I found this while browsing at Amazon.

-> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...v=glance&n=130

The first 13 episodes of Naruto on an uncut-dvd boxset.

Seems Viz hasn't forgotten about the fans.
No box art is available yet, unfortunately.

The boxset comes in two versions. Normal and special.
The special edition just contains a headband and wrist cuffs.

Normal box will cost 38dlls (at amazon).
Special box will cost 53dlls (at amazon).

DVD Features of the special edition: (for normal just don't count the HB and wrist cuff)

DVD Features:
Available Subtitles: English
Available Audio Tracks: Japanese (Unknown Format), English (Unknown Format)
13 original and uncut episodes on three discs
Includes original audio tracks and original series soundtracks
Japanese with optional English subtitles or English dubbed
Storyboards booklet
Collectible gold-foil embossed box
Naruto headband and wrist cuff
Limited edition: only 15,000 copies printed
Dunno how they will handle the english track, due to the dub having cut scenes, but if I buy this set I really don't plan hearing that track.


I searched the forums, and did not found word of this.