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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #81
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Is it just me or was Kyon's sarcastic comments funnier than usual, especially when he was freaking out at the sight of the cricket. He made me choke a few times while I was eating, hahaha.
    And Full Metal Panic parodies! Just plain awesome, the best part of this episode Fumoffu, Lambda drivers, and Second Raid, they just made my day.

  2. #82
    I liked the Final Fantasy reference when they defeated the cricket. In case you missed it, it's when they show the big cricket in the middle of the screen and the 3 guys in front of it, like the victory sequence in Final Fantasy games. Nice subtle touch.

  3. #83
    Now that you mention it, it does seem like the FF games. Good episode.
    I'm interested in seeing the next episode and solving the murder.

    I may be going nuts... but is that windows vista I see?
    Last edited by Church; Tue, 05-16-2006 at 11:40 PM.

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Hah, I didn't get the FMP references until I found out they were both done by Kyoto Animation. Nice. It was really cool to finally see Itsuki and Nagato's powers in action during this episode. I guess this has more or less confirmed that they really are what they say they are.

    I agree with Kooshi, Kyon's wit was especially sharp this episode. I think it accurately portrayed his comments in the novels better than the previous episodes (he basically makes a stream-of-conscious comment after almost every bit of dialogue). It's one of my favorite aspects of this show. Kyon's quickly becoming one of my favorite protagonists ever. The plot itself sort of seemed like contrived filler material to me, but it was still enjoyable. At least we know that Nagato and co. are telling the truth, and that Haruhi really is the source of some weird shit - the logo, in this case. I also liked the attention to Nagato, she's been too overlooked so far.

    Edit: Oh, and wow. The animation was really great, as usual. I love the camera angles they come up with, like all the overhead shots or the view from inside the computer monitor. There are little details that are cool too, like Haruhi jumping on the bed, or twirling her pen in her hand. Good job KyoAni.
    Kyon always 'losing' and having to buy stuff for people. What is that all about? I think it happens far too often to just be there for comedy... it has to represent something...
    I think it's not so much for comedy, it's just to show how Kyon is kind of abused by Haruhi (Hell, who ISN'T at this point??) and that he's really stuck in a situation he doesn't like. On the other hand, he and the other members are always drawn to the club room no matter what (as in the beginning of episode 7). It's an funny situation.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Wed, 05-17-2006 at 03:10 AM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #85
    This show is so great, I haven't been so entertained in a long time. So glad we got to see Koizumi's abilities. I was worried his powers would be boring or mundane...relatively speaking. And Yuki's weird spell casting was in top form again. I assume she was the one that made the door unlock?

    Anyway the comedy was great as always. The FMP referances, the abuse of Mikuru, and the sheer seriousness with which they handled fighting a giant space cricket in a pocet dimension were all excellent. I wish this show was more than 14 eps.

    Oh and something interesting I noticed (because someone else saw it first and wrote about it) @ 19:07-19:09 in the a.f.k. version you can see a poster behind Kyon of the three female seiyuus Aya Hirano, Gotou Yuuko and Minori Chihara.

  6. #86
    i was very happy when they killed the cave cricket, my old place used to be overrun with those things despite my landlord spraying insecticide once a week for a year.

  7. #87
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    @ 19:07-19:09 in the a.f.k. version you can see a poster behind Kyon of the three female seiyuus Aya Hirano, Gotou Yuuko and Minori Chihara.
    I was wondering who those people in the poster were. Thanks for the info.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #88

    The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

    Some episodes of Haruhi for direct download.

    Well, that's nice but you really should've just posted this in the official thread, in General Anime.
    Last edited by Assassin; Wed, 05-24-2006 at 10:37 PM.

  9. #89
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It would take quite a conspiracy to keep us from watching this:

    Episode 8 - a.f.k.

    Edit: SPOILERS:

    Hmm... An interesting episode, if not that surprising. I suppose I was like Kyon by simply not believing it could be an actual murder. Although for different reasons: This isn't really a violent series.

    Well, at least there was an interesting chain of scenes that ended in the cave. It had a kind strange vibe going on between Kyon and Haruhi. It suggested a lot with all the close, slow camera shots, but never actually led anywhere. Yet it was still certainly vastly different than the usual Kyon ogling at Mikuru. Perhaps something will happen between those two, although I'm not sure in this series anything can happen. It remains to be seen if the relations between the characters remain static forever because of the greater story or not.
    Last edited by Kraco; Tue, 05-23-2006 at 03:41 PM.

  10. #90
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    1. I figured that the whole thing was a hoax vaguely from the first part, Koizumi and Nagato wouldn't let someone be killed by Haruhi's wishes. What confirmed it was the butler did not allow Haruhi to check for a pulse.

    2. Why did they show Koizumi focusing on a mole on Kyon's neck, a hairy one at that. There must be some rather large signifigance to that.

    3. Haruhi does show a great deal of concern for Kyon. Not only was she considerably worried after their fall, but more importantly, where she usually shows no discretion at all when changing her clothes for gym, she stopped in front of Kyon. Perhaps she has come to acknowlege his existence a great deal, since all other guys in school still mean nothing to her.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 05-23-2006 at 04:20 PM. Reason: enough time has elapsed

  11. #91
    The falling/cave scene was a nice touch. It's common practice in anime for a couple to go in a cave during a storm and undress and light a fire and etc etc. I like how this episode they just sat around talking. Nice twist on conventions.

    And like Ryllharu, I figured it out when the butler wouldn't let Haruhi touch the guy. That was a big giveaway.

  12. #92
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    2. Why did they show Koizumi focusing on a mole on Kyon's neck, a hairy one at that. There must be some rather large signifigance to that.
    Yes, indeed. If it hadn't been a hairy one, it wouldn't have meant anything, but the hair decides it! Har har, hairy one.

    where she usually shows no discretion at all when changing her clothes for gym, she stopped in front of Kyon. Perhaps she has come to acknowlege his existence a great deal, since all other guys in school still mean nothing to her.
    That's actually a very good detail that I failed to consider at all. I was just wondering the camera work, and didn't much think the reasons behind the actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoC
    And like Ryllharu, I figured it out when the butler wouldn't let Haruhi touch the guy. That was a big giveaway.
    I think that was a bit weak scene all in all. It was too evident. But obviously finding the pulse would have been even worse... Well, I don't immediately know how it could have been handled much differently, because Haruhi had to experience the warmth.

  13. #93
    That was an okay episode, it's differnet tone; instead of the usual craziness, it's more serious.

    And I just noticed... next ep is 14... isn't that the last ep?

  14. #94
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Wow, watching 8 eps of Suzumiya in a row is truly a mindfucker. In a good way. So glad to come across a series with a fresh presentation ^^

  15. #95
    If everyone is happy with how the series ends, I may attempt watching 14 in one day.

  16. #96
    Where does it say the series is only 14 eps?

  17. #97
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    ANN, anidb and even the official page state it.

    Somewhere I readed it was because the studio centered their attention on the Kanon-remake... and while I am a Kanon fan... I hated that decision...

    I kind off hate Mikuru, but like the other characters.

  18. #98

  19. #99
    Darn so it's only 14 episodes. As long as they end it properly.

  20. #100
    But as I've pointed out before, it's actually 15,498 episodes!!!
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