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Thread: Bleach 78 Discussion

  1. #1
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Bleach 78 Discussion

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    [DB] Bleach 78

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, I suppose it was a passable episode, as far as these Bleach fillers go. Absolutely nothing of any actual worth happened, but at least there weren't any aggravating parts. A couple of good jokes were in, as well. The strangest part was the SS meeting of some captains that was built as if some grand information was to be revealed, but in the end it didn't reveal anything at all of any real use or novelty. What a strange scene.

    Well, at least there was a fight scene between Renji and Ichigo that was somewhat nice to wacth, even if it actually ended just when things could have become really interesting (that was to be expected, though).

  3. #3
    All I can say is boring. This was just a boring ep for me. Nothing going on, and the one shard of excitement, Ichigo getting serious again, was brushed off like nothing right as it got good. At least I don't anticipate Bleach anymore, I was totally surprised when the release was posted. That said, the next ep looked cool, the Bounto lady goes off to her death, maybe we'll see some more coolness from Kariya.

  4. #4
    Ichigo losing his fighting spirit and renji fixing it by just saying something like "Hey Ichigo you need resolve!" is totally lame.

    Oh this was posted on some other board:
    The Quincy clan isn't anything other than the infamous kkk?

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metrite
    Ichigo losing his fighting spirit and renji fixing it by just saying something like "Hey Ichigo you need resolve!" is totally lame.
    Well, I took it the way I suppose the script writers intended: Simple fighting returned his old spirit. As Renji said, he was thinking too much and especially worrying too much, unlike before when he just dashed into trouble counting on his ability to push through it alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by metrite
    Oh this was posted on some other board:
    The Quincy clan isn't anything other than the infamous kkk?
    It's not like kkk invented white clothing and executioner hoods (or whatever you could call things like that). But now that you posted the image, I suppose there is some similarity. Well, both were organizations of zealots...

  6. #6
    If I could change my name
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    Wow, the wasn't what I hoped for. Although it's a little werid that I watched it all the way though (I don't do this often with fillers). It could have been much better but I was surprised that the plot has something more to it then at least I first thought, you have to give it to them that they are trying to make a good storyline and not just half-ass it all. Even if the storyline isn't the greatest I can still stand this alot more then Naruto.

    Or may be it is my fan-boyish making me hope it gets better....
    image fail!

  7. #7
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    I waited two weeks for that. I hate to say this but for a two week break, nothing happened. I would say that this is the worst bleach filler i have seen, ever.

  8. #8
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metrite
    Ichigo losing his fighting spirit and renji fixing it by just saying something like "Hey Ichigo you need resolve!" is totally lame.

    Oh this was posted on some other board:
    The Quincy clan isn't anything other than the infamous kkk?
    nah those style of hoods were worn by the catholic church long before the KKK came together. i dont really know much about them but i believe they were worn by the inquisition. btw they are also in hellsing being worn by vatican troops.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire have to give it to them that they are trying to make a good storyline and not just half-ass it all. Even if the storyline isn't the greatest I can still stand this alot more then Naruto.
    I concur. Naruto has done maybe 10-12 different arcs now (I only watched the Anko one), while Bleach seems to be working with a much longer arc and making the villians more involved and adding depth to them, like Ichinose. The only thing that bothered me about the arc were all the one-hour specials.

    That being said... this ep. sucked.

  10. #10
    It's also true that the Naruto fillers have been running for alot longer than the Bleach fillers. I think it is very probable that if the Bleach fillers last as long as the Naruto fillers then they will be equally annoying. That being said, I do think that the Bleach fillers are drawn much better than the Naruto ones.

    And of course, while Naruto has gay arc after gay arc, (seemingly) Bleach is at least trying to incorporate character development.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin
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    I don't see how anyone can claim the bleach fillers to be any better then the Naruto ones. Bleach fillers seem to never end and on top of that we are subjected to one hour specials and just long gaps of nothing over and over again. Its not like were really missing much but ug we know nothing can come of this arc and yet we STILL have to watch it endlessly like something important might take place. End it already as none of the new characters are interesting and all of the defined ones are being abused.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You don't make much sense, dude. Naruto fillers are the ones that seem to never end. They are past the time the studio boss told. And they are just one short arc after another, thus greating the illusion every one of them could be the last one, yet that has been a false hope. This Bleach filler arch, on the other hand, has shown no signs of being that near the end yet, so why would you even expect it to end? It's fairly evident it will still last until all the bad guys are beaten up good, and it's still a long way till that.

    And of course we know nothing really important can take place, as that's the nature of fillers. Honestly, it was either something like this or even more meaningless short arcs like in Naruto. The difference here is that the "normal" world of Bleach doesn't offer such good material for all manner of weird short arcs.

    Still, I wish we had got some Fumoffu style episodes...

  13. #13
    If I could change my name
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    Kraco had a very good point here,

    Bleach Fillers and Naruto Fillers are different animals. One can not judge one using the other. If I could I would be comparing the fillers of almost every other long-running anime ever made. This arc is semi-interesting (at least to me) for the points that myself and Kraco explained

    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    End it already as none of the new characters are interesting and all of the defined ones are being abused.
    Not going to happen, fillers are a necessary evil, every (for the most part) long-running anime's based of manga's have them. as defined here

    Filler (n) 1.Episodes, usually of an anime, that don't have anything to do with the actual plot and are usually just there to keep it going without moving the story forward. The episodes are usually pretty stupid and involve random, insignificant incidents that won't have any importance in the show down the road. Fillers are common in anime that are trying to keep the anime from catching up to its corresponding manga.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Still, I wish we had got some Fumoffu style episodes...
    I said something along these lines when the fillers started, If they did this I would have loved this show even more
    image fail!

  14. #14
    Missing Nin
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    @Deadfire your post has very little relevance and I know exactly what fillers are and why they are needed this has nothing to do with my complaints.

    The problem with the bleach fillers we have seen is that they contradict in places future manga events. Without naming any specifics they are simply hurting the manga story line with this long drawn out and boring section. I do consider this the second filler arc of this block the first being about the 3 additional mod souls. Both of these have been painful to watch and don't even offer anything redeeming or interesting.

    @Kraco Naruto fillers have gone on longer and that is the only reason I would state that they seem to never end. While the bleach fillers every episode feels painfully long with absolutely nothing interesting ever going on. Atleast when a Naruto arc starts up I can look forward to it ending fairly swiftly and can maintain the next arc could be better. With the bleach ones they just keep going and going with no end in sight. Even considering 10 bound (I'm not positive on the exact amount) this bleach arc is likely to go on for several more months and frankly I've yet to enjoy ANY of it. This episode being far from an exception to that problem.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Stupid Ichigo, getting depressed and crap just because he isn't strong. He needs to get some booty.

  16. #16
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    Hemmmm filler, i would say that it is not that bad of an episode. Even the greatest of men lose there will now and then. It is certainly expected from a fellow dumbass. Especially when you have no idea what you are fight for, what are your opponents intention and what are they really like. Unlike the Soul Society adventure, where Rukia; a valued friend and certainly more life's was indanger of being ended. There is no real purpose that connect Ichigo and the bounty. A man can certain get lost when he know not where he is going. Can't he?

    I still have hope and some expectation from this filler act. I know those of you who read the manga will say that they are destroying the storyline and I am a fool for expecting something good to come from this, but whatever.

    I see this filler arc as something to fill in the one year period when Aizen will be able to use the power. Also as something for Ichigo to gain more experience and more about shinigami powers. If he is gonna go up against Aizen he will need something more than just shikai, shunpo and raw power. You certainly have to admit that it is better that the Naruto fillers and alot more interesting.

    Anyways I am intrigued but this filler act, I can't do anything about it, so why not enjoy it.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

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  17. #17
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    @Deadfire your post has very little relevance and I know exactly what fillers are and why they are needed this has nothing to do with my complaints.

    The problem with the bleach fillers we have seen is that they contradict in places future manga events. Without naming any specifics they are simply hurting the manga story line with this long drawn out and boring section. I do consider this the second filler arc of this block the first being about the 3 additional mod souls. Both of these have been painful to watch and don't even offer anything redeeming or interesting.
    The reason my post seemed to have little relevance is because your complaint is one of the same that not only I have, but many other forum users have. I know what the Manga story has, and yes I'm a aware just as much as you about this. However this is where it stops producing results. We have to live with this, and to the answer of how it will get back on track is to be seen. You decide for yourself if you wish to watch this series, as well as complaining afterwards. Just keep in mind that as much as we support your view, It means very little in te bigger picture.
    image fail!

  18. #18
    Still, I wish we had got some Fumoffu style episodes...
    Yeah, if Bleach had some episodes involving the students at the school and comedy like Fumoffu I'd enjoy it alot.

  19. #19
    I think that the Bleach fillers are alot more bearable than the Naruto ones, at least they seem to be trying to put together a plot in Bleach. In Naruto, it's just gogo Super Kyuubi Naruto game over.

  20. #20
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Yeah, I dont even know what that means and I agree with you....

    Oh well, at least the Shinigami cup was funny again

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