For who still puts up with fillers here:
Episode 182
For who still puts up with fillers here:
Episode 182
It's sooo painful, but I cannot stop watching. Sadly, there isn't much else to watch. Maybe I should start watching Bleach.....
EDIT: I just finished watching this and it was terrible. What a fitting way to finish off a craptacular day.
Last edited by fahoumh; Wed, 04-26-2006 at 11:03 PM.
I've come to two realizations about this particular filler.
The first is that it sucks so bad, even while stoned it's no fun to watch.
This leads into my second point, which is more of a theory, really. I believe the people behind this particular filler intentionally made it as bad as they possibly could. Why? Well, that's a bit difficult. Either they hate their audience passionately or they are freaking geniuses who are aiming to ram Naruto into the ground so that when the main storyline starts back up, it will seem like glistening gold and the fanbase will become even more solidifed and loyal than before.
At this point, the marketing campaign for Naruto products will kick into overdrive to force-feed the Naruto-watching public with crap they don't want. For example, they will put Naruto on the box cover of Wheaties, or even more likely, put out their own cereal, Rasengans(TM). In the meantime, they will work with Mattel to put out $15, 2" tall Naruto action figures made out of the broken dreams and hopes of the fans that watched the filler arcs and never recovered.
I had more fun writing this than I did watching this episode. If you read past the first part, I apologize, but I can not give you back the 15 seconds of your life back for reading this; no refunds.
"Naruto is the star. Don't say gross shit about women."
Your feedback is shit. Thanks, move along.
It felt more like 20 minutes.
You fail, Aperion.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
::Sigh:: I think it will never end, the stream of crap just keeps on growing and growing, why did they bother writing themselves into this corner, Naruto really doesn't seem like the type of show that would address the ethics vs honor question, especially since Naruto always chooses ethics, to the detriment of whever he's supposed to be honoring.
This arc has been quite a twisted mess, and I actually find some aspects of it somewhat interesting. It's as crappy as fillers regularly are, but still there are a few worthy points to it, plot and settings wise.
While Yukimura said that Naruto really doesn't seem like the type of show that would address the ethics vs honor question, it just makes it all the more essential they even try to do it. I find it funny how Neji tries to teach Naruto the meaning of a contract and honouring one. Being a part of a distinguished, traditional, old family Neji is probably the best person to do it; after all, he has had to overcome a very personal justice - honour question, himself.
Otherwise I think this filler actually succeeded in portraying nicely a weak little ninja village in Naruto world. And that's the essence of the Star village: It's weak, suffers from lack of good human material, and filled with fear and desperation. Their best people were weaklings like Sumaru's mother, and the easily knifed former leader. So, when evaluating the whole Star village, it's of utmost importance to remember it's on a totally different level than Konoha or Sand.
What has happened in this arc in Star village is actually what has happened numerous times in the real life when random tribes and incoherent subnational entities (or even nations) have been equipped with modern firepower: They become unstable and hurt themselves even more than others.
philisophical questions about naruto fillers? Come on guys... Man, Akahoshi is a bitch, not to mention a "super villian"
Well, despite the fact I have rarely been positively surprised by fillers (especially during this last year long stretch of them), I'm still not dispirited enough to say all fillers are all bad just because they are fillers. I don't know if I'm fortunate or just gullible, but I do enjoy trying to see the potential even if the execution failed. Even if that oft just leads to greater disappointments.
What I said about the general problems of Star village applies also to Akahoshi; he's actually closer to real life villains than regular super villains. It's obvious he's only in power because there aren't any really gifted people in the whole village, or if there are, they are afraid to act. After all, even the previous hoshikage was so easily defeated. In Akahoshi we see the petty and despicable behavior that reflects great ambition without wits or ethics to really guide it.
More often than not in stories people like Akahoshi are actually pawns of greater evils. Interestingly enough that lacking element is a strength of this arc: There seemingly is no greater evil behind the lowly Akahoshi, and that has shaped the story as it is, giving it a tiny bit of difference compared to the norm.
That’s all fine and dandy, the leaning of life and all but….no one cares. I could care less the star village dies out, prospers, or blows up. I just want some of that good old story development, kick ass animation (with a lot of kyuubi action) and Character dept like we had back in older episodes.
This thought is shared with many; however with the fact these fillers seem to have no end really discounts any thoughts about the "real" storyline.Originally Posted by wolflive
Besides like Kraco and if I was watching these fillers (I get all I need from these threads) I would be looking for at least something about these fillers at a different level with the boredom that I would have during one that my mind would indeed wander.
image fail!
I actually liked this episode and I'll tell you why.
Neji gets two thumbs up for being like the only ninja in his entire village who DOES HIS FUCKING JOB!
Most of the missions Naruto fails are because his employer turns out to be a scumbag and Naruto turns on him. Finally, somebody reigns in Naruto's stupidity for once. Everyone outside your village who's in power is a scumbag Naruto! Get used to it! Ninja's work for assholes!
And the best part is, the badguy just fucked up big time by declaring them enemies of the village. You can't be enemies and still be working for them. Soon as Neji finds that out the gloves can come off! and then a series of really shitty fight scenes can ensue! I can't wait!!
I don't really know about that. He can declare them enemies all he wants and turn then away at the border. That would actually almost be common sense considering how Naruto wanted to attack the new leader of the village. No sense to let such people in especially after the work was declared finished.
Now, under those circumstances if Naruto & co actually enter the Star village lands and don't leave when asked, they are the ones who started a war, like Neji so nicely put it. It would be no better for Konoha's reputation than breaking the contract right away: Who would want to hire ninjas if they are guaranteed to turn on you right after the mission, even if they refrain from doing that during the mission?
You spent more time reading that useless crap than I did writing it out?Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
"Naruto is the star. Don't say gross shit about women."
Your feedback is shit. Thanks, move along.
I can't wait until someone gives Naruto a 'kill this guy' mission. I don't think the twerp has it in him to kill anyone. He even lets villains that he 'can never forgive' off with only some bumps and bruises... Ah, but the day Naruto actually gets a killing mission is the day this show grows up...Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Akahoshi was on track to be my favorite filler baddies since that little, sniveling, curry making Brutus from the Curry of Life arc (the one who was like 'I have changed my ways and am good now!' and then stabbed his villagers and the Konoha ninjas in the back like four times in a row. That guy was excellent...). Akahoshi is smart enough to have the Konoha ninjas as backup, takes hostages, strikes when his enemy isn't looking and still manages to keep most of the young ninjas loyal to him.
But then he pulls the 'we'll just leave the enemies here'. And from the preview it looks like he is even stupid enough to try to pick a fight with the Konoha ninja.... Plot convienence bullshit.
Oh yeah, the episode. It sucked. I stopped shortly after the commercial break.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Worst filler arc ever. Everything is so lame. I even preferred the Raiga arc over this. No wait... I don't prefer either.
It boils down to this:
- Neji rules. THANK YOU FOR SAYING EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! (except I would have added more curses and killed Naruto)
- Naruto sucks.
- Naruto shouldn't be a ninja.
- Naruto... (you get the point). God I hate him.
Doesn't the filler crew have the ability to realize that it's so incredibly silly and annoying that Naruto ALWAYS acts like a retard, says "I won't forgive you" and then continues with his usual routine (clones, rasengan, everybody laughs and Naruto has taught yet another lesson to some random dumbass who is even more retarded than he is)
Oh hell why do I even bother. Just fuck this.
It also makes me somewhat irritated that they are spoiling a perfectly cute melody on nonsense likes this. "HAY GUYS HOW CAN WE MAKE THIS MORE DRAMATIC? LET'S ADD A SONG!". Well it won't work when everything else blows...
Originally Posted by Terracosmo
Yeah, I was going to ask when they started adding insert songs, b/c the current arc blows(glad I haven't been watching any of the fillers at all)
R.I.P Captain America.
Right, when they got into the whole musical story , I was thinking that it just didnt jive with the episode as a whole. I couldnt help thinking :Just get on with it!"
The idea for this arc would have been interesting but they just messed it all up. There were some "raised me out of lethargy" points, but all in all I was more like, you gotta be kidding me prolonging this freakin story.
And what's up with shinobi not being able to sense kunai's that are thrown or coming at them in this village? I also thought that the star chakra could deflect anything, like the first time naruto went up against it. It still didnt stop the villain's knives from penetrating through to stab the mom. Even in a bad filler you would still expect some kind of continuity.
I'm hoping next week's 183 is the last ep. of this filler and of the filler season. Here's hoping for something good in 184
geez... this episode sucked...
just look at the mouth of Natsuhi when she is singing, it was so badly done... even my friend do better work then that with paint... (and some other program to make .Gif)
I think that is explained by two things: Sumaru's mom was already half, if not more, dead, and secondly she was as miserable a ninja as the rest of the Star village weaklings. What comes to Naruto and Sumaru's fight, Naruto, with his usual brilliant style, attacked straight from the front, not with any surprise from a dead angle. This indicates, sensibly enough, that the star chakra needs to be used actively to deflect thrown objects.Originally Posted by ShinobiNiNaritai
And aye, it's a pity how the nice song was wasted because the rest of the arc, the plot and characters included, was nowhere dramatic or succeful enough to support such a scene. They should save the effort to make things like that for the real manga based story, if there are any chances.