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Thread: Naruto 184 Discussion

  1. #41
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by Narasho
    If people think this episode is good, then the last 50 fillers must have really lowered expectations. This was another stupid episode, ending with a preview to another stupid episode.
    the filler have brainwashed us, that why we think it was good

  2. #42
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    It's only good because it's less horrible than the previous episodes...

    (obvious statement but hey, needs to be said!)

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by BioAlien
    the filler have brainwashed us, that why we think it was good
    That's the purpose of the fillers, isn't it? So when the real thing starts, we will be like "Wooow it's the best thing I've ever seen! ".

  4. #44
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xyrox
    That's the purpose of the fillers, isn't it? So when the real thing starts, we will be like "Wooow it's the best thing I've ever seen! ".
    that is if the filler end before naruto end up like some other serie...

  5. #45
    That's the purpose of the fillers, isn't it? So when the real thing starts, we will be like "Wooow it's the best thing I've ever seen! ".
    That, and to make a ton of money. (those greedy punks!)

  6. #46
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    It's only good because it's less horrible than the previous episodes...

    (obvious statement but hey, needs to be said!)
    LOL, where have fillers brougth us to, that we comment our own postings as "obvious statement, but needs to besaid" ? ^^
    Fillers are evil! (even moreso obvious)

  7. #47
    When the fillers started, I never thought I'd even stop watching no matter how bad it got, but now it's been months since I watched an episode. Am I missing anything? Doesn't look like it from what I see here. Will there be a thread saying when the fillers are over? How will I know when to start watching again?

  8. #48
    There will definately be a Fillers Over Rejoice! topic when the fillers end, however I have decided to assume they'll never end and the show will go Kenshin soon and die. But if I'm wrong don't worry, you'll know.

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