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Thread: E3 2006

  1. #41
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    MGS4 trailer makes me happy.

    Raiden kicks ass. Who knew?

  2. #42
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    now that the E3 is over... what did you liked the most about this years E3? me it was everything about Nintendo, and i kinda hate Sony for copying Nintendo Idea... i wonder if Nintendo are mad at them...

  3. #43
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    for the 100000000th time, sony did not copy nintendo, the controllers differ greatly, they copied ms and logitech instead.
    and i have to say i liked ms the most, since they showed everything i wanted to see from them, and more ( liveanywhere is gonna rock)

  4. #44
    Sony copying Nintendo's ideas again eh... reminds an old timer like me about the time when Sony copied Nintendo's rumble idea for the PS1 controller.

  5. #45
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Sony did not just copy the rumble, they improved it

    And besides... like darkshadow said, the new "copied" technology already existed. Nintendo did not create it. In fact, they also copied it from ms and logitech =P.

    Even though the PS3 it too pricey... I'll have to go with it. Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII are the detonants for that. I am an rpg-player so... I'll go with the console for RPG's.

    Oh yeah... Mario Galaxy is evil... "Shake your controller to make Mario spin" <-- WTF?

    -- Dramatization --
    *Kid Playing Mario Galaxy*
    <Shake to make Mario spin>
    *Shakes Controller*
    *Controller goes flying*
    *Controller crashes TV*
    "Kid>Mom!! We need another Tv and Wii Controller!"
    "Mom>This is the 3rd this week!"

    Last edited by RyougaZell; Mon, 05-15-2006 at 12:13 PM.

  6. #46
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Sony did not just copy the rumble, they improved it
    You mean they copy the idea from Nintendo, but stole the technology from some other company that later turned around and sued their ass :P
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #47
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    if i am not blind, i saw a little string on the controller (like the one on the DS) on a screen shot of the controller.. somewhere.. so it should not fall on the ground when you move it
    a thing like this :

  8. #48
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    You mean they copy the idea from Nintendo, but stole the technology from some other company that later turned around and sued their ass :P
    This talk about "X stole Z their idea" is annoying really.
    Like that sue you mention proves, Nintendo didn't create the rumble either.

    Sure, they "copied" ideas, but did not "copy" technologies" as some are saying.

    And bleh... my Mario pic has a broken link... I'll edit that post.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Sony did not just copy the rumble, they improved it
    Improved it how?

  10. #50
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Improved it how?
    It didn't use the slot of the memory card?

  11. #51
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Also, the PS rumble actually had two rumblers in the controller so you could give a "direction" to it. Left, Right, and Center.

  12. #52
    Missing Nin
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    First off let me state that the Playstation 3 is NOT more expensive then the Xbox 360. If your compairing apples to oranges instead of what system A offers vs system B offers then of course it seems that way but the price points seem Identical.

    Xbox 360
    Base unit $300
    Upgraded Base Unit $400 (this is what you would buy anyway even if its just $100 worth of accessories thrown in the box.)
    HD DVD drive $200
    Online Fee... (10 or 15$ a month I forget)

    20 GB unit $500
    60 GB unit $600
    Online Fee Free....

    So your compairing the 360 which sure you can get cheap but its missing its key features that allow it to compete and it costs you either $120 or $180 a year to maintain if nothing ever breaks. The PS3 comes complete out of the box and unless I'm mistaken the only differnce between the units is hard drive size which is actually optional unlike the accessories you would need with your 360. Yes I can own a Xbox cheaper but only if I'm willing to accept a inferior product.

    That aside also note Halo 3 did not show any gameplay and as they are not releasing it this year and I don't believe it has a official release date at this time you can't compare a game ready for release this year with a game that may never come out.

    All things aside the Wii impressed me the most above what I thought of the system previous. That stated I still haven't heard a price point and anything over $100 would make me instantly pass on the system. The PS3 Delivered for me on all the promises they have made I didn't see anything to disappoint me and I was personally expecting the pricepoint. The 360 on the other hand doesn't impress me a add on drive is just a bad sign for the future it means that later on they will want to make you buy the add ons so those without it get the shaft and when we are talking $200 add ons I have issues with that.

    All things aside I'm most looking forward to Spore for the PC. The concept of playing a single player game that allows me to create a species and then develope a universe is just amazing to me. On top of that having the interaction of species created by others randomly appear in my world to allow for infinate replay value really makes that game seem the most interesting of anything I saw come from E3 this year.

  13. #53
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Well... I personally like the ps3 better, and plan to buy it but...

    the 500 dlls version IS inferior. It lacks several ports I believe.

  14. #54
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    being that the hdd and the hd-dvd drive are optional, the x360 IS cheaper, if you dont need that hd-dvd drive than you are not FORCED to cough up 600$, instead you can just buy the 400$ version and play your games, or EVEN just a 300$ version+ a 40$ mem card, if you dont have stuff like xboxlive or xbox1 games, ps3 is just forcing you to buy things you might not need

    oh and if you didnt know, the full x360 pack only costs around 350$ in japan, im geussing the hd-dvd drive will be around 150$ in japan, adding up to 500$ in total
    the 20gb ps3 alone costs 550$ in japan, 650-700$ for 60gb? ( since its a retailer open price, we dont know, coudl even be 750 >_> )

    we euros are getting screwed though since 600.00 EUR = 770.924 USD
    i might just be importing one
    Last edited by darkshadow; Tue, 05-16-2006 at 06:01 PM.

  15. #55
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    japanese costs dont count for us.

    games usually go for 70 dlls each over there, while we get them at 50.

  16. #56
    Missing Nin
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    Honestly those Japanese costs are meaningless. The European costs are just in Euro's instead of US dollars and well I don't see that as being screwed at all. Just because the dollar is worth less then the Euro doesn't mean that anything should have a reduced price to compensate.

    Also if you don't plan to use the new DVD format at all then I'm also going to assume you don't have a HDTV in the first place. If this is the case there is NO reason except new content to bother with a 360. The graphics are no better then the last gen on a regular TV and you still pay the differnce in a online service fee. Now if your buying a $400 gaming system and you don't plan to use the HD gameplay or the online at all I neglect to see why your not just buying a WII in the first place as thats exactly how I see that systems place in the market.

  17. #57
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    if you think it looks the same you are either biased on hd vs sd, or you are fking blind, boot up fight night round 2 on an sdtv, and then fight night round 3, if you cant see the humongous difference go get some glasses, same goes for pdz, oblivion, pgr3, nba2k7, lost planet etc. etc., the only games that look kinda the same are those multiplatform games like nfs most wanted and fifa and king kong and stuff. man if i had my xbox here i would take some screens for you just to compare the difference ( tv tuner card, so both would be "sd")
    plus not buying a console just cause you cant get the higher resolution ( yes thats all you get, the graphics themselfs dont change obiously ) is retarded, its a GAME you are buying, not pretty gfx, if you just want that go buy shrek 2 dvd or something, and since these "next gen" games wont appear on current gen, its just best to move on, you can always get a hdtv later, if everyone should be like that, people with good spec pc's shouldn't play games anymore either, since they wont get the highest reso's

    and you totally missed the point of how the x360 doesnt force you to buy something you dont need, and if you dont think euros should get reduced price then there must be something wrong with you, if you look at the prices USD and CAD are pretty much lined up, even the YEN and USD prices arent THAT far apart, while the EUR price has an added 170$ to it.
    i dont think i need to tell you that, that is a lot of money, could be put to better use.
    sony just doesnt care for the eu market.

    and if you misunderstood, i wasnt talking about YOU or ME, i was talking in general, as i own 5 consoles atm, and will get ps3 and Wii at launch, and yes i do have a hdtv

  18. #58
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    -- Dramatization --
    *Kid Playing Mario Galaxy*
    <Shake to make Mario spin>
    *Shakes Controller*
    *Controller goes flying*
    *Controller crashes TV*
    "Kid>Mom!! We need another Tv and Wii Controller!"
    "Mom>This is the 3rd this week!"

    Hah, I can see that happening. Especially with spoiled families who have 4 hyperactive kids and a DS for each of them, or something. Someone like me who can really "get into" games might also have to be careful they're not swinging a bit to hard...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #59
    Missing Nin
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    First off for the Yen let me state that in Japan a single DVD movie or disk for a series with a few episodes goes for around $70 US in many cases. So no not all things are priced the same. Yes in canada the converted price is roughtly the same as the American price however when you live in canada and make your money in Canadian its a significant price increase. Simply put if in the US someone is making $7 an hour and in the EU someone is making 7 euro's an hour for the same job then reguardless of currency its the same level of expense. That stated I think we can all agree that England is the king of getting overcharged.

    As for HD vs SD tv's NO they do not look the same I happen to have a nice HD flat panel in my living room as well as several normal TV's around the house. The point is that the XBox 360's graphics are not that much better then a normal XBox on a SD TV. On a HD TV the two are miles apart but your statement was reguarding someone who didn't want HD and didn't want any Internet capabilities would pay LESS. If that person exists and they don't care about either then my only comment is that the Wii is the choice where graphics and online are not the focus and thats where the money should be spent.

    Anyway side note the PS3 is supposed to be fully backwards compatable and I assume that hasn't changed but am not positive but can't confirm or deney this fact. Assuming that is true however and as I previously recall the PS3 will improve the graphics on oldergames then I think thats a HUGE step above the partial backwards compatability of a XBox 360. I will state at this time I only use a PS2 out of the 3 and will not be buying a 360 as any worthwhile game is likely to be ported to PC eventually anyway. Also note that depending on if the Wii has access to all the old nintendo games as previously announced a few months ago that would go a very long way towards selling me on it.

  20. #60
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    we euros are getting screwed though since 600.00 EUR = 770.924 USD
    i might just be importing one
    Simply put if in the US someone is making $7 an hour and in the EU someone is making 7 euro's an hour for the same job then reguardless of currency its the same level of expense.
    are you guys idiot or something, don't you know anything about the Exchange
    Rate ?!

    600 USD = 465.32 EUR (you guys are so retarded to not even know that) the price annonced is not the same for every country... here in canada it will cost 663.42 CAD

    and if a guy in the US gain $7 an hour and another guy with the same job in the EU gain the same thing but in EUR then he gain 5.4301 EUR an hour! not 7 EUR!

    use your brain a little damn it!

    and also, 600 USD = 65,478.00 YEN

    now stfu! if you can even make the difference between USD and EUR !

    and YES the Xbox 360 is cheaper if you don't get all the crap optionnal stuff that come with it, and yes the PS3 cost a shit load of money because it have lots of useless shit in it that most people wont even use!

    as for me, i will only get a Wii for whatever the price will be, because? well that because i don't care about super graphic and stuff! all i need is the gameplay not graphic so good that i could die with a realy crappy gameplay!
    and maybe a PS3 when the price will drop a little

    also don't forget that price don't include any games!
    so lets see, 600$ + 2-4 game with it(around 50$each) + another controller(probably around 50$ each too) + the tax(ouch) = around 1000 USD ... that what you will have to pay for the PS3 at 600$ with games and other stuff (this is in USD)
    Last edited by BioAlien; Wed, 05-17-2006 at 03:17 AM.

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