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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #161
    Nooooo! just one more episode. They better make the sequels; there's still a lot of raw material from the novels to sustain a couple more seasons... hopefully.

  2. #162
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    I agree that this episode should have been shown earlier, but I still liked it quite a lot (although it is not as good as the rest of the episodes).
    I can't believe it's already been 14 episodes. PLEASE let there be a 2nd season!

    Just as a small trivia I found in Wiki (although I don't know if it's confirmed or not), but in episode 10 when Ryoko and Nagato were fighting, one of the incantations for Ryoko was "You love Kyon-kun, don't you? I know you realized it" in sped up and reversed Japanese. If this is true, then it HAS to be emphasized more if there is going to be a second season

  3. #163
    This show makes subtle hints that everyone like Kyon to some extent - Future-Future Asahina asking not to get so close, Haruhi's trust of Kyon, Nagato taking the suggestion of not wearing glasses. Since this was intended to be a comedy I think we'll never see a full blown romance episode.

  4. #164

  5. #165
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Best post you ever made. Gonna go get some toast while this downloads.

    Not the best of endings, but I really enjoyed it. Rofl at Kyon waking up on the floor.

    Sayonara SOS Bridage, and Haruhi. =P
    Last edited by Lucifus; Mon, 07-03-2006 at 10:09 PM.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  6. #166
    Excellent, touching, heartfelt, good. A wonderful end to the series.

    It's too bad it's all over but they did a pretty good job on the presentation. It's kinda weird having the climax on episode 6 and having the rest of the show be aftermath. But the crazily ordered episodes took care of that quite well. I can only hope that this series will stay with me for a long time.

  7. #167
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    As Yukimura said, this was an excellent way of ending the series. I don't think any other episode would have made as much as an impact as this episode. It's very unfortunate that this series was only 14 episodes long. However, considering that the novels weren't entirely covered (that's what I think at least, correct me if I'm wrong), hopefully a second season will occur.

    I think this is just me, but I felt that the parts where Koizumi and Nagato were talking to Kyon were kinda... creepy. Why I felt this way, I don't know (for now), but it was just creepy to me (perhaps it was the atmosphere).

    Also, one of Haruhi's look is definitely creepy. When I first saw it, it was so weird to see Haruhi's face like that:

  8. #168
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I think I can top that.

    Anyway, yeah, I really liked the ending, really enjoyed this anime overall, Best anime of 06!
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  9. #169
    idk Lucifis, there's still 6 months in the year, and even if that's all trah you'd have to fight FSN at the least. Hopefully come December well have a contest for best of '06. I'd only include series that ended after March or so to be fair. But Haruhi would definately be high on my list.

  10. #170
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Wasn't F/ SN started in 05? Lol, my mistake. I definatly like Haruhi, but I also definatly like F/ SN...Damned, hard choice.......
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  11. #171
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was an excellent last episode. Haruhi got to taste a little of her own powers, and got closer to Kyon, although whether she dares to trust that or not is another matter; it was a dream, after all.

    Heh. It was funny though how Haruhi described the dream as a nightmare in the morning. She seemed to enjoy it for the most part. And I think she enjoyed the last part the best, yet reversibly rejected it afterwards. Kind of nails down the reason why she keeps Kyon around.

    All in all, a truly worthy series, and unique.

  12. #172
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    woah..this anime is truly amazing...14 episodes aint enough...I WANT MORE! >.<
    anyway..the ending made me felt something similar to Suzuka..Cheers to those who watched this !

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  13. #173
    So Haruhi bought a new costume for Mikuru, but we never got to see her wear it =(


  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by kooshi
    Also, one of Haruhi's look is definitely creepy. When I first saw it, it was so weird to see Haruhi's face like that:
    I thought the same thing. It looked awkward.

    But all in all, this has been a very pleasent surprise of a series. I think it's going on my all-time top 5.

  15. #175
    NOOOO!! it's over... Need more...
    That face wasn't too bad, it showed that she was starting to like the world being all weird and creepy...

  16. #176
    Nurse costume...
    So who's going to go back and watch it in order? I renamed mine so it's a little easier.

    By Air Date (Chronologically)
    01 (11)
    02 (01)
    03 (02)
    04 (07)
    05 (03)
    06 (09)
    07 (08)
    08 (10)
    09 (14)
    10 (04)
    11 (13)
    12 (12)
    13 (05)
    14 (06)

  17. #177
    Does anyone know if there is going to be a sequal? i really enjoyed this series. At the end of the episode, there is the piano background music with haruhi doing the face, then at the bottom right, there is a site -->
    from that site..there seems to be a second season coming soon? can anyone tell me haha or is it just my wishful thinking

  18. #178
    That site shows the books, since this series was based on books. A sequel is not entirely impossible, but it will take a while.

  19. #179
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Haruhi only had 14 eps because the studio preferred to center their money on the Kanon remake of 24 eps.
    I suppose no one expected this level of Haruhi-ism

  20. #180
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    While I didn't think the old Kanon was a bad series, in fact I liked it to a degree, but if the new one with 24 eps is anything like the old, I think I would need a series of cold showers in order to avoid a dazed state of mind, should I watch 24 eps of that kind of show. Aye, I would have much preferred a longer Suzumiya than a longer Kanon. The old Kanon seemed balanced to me, while Haruhi could have certainly run longer.

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