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Thread: Narutofan

  1. #141
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    Okay...I didn't read the first 6 pages because tahts just a big waste of my time.
    Okay....I didn't read the rest of your post because thats just a big waste of my time.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #142
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    Okay...I didn't read the first 6 pages because tahts just a big waste of my time. Anyways if people want to pay for Anime, by all means they can. If Tazmo is the one making the bucks hey more power to him. Inane is a group of retards saying "Narutofan does not have permission to INane to distribute" is a load of crap, for starters they dont have premission to distribute they are just pissed because someone came in and rolled the mover like dirt. I wish I could pay for that stuff because BitTorrent and mIRC etc.......are too complicated for me and a big waste of time. So stop freaking complaing and get on with your lifes and worry about something that effects you in life.

    God, been too damn long since I got to use that.

  3. #143

    Don't donate to NarutoFan

    Lets see you are all anime freaks who waste their time complaing about stuff they benefit from and have the time to make pictures saying shut up when they could do it themsleves........also bakc to the Bittorrent thing i dont feel like learning how to use it because i used to use it and it was too slwo for me and i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face i beat down every single one of yall get a fraking life. i post because i feel taht the world should be worrying about some other Important things rather than whoever donates to narutofan. if they want to they can dont tell people what to do.

  4. #144

    Don't donate to NarutoFan

    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    anime freaks
    I just stoped reading there. What kind of person comes onto, not only an anime forum, but a fansub anime forum and accuses the people there of being anime freaks? And expects them to be offended.

  5. #145
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    Lets see you are all anime freaks who waste their time complaing about stuff they benefit from and have the time to make pictures saying shut up when they could do it themsleves........also bakc to the Bittorrent thing i dont feel like learning how to use it because i used to use it and it was too slwo for me and i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face i beat down every single one of yall get a fraking life. i post because i feel taht the world should be worrying about some other Important things rather than whoever donates to narutofan. if they want to they can dont tell people what to do.
    Blah blah blah.....
    Look, if you're not gonna post anything remotely beneficial to the discussion, I'm gonna have to give you a warning.

    Lame username + lack of general knowledge + incoherent typing = pre-adolescent narutofan supporter
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #146

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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    Lets see you are all anime freaks who waste their time complaing about stuff they benefit from and have the time to make pictures saying shut up when they could do it themsleves........also bakc to the Bittorrent thing i dont feel like learning how to use it because i used to use it and it was too slwo for me and i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face i beat down every single one of yall get a fraking life. i post because i feel taht the world should be worrying about some other Important things rather than whoever donates to narutofan. if they want to they can dont tell people what to do.
    I'm going to run and cry now, he will beat me up.

    So ethug.

  7. #147
    If I could change my name
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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    Lets see you are all anime freaks
    And you sir are a idiot, I can stop watching anime, but you can't stop being a idiot.

    who waste their time complaing about stuff they benefit from
    Then I'm not wasting my time then if I'm benefiting from it now am I? who complained here?

    ......also bakc to the Bittorrent thing i dont feel like learning how to use it because i used to use it and it was too slwo for me
    Holy crap.... if this isn't complaining then what is it? other then yet another shit post from another idiot this world doesn't need. Seriously why are you even here still, is your ego crushed by us freaks that you feel the need to make your life have meaning by posting in reply to us?

    and i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face i beat down every single one of yall get a fraking life. i post because i feel taht the world should be worrying about some other Important things rather than whoever donates to narutofan. if they want to they can dont tell people what to do.
    First based on that first sentence you think you have ego here. I'm sorry, you have 2 shit posts with nothing you have said so far was made me think of you as anything but a idiot. Besides I'd invite you to come here and do the same but most likely you wouldn't be able to read the directions i give you and even if you did, you would waste this important time you seem to have. I myself don't see how someone with such important time would waste it on such a post like yours. If you post because you feel we need to listen to you, for some god knows reason, I'm sorry ,who are you?. I would write something witty as well about your last line but it's unreadable due to reasons unknown to me.
    image fail!

  8. #148
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    First we saw a couple of Tazmo's net lawyers, now we moved to the phase when we begin to see Tazmo's net thugs.

  9. #149
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face
    I think someone already did.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo

  10. #150

    Don't donate to NarutoFan

    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face
    What's your address?

  11. #151
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Edited out stuff.
    Last edited by Ero-Fan; Sun, 05-07-2006 at 06:55 PM.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  12. #152

    Don't donate to NarutoFan

    Ok Mr. myXfishysXrXcool, you're sporting quite a cool name there. Guess it makes you want to beat people up, so raise your virtual fists and hit us until you are satisfied. But hey, do it after we have a chance to "get a life", since we seem to need to learn that from you.

    On a side note, a chimpanzee could learn to use a Bit Torrent client if given enough time. So go back to practice a little bit and save your money, because it doesn't grow on trees, and stop wasting it while not hundreds but thousands of people download the exact same episode at the exact same speed for free.

    That said, go live your life (if you really do have one) and follow your own advice: worry about something actually important instead of coming to an internet forum to pick up a fight. Duh.

  13. #153
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: myXfishysXrXcool
    Lets see you are all anime freaks who waste their time complaing about stuff they benefit from and have the time to make pictures saying shut up when they could do it themsleves........also bakc to the Bittorrent thing i dont feel like learning how to use it because i used to use it and it was too slwo for me and i dare anyone of yall to come here and say crap to my face i beat down every single one of yall get a fraking life. i post because i feel taht the world should be worrying about some other Important things rather than whoever donates to narutofan. if they want to they can dont tell people what to do.

    1. your a fuckin idiot
    2. even my 8 year old brother can use torrents, you my friend are a fuckin idiot, wait i said that already.
    3. why did you even post here if you were going to call us an anime freak? get you mouth away from tazmo's cock already.
    4. ok your going to beat us down through gotwoot right? OH RIGHT HOOK OMGWTFBBQ?!@?#!@4I3211ZOR!
    5. the funniest part is, tazmo gets these huge blows in the face with "narutofan doesnt not have permission to distribute" and he ignores it all and puts it on his site. then of course idiots like you come around going "WOW GENIUS! THIS GUY IS TOTALLY COOL! BBQ!@#!@#11ONE1!.
    6. have i mentioned your a fucking idiot?

    oh and finally do you have any idea what would happen to narutofan if the scanlation teams and subbers decided to take like a month off? he'd having nothing to distribute and then all you idiots who paid for that month got nothing in return, and he still wont give you your money back.

    and after reading deadfire and cyberdue93s' posts in the previous page i've come to the conclusion that you are either 10 years old or have an IQ of less than an eight year old. well then again your time is too precious to be reading posts like these but you do have time to suck tazmo....maybe you should get another hobby.

    also, are you having your period or something?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  14. #154
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Yiiiikes. I think Chaoskiddo pretty much covered every insult known to man.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #155
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Yiiiikes. I think Chaoskiddo pretty much covered every insult known to man.
    I didn't see anything in there questioning the guy's parentage. But the period one was a nice one.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

  16. #156
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    i hate "yo mama" jokes...they're pointless when insulting a person, it shows weakness that you've run out of things to say about the person that you need to resort to his parents.

    and, why hasnt he come back to read this yet? i was kind of looking foward to his response.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  17. #157
    If I could change my name
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    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    i hate "yo mama" jokes...they're pointless when insulting a person, it shows weakness that you've run out of things to say about the person that you need to resort to his parents.

    and, why hasnt he come back to read this yet? i was kind of looking foward to his response.
    Hopefully it's because he killed himself to save us from more of his shitty posts. Or he listened to us and found out that he is a dumbass. The latter case is highly unlikely
    image fail!

  18. #158
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    i hate "yo mama" jokes...they're pointless when insulting a person, it shows weakness that you've run out of things to say about the person that you need to resort to his parents.
    You could have said that his father is his brother and that his mother also is his grandmother. This probably is true though, so it might not count as an insult.

  19. #159

    Don't donate to NarutoFan

    tax rates in the UK are 20% for people who earn under £25,000 a year and 40% for people who earn over that. i think the 60% break is a lot higher thought, im not sure as ive never fallen into it yet[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    yeah basically while i would never ever donate to site where i can get shit for free elsewhere, this guy has a good business head, especially if hes 18, in a few years if hes making 300k a year profit then he coudl retire at 21!

  20. #160
    ANBU Captain Ero-Fan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: chambers
    tax rates in the UK are 20% for people who earn under £25,000 a year and 40% for people who earn over that. i think the 60% break is a lot higher thought, im not sure as ive never fallen into it yet

    yeah basically while i would never ever donate to site where i can get shit for free elsewhere, this guy has a good business head, especially if hes 18, in a few years if hes making 300k a year profit then he coudl retire at 21!
    He can't have a good buisness head. He's doing something illegal. That's like saying I could make millions selling drugs, and then I would have a good head for business. And he probably isn't paying taxes on any income he makes from that site also, since that would require stating what his site is selling, which is illegal copys of someone elses work. Not a thing he "distributes" is legal, and claiming income on an illegal enterprise would just make him all the more idiotic. He could be laundering the money, but that just compounds the crimes he is commiting. If he had a true buisness head, he would find something to do that was legal, if just barely, to make that kind of money. Doing something like this is the equivalent of selling bootlegged movies on the street. Both can be profitable, until you get caught, and get sued out the ass for all the money you made. As well as all the tax evasion/fraud he is commiting.

    Edit: I know its an extreme example, but it just pisses me off every time I see someone get praise for illegal enterprises/ buisness practices.

    "Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."

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