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Thread: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    One intriguing fact that became evident after the mysterious transfer student's speech is the puzzle of Kyon's identity. Of course it's probably wise to be critical about what the esper said, but if you assume what he said is true, to an extent, and actually also considering the time traveler and alien, then either Kyon isn't an ordinary student or Haruhi isn't interested in just weird things. Haruhi at the very least scouted out the other weirdos, or if the esper is right, created them. So why would Kyon be there amongst a god, an alien, a time traveller, and an esper? Or is it simply so that to have anything strange, you absolute need something that can be classified as perfectly ordinary to be an object of comparison.

    Well, of course the 4th episode already explained that Kyon is the key to Haruhi's moods, but that sounds just lame. He could also be just a technical fact to make the series work like it does with a critical observer (narrator), but that would be strange script writing, if other things in the world are so carefully planned..
    I didn't realize this until I was told to watch it again, but if you listen to what Haruhi tells the class during her introduction at school, she says she only wants to meet aliens, time travellers, espers, or people from a different world. So far three of those 4 have made an introduction, leaving a 4th, missing element. To me it seems like this could either be Kyon, another character we haven't met, or even Haruhi herself. Whatever the case, I agree with you that Kyon is probably there for a reason. Judging on what the other 3 members told him, he is strongly tied to Haruhi and seems to be influential to her moods (and apparently is responsible for the safety of the world). If that entails more than what we've been told, however, I have no clue. I'm pretty damn certain there will be more revalations about Kyon's real purpose in this story. At least, I hope there will be.

    I'm also curious to find out what happened 3 years ago, which seems to be the most important coinciding fact between the 3's stories. Whatever it is that's going on, it seems to be tied to something that happened 3 years earlier.
    But I think that what Haruhi really wants is Kyon. He's always the one that has to be involved in her latest escapade. He's the one that does all the paperwork, he has to take the pictures, he's the clean up hitter. Notice how incredibly irritated she gets in this eps when he falls asleep and blows her off at the library, and when the two of them aren't paired either time. You must think "If she's making everything and wanted to be with him, why didn't it just happen?" She still was leaving it up to chance, so it went that way, and she was ultimately irritated by the result
    I agree it's pretty obvious she has a thing for him, which also lead me to think "why doesn't she just make everything happen the way she wants it to?" (I'm inclined to beleive what Koizumi and the other said - Haruhi isn't normal, that's for sure). Maybe what you're saying is right. If the world is really some matrix-esque reality, and Haruhi is unaware of her influence on it, perhaps she herself still subconciously abides by its rules, and thus things happen that don't go according to her plan (as any normal human would expect of this world). Or maybe everyone's just making stuff up. Dunno really.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    well i am glad i just happened to not watch 4 until I'd gotten 5, cuz there was lots of explaining to do... did not see this series taking that turn, however as long as it keeps up with the comedy i am absolutely fine with it.

    2 Theories behind why Kyon is important:
    1. He is indeed like Xan suggested, a person from an 'alternate universe/world'
    2. Haruhi does simply desire regular humans after all.

    Either one of these were confirmed by the Esper's words to Kyon "You're just an ordinary human." And 'ordinary' makes me think ordinary, from the current planet and time and 'universe'. There naturally exists the possiblity that Kyon is an 'ordinary' human from a parallel world, but that (at least to me) would make him EXTRAordinary...

    So I'm running with the notion that Haruhi somewhere deep down inside just wants a regular human being in her life. Not someone boring, but someone she can have fun with, who complements her personality and who can invoke strong emotions from her. I'm quite tempted to say that 'love' is going to be the key to this series.

    Also, rewatched the OP and caught a few things.
    OP starts with Haurhi just standing and 'wishing' to the night sky. Then a bright light appears and a hand stretches out to her and the OP begins. The hand represents either Kyon (see Ryllharu's post) or the event 3 years ago.

    Look carefully at the things going on around the characters in the OP:
    Haruhi has images of 'creation' or physical creations when featured: a hand writing, a construction site, graffitti, a tree.
    Kyon flashes banging his head against a blank white wall. Only has his shadow.
    Mikuru has time: hourglass, clocks, etc
    Yuki had data: books, computer screen

    Haruhi running while people surrounded by various things:
    Class President Girl (flowers), Yuki (planets), Esper guy (no idea), Mikuru's friend (strawberries and a rainbow?), Mikuru (clock) (Kyon's sister, cat and two others as of yet to appear also in this part)

    Then Kyon and Haruhi walking together (more like him following her) and looking at each other when their frames come together. (background is traffic lights)

    and they say i overanalyze things...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    So I'm running with the notion that Haruhi somewhere deep down inside just wants a regular human being in her life. Not someone boring, but someone she can have fun with, who complements her personality and who can invoke strong emotions from her. I'm quite tempted to say that 'love' is going to be the key to this series.
    I sure hope so. I started out with the notion that this was going to be a "normal" show, so if the theme is something ordinary (like a boy-meets-girl love story) instead of an Evangelion-type sci-fi conspiracy epic, then I'll be very pleased. If all the weird stuff that's going on isn't the main focus, but rather compliments another central theme, I think it would be a much better show.

    Removed spoiler allusions. Refrain form pointing out what are spoilers and what aren't.

    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 05-03-2006 at 05:27 PM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs

    2 Theories behind why Kyon is important:
    1. He is indeed like Xan suggested, a person from an 'alternate universe/world'
    2. Haruhi does simply desire regular humans after all.
    Interesting theories. When I think about Kyon's importance maybe he's just a moral center to all the insane things that are happening? Our little tether to reality. His reactions certainly make me laugh harder.

    But he's more than just a literary tool, isn't he? And when I think back to Kyon's intro monologue in episode two, it was interesting that Haruhi and Kyon had similar desires up to one point.

    My opinion:
    1. While this has no indication of being a love comedy, I can't shrug off a feeling that it will turn into one. ("Haven't I met you before" and this significant thing that happened three years ago.)
    2. While Haruhi's behavior IS peculiar, maybe Kyon is actually the one who extraordinary and and is projecting his powers onto someone else because of his own disbeliefs.

    Edit: Anyone else think Mikiru is Kyon's sister from the future? (Hehe, now I've got you thinking about incest :P )
    Last edited by Everon; Fri, 05-05-2006 at 03:43 AM.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    2. While Haruhi's behavior IS peculiar, maybe Kyon is actually the one who extraordinary and and is projecting his powers onto someone else because of his own disbeliefs.
    After thinking about it for a while, this suddenly makes a whole lot of sense. What I keep wondering is, if Haruhi staying in a good mood is somehow responsible for the safety of the world, then shouldn't have something happened before Kyon came into the story? She seems like she's been in a frustrated move most of her life, but it's only when she met Kyon that the others decided to reveal themselves, and that Haruhi's temperment was high-priority. Like you said, the fact that he also used to really want to beleive in extraordinary things, but decided not to at some point in his life is also really interesting.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #46
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Before Kyon suggested to her to make the club though, she was just passively trying have them (aliens, time travellers and the like) contact her. After she created the SOS Brigade, she began actively seeking them out, which resulted in all of what's happened so far.

    Kyon's solution to her own dissatisfaction is what set her off. Before, she wasn't much of a threat to what the others are protecting, but Kyon accelerated and aggravated Haruhi's...diversions.

    What's really important is what happened to Haruhi three years ago.

  7. #47
    There's a finished translation of volume one made by Baka-Tsuki.

    I compiled it into a pdf, but I'm wondering whether or not to read it. I kind of like the way the episodes are out of order.

    Stuck it over here if anyone wants a gander at it.

    Edit: For anyone that wants to read it at the URL site:
    Last edited by Everon; Sun, 05-07-2006 at 09:42 PM.

  8. #48
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Damn son you need rep for that nice find =D
    Last edited by NeoBear; Sun, 05-07-2006 at 06:58 AM.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The PV rip of the ED is out on Gendou's Anime: Hare Hare Yukai.

    It's not quite the same without the dancing, though .

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #50
    Thanks for finding those links, really good stuff.

  11. #51
    What exactly does PV rip mean, more specifically whats a PV? I'm assuming from the length of the file that its the full song, but is there some difference from a reqular track lifted from a CD?

  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    PV comes from the words Promotional Video, that is, a music video. So, it would be just the audio track ripped from a music video. As I'm no expert here, I don't know how good audio tracks the music video sources usually have, and thus how good quality the PV rips are compared to the regular CD rips.

  13. #53
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Harehare Yukai OP single (Full version)

    Already downloaded it and checked it myself. Scans of the cd included.

  14. #54

  15. #55
    i have to say one of the best things about this show was the previews for the next show, kyon's confusion over a lack of continual episodes.

    it was a good episode, but probably my least favorite of the ones that have aired so far.

  16. #56
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Just saw ep 6.
    It was a nice, slow paced episode.
    This series has shown a lot of plot methods by now.

    And the preview for ep 7 was priceless.

  17. #57
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    There were some points in this episode that I couldn't stop laughing, as far as I'm concerned, every eps excellent , but all the other eps by far were better than this one.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  18. #58
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye, it was a good episode. Haruhi relentlessly continues to be all hyped all the time, no matter what everybody tries to say to make things look more normal. And that of course created a nice setting for what happened at the end of the episode.

    It has been theorized that Haruhi subconciously (or at least not so openly/directly) wants Kyon, but when I watch these episodes, it looks to me Kyon is only eyeing Mikuru. I wonder if this is because it would destroy Haruhi's credibility if she showed clear interest in an ordinary mortal... However, if Kyon and Mikuru grew closer to each other, it could distress Haruhi. Hmm... Mikuru might not allow that.

  19. #59
    I agree Kraco, I've noticed a lot of situations where Haruhi treats Kyon the way a girl who really likes a guy, but is shy about it, would sometimes treat him. She'll be harsh and abrasive to him all the time, but she'll turn to him a lot when she gets excited, seeking his approval I think. And whenever she catches Kyon with Mikuru she reacts in a way that could just be Haruhi, or could be a display of jealousy.

    The aspect of Haruhi's subconscious that worries me is this murder situation, It's very possible that her mind caused this to happen, since it probobly wasn't going to happen anyway. The idea that she would do all this just to be an 'Ultra Detective' kinda frightens me.

    Anyway these out of order episodes are really getting sketchy, I envy the people who will pick this up afte it's over and have free reign ovr what to watch when.

  20. #60
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oh. I never thought the old man could really be murdered. Well, that's certainly a possibility. I just assumed it was a play to amuse Haruhi. Since the owners of the villa are Itsuki Koizumi's associates, they should have the same agenda (well, that is if you believe Itsuki Koizumi is an esper, and there really is some organization). Considering that, I was thinking the organization arranged a nice little mystery on the otherwise dull (perfectly normal) island.

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