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Thread: FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

  1. #1
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    Best fight had to be the Cloud/Sephiroth Fight. Just beautiful. That was a great way to end the movie. I have never seen such a beautiful finisher.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  2. #2
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children *Spoilers*

    i think it was the omnislash he use to finish sephiroth

  3. #3

    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    no he used a new technique omnislash was different

  4. #4

    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    did anyone else think the part where everyone tosses him up into the sky to slice the monster was a little overboard? maybe its just me. otherwise awesome movie.

  5. #5
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    It was a little overboard, but funny. He couldve gotten there himself.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  6. #6

    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    3 questions from me.

    1. What was that monster Kadaj summoned? I'm guessing it was Bahamut for two reasons, the way he was summoned (in the game he comes out upside-down) and cause Kadaj used that materia to summon him (I think) If it was Bahamut, I'm glad to see I'm right as usual, and gamefaqs + advent is wrong.

    2. Who the fuck is "Mother"? They refer to her as Jenova throughout the movie, but then Kadaj calls Aeris Mother as well.

    3. Where did Cloud get those swords he threw at Sephiroth? I'm guessing it was from that thing on his waist.

    Now then, let's make some comments.

    1) I hate how the battles were so fast-paced. Plus the fact that Cloud could "fly"
    2) Sephiroth's entrance and exit was retarded. They could of at least killed him.
    3) Is it just me or does Loz remind you of the twins from The Matrix Reloaded?
    4) Reno is a faggot.
    5) I would have liked to see some more action from Barret and co., especially more from Cait Sith. He didn't do ANYTHING.


    I personally think this movie was rushed too much. BTW I voted no.

  7. #7

    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    What a disappointment. I was waiting the whole time for someone to cast like Fire 3 or something! Seriously only the bad guys used materia.

    Tossing Cloud up in the air reminded me of One Piece, where Zoro and Sanji helped Vivi up the clocktower. Damn One Piece is sweet.

  8. #8
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    Lol you ungrateful mother*******. Jk I thought the movie was kick-ass, I dont know what you guys are talking about, but no Cloud didnt fly its called defying Gravity, its a movie, what do you expect, but he was floating (kind of), he was just defying it ( Like crouching tiger). Other than that, movie was sweet. I loved the fighting, even though it was fast paced, and he did use some neat swords, but he had alot of them.

    And yah I would like to have seen more of the co. but the movie was short though, even though it was like 1:41 mins, it was exactly about 1:20-30 mins. They only showed Aeris in the end. The sephiroth fight was sweet. But wtf, Kadj sticks "Mothers" head into himself and becomes Sephiroth, that was wierd. I would also like to get the ost from the movie, the music was really good, just like all of Squares symphonic music.

    I just can't wait to see the anime though, its gonna be good I hope [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    Edit: Its here, and im downloading it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  9. #9
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    They said that Kadji was the larva form of Sephiroph, and would one day become him. And Cloud had 6 swords, fyi.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  10. #10
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    and all 6 of them were kickass, i thought he got those swords from the 1 he was carrying (he put together like 6 blades to make his big ass sword?) on and i thought he used omni-slash at somepoint against sephiroph (not ending the one where he swung his blade and like 7 scortch marks in the ground appeared)

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  11. #11

    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    barret's voice doesn't seem right.

  12. #12
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    The english Barret might be better. Who else wants that sword?

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  13. #13
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    @Tofu: well you know technically he did die/went away(and you can be sure he isnt coming back), along with the other three. I did think it was sort've cheap how Gun-boy shot Cloud from behind.

    Oh and we saw Aeris 3 times, four if you count that music video thing at the end. and I thought the "help cloud get to the top' thing was cool, but seeing how they all could get up there on their own made me ask a question: Why couldnt any of them get to the monster on their own? -_-

    R.I.P Captain America.

  14. #14
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    because, its cool to let cloud take the kill. and also, the fact that each of them could get up to the level they did states that could probably could've jumped from supporter to supporter all the way up, except for the last jump where he flew 100 feet into the air.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  15. #15
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    i voted yes..

    hmm...theres 2 vote for no *shock*

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  16. #16

    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    Kick ass movie. This is the movie square should have released instaed of soirits within, this is what 99% of people think of when you say final fantasy. I liked ff:tsw, but this was way better.

    I think this may be the best straight game:movie translatione ver- really. They kept the exact same feel as the game, from the bad humor and npc's to the way over the top combat.

    Things I loved:

    1. Clouds bike- knocks kanaedas bie right off the best anime bike ever. Must be swiss made.

    2. Tifa- Tifa and Tifa. All her signature moves and then some. just wish she kept the white tshirt though

    3. Clouds finisher- I came.

    4. The music- perfect tunes carried over from the game and tons of little melodies and sounds from teh game. I know what my ringtones going to be for awhile.

    Things that didnt work-

    1. The story- I didnt really expect much, and I wasnt dissapointed or surprised, but it did keep the same heavyhanded earth loving wanting to slap the main characters over debating the over obvious plot points feel as the game.

    2. Not enought Tifa.

    3. The children- creepy and useless.

    4. Aside from Tifa, Cloud, Aires and Seph, all the characters seemed off- too stiff and just missing something- cant quite put my finger on it, but noticeable.

    Well, thats my semi-anual rant/post/novel on a random subject. If you havent seen it, watch it- its worth your time, excpect lots of action and way over the top fun.

  17. #17
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    Has anyone seen the Last Order OAV, If so was it good?

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  18. #18
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    no he used a new technique omnislash was different
    i believe it was just a different way of animating omnislash since they gave him multiple swords this time instead of just one.

    I too wish there were more spell fights. They kept true to the game in most senses, but not with materia. Materia was the main part of winning battles in the game, yet the only person that used any was Kadaj. Seeing spell fights would've been much more entertaining than sword fights over and over IMO.

    Overall this movie seemed like it was only made simply to make FF7 fans feel nostalgic and make money. The story was a bit weak, and it seemed like they focused more on "cool" battles with lots of action rather than try to make them interesting. Despite all this, however, I still give the movie a 9/10.

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  19. #19
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    Now that was one hell of a movie. However, 75% of it was because of this being FF7 related. Sure, the movie would have worked to watch even if it wasn't related to the game but seriously - the story and badguys were so cliche and lifeless that it was occasionally really silly. Linear beyond words, and sometimes I was wondering if they even bothered to write a good script at all. Kadaj was a very sexy guy though, I'd pay much money to look like he does. But he was only used as a pawn of some sort to bring about Sephiroth. Or should I say, he existed as an excuse to give all the fanboys a chance to see Cloud fight Sephiroth again.


    Just look at the CG. Just look at the fights. There was a girl with a moogle doll. Loz's phone signal was the Final Fantasy victory theme. There were remixes of Jenova &amp; One Winged Angel playing during the fighting. Vincent is so fucking badass. RUFUS IS ALIVE AND JUST JUMPED OFF HIS WHEELCHAIR AND OWNED KADAJ'S SHIT WITH A SHOTGUN IN MID-AIR!!!! And when the entire cast joined to fuck up the big monster I was close to crying - a feeling that only got better when Cloud met Aeris in the flower field with Aeris' theme playing (to this date one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever). I can live with plot holes and blatant fanservice, honestly, when I see signs saying "Chocobo Farm" in the middle of the most beautiful CG movie ever made, and when I see Cloud fight Sephiroth using an Omnislash-esque move... it's enough to forgive anything. Yes, even annoying kids.

    This was a beautiful movie. 5 thumbs up, and it made a grown man cry (and gave said man a reason to re-visit his Tifa "stash").

    So who else is replaying the game?

    Edit: ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION! Reno and Rude made the movie. Totally, yo. When they stood and discussed Rude's bomb with the Turks music playing - oh yeaaaaah. The Turks are the true FF gods. Tseng ("Shion") and Elena saved Rufus in a cool way too. Too bad they didn't have any dialogue.

  20. #20
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    FF7 Advent Children Discussion *Spoilers*

    So who else is replaying the game?
    I plan to start tommorow [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    This sig was made by KitKat.

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