
Quite interesting technical aspects in this episode, while the plot certainly wasn't too exciting for this particular episode. The way Mikuru was masked, when she changed clothes was really funny and brilliant. And the strange scenes with practically nothing happening were also funny in their own way; you hardly see scenes like that in any series, and thus they made a strange point, as this is not generally a show lacking some kind of action.
A quiet episode. Nothing extrodinary, but It's actually perfect for if they decide to make a sequel.
Since it seems to me there's a little confusion around:
Remember that Haruhi's episode numbers do not correspond with the anime eps, only Kyon's do. Haruhi's represent where the equivalent number would be in the novels and always have. Of the eight novels that have been written, this would appear around the end of the fifth novel. Or the middle of the sixth. Even the original novels jump around somewhat (at least according to the table linked below).
There's almost no doubt that the 'anime' eps 14 will be the end of the first novel, the final eps in "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (title of the first book). Since the series is how it is, there has to exist some uncertainty involved, which is why I say 'almost no doubt'.
See This timetable linked off of the a.f.k. channel. The "Kyon" represents where in the eps the series is, for instance, this one is eps 9. "Haruhi" has always been telling the true chronological timeline.
Don't get confused because this series only has 14 eps and Haruhi labels this as 14. This is chronologically last (of what they've shown), but it is still only a little over halfway of the story.
EDIT: I've been told somepeople have been having remote site errors (I personally have not), so copy and paste this link and go to the timetable links:
Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 05-30-2006 at 08:59 PM.
The scenes with the locker and Mikuru changing were done beautifully. It was very original.
The scenes with Nagato sitting there and the voices outside the room were also very good. That big mix with altered common anime lines was pretty funny.
Some things from last episode (which I didn't properly watch) that are still bothering me: Who was that girl with the hat and torn up letter on the boat, and what was with Itsuki staring at Kyon's mole? These can't have just been random scenes. I'm curious to see if and how they will come back later on. Anyway, 9 (14?) was a good episode.
I hate to say it, what with all the Evangelion parallels being drawn about this show, but that scene reminded me of a number of scenes from NGE where nothing at all happened (the Asuka/Rei elevator scene, for example). I kinda liked it though.Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
This episode was really relaxed. I'm going to watch it again to try and catch some hidden messages or something, but from the looks of things it seemed to be just another episode about the life of the SOS members. Which is cool. More of Kyon and Mikuru being bossed around, more of Itsuki being a yes-man Haruhi appeaser, and more of KyoAni's fluid animation and creative camera angles (inside the locker was great, like BOC said); and none of that is getting old yet. Anyway, I'm really really REALLY looking forward to next week's episode. It seems like it'll cover the part of the first novel that got me hooked.
Edit: I'm also loving Haruhi's growing jealousy about Mikuru and Kyon. The whole last scene was a really nice way to end it, I think. The cardigan and umbrella sharing show beyond a doubt that she is definitely interested in him.
Last edited by XanBcoo; Tue, 05-30-2006 at 11:48 PM.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Also one of my favorite growing aspects of the series. Haruhi gets extremely pushy, irritated, rude and demanding whenever she sees Kyon and Mikuru start to have a moment. It's been becoming more obvious every eps. The last scene was definitely a nice touch.Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I definetly got an ARIA-esque vibe from this eps. Nothing really happened, but the series of shots and barely related scenes added a nice relaxing touch to the eps.
Not a lot happened, but it was certainly a relaxing episode for me. In all the chaos the gang has gone through in the series so far, it's nice to see that they're not... as energetic as they should be, haha. The highlight would be the end with Haruhi and Kyon.
LOL I love this show. What I wanted to say about it was already said. Great show. Funnyass scenes. I think I'm an ep or two behind...
Supah Mario Owns j00 F00!
Eps 10 is released, get it at the usual places.
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi eps 10
If you were a little disappointed by the last eps, you have to watch this one. There's a bombshell you do not want to miss.
Well two, but one's a different definition of bombshell :)
Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 06-06-2006 at 02:42 PM.
This series is awesome... I'm trying to figure out where to actually place this episode. Wasn't there a VERY brief flashback to this shown in one of the earlier eps? The repeat value of this series is pretty high. I want to know where the talking cat fits into this whole thing.
A very interesting early episode. The episodes chronologically before this hadn't actually contained proofs to make Kyon believe in supernatural, so in a certain sense this also explains the latter ones, and how he become to accept it (like he said pretty much himself). Of course there were episodes like the one with the fight against the insect in another dimension.
Nagato surely looks better without glasses...
Great episode, Kyon's comments are as funny as usual.
But the start was kinda weird, it was totally different from all the other ones. It looked more like one would expect from the first episode of a series with all the credits and such.
Yuppers, another great episode by the Melancholy castKyon's best comment was the one where he couldn't move his body and cries out foul play. I mean, wouldn't a normal person just completely freak out? Instead, this guy still uses his wit in a situation where it seemed like he wasn't going to get any help and was going to be killed very soon. Hahaha, he has DEFINITELY become one of my all-time favorite characters.
It was also great to see Nagato in action... well, we saw some in a previous episode, but cmon, she just did a lambda driver. Here, she actually kicked ass!
Seeing Asahina's future self was a definite surprise for me. I never thought that we would see her for this series. This is probably the reason why Kyon fell for her, haha.
Awesome, it sounds like this episode really does contain my favorite part of the novels.
Downloading now, and looking forward to it.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Amazing episode. Enough said.
I had forgotten Nagato used glasses. And I was wondering what had happened to the class-rep...
But what I want to know if what happened to Haruhi after she left. She was down and in a very bad mood.
My favorite part was Haruhi talking about her 'urges' and such. Nagato was great as well as the Kyon reactions as everyone said. It's awesome how he just kind of ran with the whole she's a crazy alien trying to kill me idea. This episode was pretty much gold all around, though it seemed like Future Mikuru was just an excuse to show off more boobs.
Anyway, I compiled this list based of of Kyon and Haruhi's arguing that takes place in the preview each episode.
Episode Order (Kyon) | Title | Story Order (Haruhi)
1 | Movie | 13.5?
2 | Melancholy I | 1
3 | Melancholy II | 2
4 | Boredom | 7
5 | Melanchly III | 3
6 | Remote Island Syndrome 1 | 9
7 | Mystérique Sign | 8
8 | Remote Island Syndrome 2 | 10
9 | Someday in the Rain | 14
10 | Melancholy IV | 4
11 | Day of Sagittarius | 13
P.S. "Feelings of Love are just a temporary lapse in judgment, like a kind of mental illness."
Gottdamn I loved this episode so much. We're back to good old Haruhi/God conversations, uber Kyon-wit with running commentary, conspiracies, and confusion. I love it.
Favorite parts:
1. Haruhi's and Kyon's conversation in the beginning, also the "urges" mentioned by Yukimura.
2. Kyon saving Mikuru's pictures for...later.
3. Ryoko Asakura: "Random crap"
Kyon: "Are you talking about the Japanese economy?" hahaha.
5. Kyon seeing Mikuru's name on the letter and immediately rushing off, lol.
6. No-glasses-Yuki after Kyon mentions it.
7. Haruhi literally dragging Kyon around during the last scene.
Like Kraco said, we now have confirmation of the identities of 2 of the 3 SOS members. Itsuki has yet to prove he really is an esper, but Yuki's scene was pretty intense. Things are starting to get interesting, and hopefully some questions will be answered.
And it is really good to finally see older-Mikuru. I can also now safely point out that older-Mikuru is in the opening credits (lol manga prophet). But what's with all this talk about "it's been so long"?? Does something happen to Kyon/Haruhi/the rest so that older-Mikuru hasn't seen them? I'm curious about that one. Could it be connected to Haruhi, or is it simply because Kyon is soon arrested and locked up for groping Mikuru?? I'm also looking forward to the "Snow White" thing, but it looks like the next episode is more skipping around, so we'll have to wait it out...
Yes, during the baseball episode, Kyon has a flashback to Nagato fighting Asakura. Also, during Mikuru's changing scene in episode 5, you can see her star-shaped mole on the snapshot of her cleavage.Originally Posted by Honoko
Last edited by XanBcoo; Thu, 06-08-2006 at 02:44 AM.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Older Mikuru's biggest point was when she apparently screwed up and told him about the mole. She implied that she didn't even know about it until he told her about it. Of course, she just told him about it, so now at some point he'll have to inform young Mikuru about it, or else:
OMG TIME PARADOX! (sorry, had to)
I'm guessing that older Mikuru is fairly older than she looks (so could young Mikuru for that matter) which is why they haven't seen each other in so long. Or, like Xan suggested, something happened, some one moves away, etc.
It also seems that the Mikuru's are stressing that Kyon should not get to close to her. Judging from Haruhi's reactions so far everytime he gets closer to Mikuru and given what Haruhi is apparently capable of, which we've yet to see and everyone is so afraid of, its advice Kyon should be taking.