thanks for the suggestions, but I think I'll spend my money however I want. plus It's going to be waiting a while before I buy it anyways. since I have to rasie the money first at twenty bucks a week

Mage, I'm not JUST going to use it for internet browsing. I want to get a new computer becuause my current laptop isn't exactly built for heavy downloading. it wasn't really built for multitasking and sure as shit wasn't built for vid editing. I'll name once again what I want to do with it:
-internet browsing(duh)
-downloading of lots of anime and programs
-watching anime and running programs
-a very good possibility I'll want to edit videos

and in general I want to have good RAM as well because I want my comp to run really fast and smoothly with no problem. plus I want future proofing, since programs are getting bigger and better all the time.